Number 1 - August 12, 1983
Inaugural Issue Introduction to News ALERT
The "Debate-gate" Stakes for Reagan and Bush
The case of the Carter debate briefing papers which were obtained by the Reagan campaign prior to the 1980 Reagan-Carter debate is a political time bomb. Some writers are already calling it "Debate-gate" for its similarity in some ways to Watergate. But if certain forces which have been set in motion bear fruit, it will be the Republicans--not the Democrats --who will reap the ultimate political windfall.
Poland After the Pope: Why Walesa Was "Fired"
The papal visit to Poland in June wrought changes much greater than are apparent on the surface--and they are not the changes for which the trip originally was designed. In the East-West battle over the Vatican which began five years ago, this summer's papal trip was supposed to breathe new life into the Solidarity labor union and create new headaches for Warsaw. Instead it ended up doing the opposite, thanks to a stunning Soviet intelligence coup within the Vatican.
Letter Corner
Copyright © 1983, Audio Books, Inc.
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Inaugural Issue Introduction to NewsALERT
Welcome to NewsALERT !
In this Inaugural Issue it seems appropriate to state for the record what NewsALERT is and hopes to accomplish. NewsALERT is a privately circulated, confidential report which analyzes current and developing events. Our approach is to alert you to key factors which are needed in order to fully understand the news.
Modern events often appear to be chaotic and mysterious, simply because these all-important linkages and motivating forces are systematically omitted from the news we normally receive. By giving these keys to you, NewsALERT seeks to make all your other news sources far more valuable and useful to you. NewsALERT builds on the foundation of the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER cassette tape report series. These remain available for their wealth of important background material.
As you read NewsALERT over a period of time, you will become increasingly familiar with the forces which, we maintain, move events. Thus equipped, we think you will discover a growing ability to understand major events which may have been hard to fathom in the past. In particular, you may well find that you can see right through some types of governmental actions and the cover stories surrounding them. In short, we think you will become harder and harder to fool. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, "You shall know the truth--and the truth shall make you free. "
This brings us to our editorial perspective, which is specifically a Christian one. NewsALERT is not published by a church or other religious organization. You do not have to be a Christian to read it; you are free to read and evaluate what we say however you wish. NewsALERT is written on the basis of our best judgment derived from sources some of whom are confidential, and therefore is presented under the journalistic category of "opinion. " But our most fundamental opinion is that NewsALERT literally doesn't have a prayer of accomplishing its purpose without drawing upon the awesome power of our Lord Jesus Christ. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but. . . against spiritual wickedness in high places. "
The "Debate-gate" Stakes for Reagan and Bush
June seems to be an ideal month for political intrigue here in Washington. Consider last-year, June 1982, when the sudden bombshell "resignation" of Gen. Alexander Haig as Secretary of State took place. That was the culmination of a bitter power struggle for control of the White House, and took place right on schedule (AL#72, 76). Or think back a few years to June 1975, when then-President Gerald Ford' suddenly acquired a malady that caused a series of spectacular falls in public. He was being pressured to vacate the White House by then-Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, according to previous public reports by Dr. Beter. Finally there were two assassination attempts against Ford the following September (also warned about publicly ahead of time by Dr. Beter), but they failed (AL#4, 5).
Sometimes the June political intrigue season is more subtle. On June 17, 1972, a bungled burglary at the Democratic campaign headquarters in the Watergate apartment complex made ho-hum news. But it began a chain of events designed to blast a President out of office two years later. It was the scandal which has entered the pages of history as "Watergate. "
On June 9, 1983, another low-key news item lit the fuse on a new political time bomb. Deep inside the Washington Post that day there was an advance report taken from a new book--"Gambling with History, Reagan in the White House" by Time magazine correspondent, Laurence Barrett. The report said that "apparently a Reagan mole in the Carter camp had filched papers" used to brief President Carter prior to the Carter-Reagan debate of Oct. 28, 1980. Thus began the steadily expanding political story which is being referred to increasingly as "Debate-gate. "
The following week an obscure House subcommittee began what has grown into a bigger and bigger investigation. The chairman of the human resources subcommittee of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee, Rep. Donald J. Albosta (D-Mich), asked for explanations from three top officials about the Carter papers. His inquiries went to White House chief of staff James A. Baker III, budget director David A. Stockman, and communications director David R. Gergen. Albosta said that any theft in the case could be a violation of criminal law.
[ Error in scanning ] time when the news was filled with other big headlines. The papal visit to Poland had just begun on June 16, and Space Shuttle #7 was preparing for launch on June 18 with heavy publicity to America's first woman astronaut, Sally Ride. The public impact of the Carter briefing papers affair remained minor. But at the White House, concern in certain quarters was building.
As the papal trip to Poland ended and the Space Shuttle prepared to land, there began to be more room in the news for other stories. At that point Vice President George Bush made himself scarce by means of a two-week, 8-nation trip abroad.
On June 24 Bush began his foreign tour in London, England, posing for pictures with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street. Meanwhile back in Washington there were starting to be fireworks over the briefing papers story. That day Baker pointed an accusing finger at CIA director William Casey as the source of the Carter briefing book. Casey said he had "no recollection" of the document. Reagan tried to head off reporters at the pass by calling the whole affair "much ado about nothing. "
For the next two weeks the briefing papers story grew and developed rapidly, with major new disclosures almost every day. Reporters compared the debate transcript to the Carter briefing book and discovered that in some cases, Reagan gave rebuttals to Carter statements even before Carter made them. The Justice Department began an investigation and Carter papers found in the files of Reagan campaign aides were turned over.
The White House released what turned out to be hundreds of pages of Carter documents, and Reagan joked and chuckled through reporters' questions about them in a news conference. Next it was disclosed that Stockman had spoken of a "pilfered copy" of the Carter briefing book on the very day of the debate at an Optimist Club luncheon in Casopolis, Mich.
By the end of the first week of the Bush trip abroad the FBI was being brought into the case. At the same time, as July began the story began to take on new dimensions. Casey, now head of the CIA, had operated an "intelligence operation" in 1980 to guard against a possible "October Surprise" by Carter involving the Iran hostages. On top of that there were reports
that Reagan's first national security advisor, Richard Allen, had received portions of staff reports from inside the National Security Council during the campaign. Allen confirmed that this was true, though minimizing the sensitivity of what he had received.
Before the Bush trip abroad ended, the rush of revelations achieved their immediate purpose: the White House gave up on its own investigation, leaving it in the hands of the FBI and the House subcommittee headed by Rep. Albosta.
On July 7, Bush wound up his two-week trip overseas with some remarks in Reykjavik, Iceland. He was the picture of innocence as he spoke of the Carter papers affair, quoted in the Washington Post in words such as "I don't understand it" and saying he had been "out of it totally, thank heavens, literally not knowing about it. " But he emphasized that there ought to be an exhaustive investigation to "get to the bottom of it, clear the mess up and get it out. " He made the same point over and over again in several different ways, all from the lofty perch of an apparent Mr. Clean.
Bush is getting his wish. The almost frantic pace of events which transpired during his 2-week absence calmed down after he returned, but the seeming lull right now is deceptive. The House investigation, which is the key, is gearing up for a much larger effort than that which has been mounted up to now. By the end of July the Albosta subcommittee had pried loose from the White House an arrangement providing direct access to the Reagan campaign files at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. The investigative staff is being expanded. Former Watergate investigator James Hamilton has been hired as special counsel. Scores of persons are to be questioned. It is no wonder that the label "Debate-gate" is being widely used now.
The label is partly right: the stakes in Debate-gate are just as high as they were in Watergate. They involve control of the White House and of the U. S. Government. And many of the techniques and tricks which were so successful in Watergate are being applied again now: An innocuous, slow start followed by gradual escalation. Orchestration by way of the news media. And most importantly, the exploitation of divisions within the White House staff.
As Dr. Beter detailed over the course of many AUDIO LETTER tape reports, those divisions reflect two opposing power factions struggling for control over the U. S. Government. The Rockefeller Cartel is striving to re-take control from the now-entrenched Bolsheviks here, who started seizing power with the 1979 murder of Nelson Rockefeller (AL#42).
In the Debate-gate flap which is still in its early stages, the battle lines are actually being drawn between "Bush" and "Reagan" factions in the government. In particular there is now a head-to-head confrontation between White House chief of staff Baker and CIA director Casey. Their statements about the Carter documents are directly contradictory, which sets the stage for one head or the other to roll. In the early going, Baker (Bush faction) took a lot of heat while Casey hid behind his "no recollection" story. But that may well have the effect of lancing the boil for Baker: after a little discomfort the pressure will be off. That will leave Casey on the spot.
Casey, not Reagan himself, is the immediate target of the Debate-gate controversy. That is what makes Debate-gate different from Watergate. The Rockefeller Cartel is trying to reassert itself by way of the Bush faction, and must remove Casey from the scene in order to do so.
If Casey can be ousted, it will open the door for restored Rockefeller Cartel power over the CIA. Bush, a former CIA director himself, ought to know just how crucial this is.
If Debate-gate succeeds, it will increase the leverage of the Rockefeller Cartel in its struggle to regain control over the U. S. Government. That could set the stage for a disguised coup d'etat like the one which was thwarted last year by the ouster of Haig just two days before the deadline (AL#76). With greater leverage this time, the coup might well succeed.
Consider a curious political fact: Republican Bush eagerly favors the Debate-gate investigation of his own Administration, whereas House Speaker Tip O'Neill opposes it as a political liability for his Democrats. Strange ! But now consider the true stakes: like Lyndon Johnson in 1963, George Bush stands to be catapulted suddenly into the position of political heir. . . and unbeatable in the 1984 presidential election.
Poland After the Pope: Why Walesa Was "Fired"
The last day of this month, August 31, 1983, will be a day of important symbolism in Poland. It will be the third anniversary of the birth of the Solidarity labor union in strikes at the Gdansk shipyard. The man who led those strikes, Lech Walesa, has been the symbol of the supposedly "independent" labor movement in Poland ever since. But as the anniversary nears Walesa has become a symbol, not of Solidarity's accomplishments and power, but of its failure.
This drastic reduction in Walesa's status is the result of a stunning turn of events in late June. At the end of the papal visit to Poland, Walesa was dealt out of the game by the man known to the world as Pope John Paul II.
To explain what happened and why, it is necessary first to call to mind some important background. For the past half-decade the Vatican has been a battleground in the struggle between East and West. Five years ago this month Dr. Beter reported (AL#37) that the election of Pope John Paul I which had just taken place was a prelude to drastic changes in which the Roman Catholic Church was to be turned actively anti-Russian in its policies. Barely a month later the new Pope John Paul I allegedly died suddenly, shocking the world. He was replaced by Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian pope in 455 years, from Poland. . . known for "standing up" to Russia.
The new pope owed his election to maneuvering by Bolshevik agents who had penetrated the Vatican. Their goals are the direct opposite of everything Christian, and they wanted only the image of John Paul II--not the man himself, many of whose / ideals would have stood in their way. In late November 1978 Pope John Paul II went the way of Pope John Paul I before him, but was replaced by a Bolshevik double "actor pope" (AL#41).
The Bolsheviks, who used to control Russia but have been overthrown recently (AL#38), want to use revolution and war to regain their former power. In January 1979 Dr. Beter revealed their plan to set off revolution in Poland the following May by using their actor pope (AL#42). The pope was to visit Poland on the highly emotional occasion of the 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Stanislas, and while there become the focus of a violent incident to set off a revolt. The plan was to fan this into an anti-Russian revolution that would engulf all of eastern Europe. . . the "Pope's Revolution. "
The Kremlin managed to thwart the plan almost at the last minute by fighting fire with fire: the Bolshevik actor pope was replaced by a Russian double and the timing of the visit was altered to reduce the risk. The Russian "pope" lowered the pitch of anti-Soviet rhetoric from the Vatican and turned attention instead toward rapprochement between the Roman and Eastern Orthodox churches.
The Bolsheviks found a different way to stir up trouble in Poland, by creating the "independent" labor union which was given that favorite old Bolshevik name, "Solidarity. " As Dr. Beter reported (AL#59), Solidarity was not meant to serve the workers of Poland at all, but to use them. Sure enough, Solidarity never once paused to allow its members to savor the fruits of a major gain, but moved constantly from confrontation to confrontation. It ended in martial law, hours after Walesa & Co. announced that they would hold a nationwide referendum to decide, in effect, whether the government would be allowed to continue to exist.
Meanwhile the Bolsheviks were determined to penetrate the Vatican again for the same purposes as before. On May 13, 1981,,the Russian actor posing as Pope John Paul II was shot in St. "Peter's Square by a Turkish hired killer, Mehmet Ali Agca (AL#65). As happened in the shooting of President Reagan six weeks earlier, the "pope" was seriously injured but lived. Even so, the result in both cases was a period of weakness which allowed Bolshevik gains to take place. By the end of 1981, Dr. Beter reported that the Bolsheviks were again in control of the Vatican (AL#70).
In Interim News Alert #3 last May (sent complimentarily to former AUDIO LETTER tape subscribers) we reported that a new "Pope's Revolution" scheme was in progress. We also reported that the Kremlin was sending strong warnings to the Bolsheviks now headquartered here in the U. S. not to do it. Potential retaliation by way of geophysical warfare was illustrated by an artificial earthquake with the telltale strength of Richter 6. 5 (AL#28) at previously earthquake-free Coalinga, California. Tnis-leaves tne giant San Andreas fault in a precarious condition, locked from moving mainly in the Los Angeles.and San Francisco areas. Midway between them, hapless Coalinga has become an indicator of seismic instability, suffering with constant aftershocks --some of them severe.
Another type of geophysical warfare --weather control--was also ready for Soviet use, as discussed in Interim News Alert #1 last March. During the month leading up to the papal trip to.Poland it was put to use. In mid-May there were massive late-spring blizzards from Utah, across the Rockies, to the northern Great Plains. Then the weather quickly switched to a heat wave, beginning in Utah. By the end of May there were floods and mudslides. Over the Memorial Day weekend, State Street in Salt Lake City was lined with sandbags and turned into an emergency river to carry away unprecedented runoff from melting mountain snowpacks. It was a warning of what could he done on a vast scale across the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. But" California's weather stayed mild.
As the time of the papal trip to Poland approached, the Utah flooding disasters subsided. . . but the buildup of tensions in Poland did not. So another heat wave began, this time in the Rocky Mountain areas feeding the Colorado River. The critical time in the Pope's Revolution plot was the mid-point of the papal vis it--and at that point unprecedented problems erupted along the lower Colorado River. Runoff had accelerated From 117% of normal on June 1 to 193% or normal by June 20. Huge darns--Hoover, Parker, Davis--were opened wider and wider, yet continued to fill to overflowing. Bureau of Reclamation officials in charge of the dams had been caught off guard by the sudden, manmade onslaught: there was no way to manage what amounted to an inland tidal wave without massive flooding. It became a controled disaster, " this time affecting a small corner California. Another warning.
In the aftermath of this weatherwar attack giant Hoover Dam experienced uncontrolled spillage over the top for the first time since its completion in 1935. But long before then, the real action in this East-West struggle had shifted back to Poland itself.
When the new Bolshevik counterfeit "pope" arrived in Poland on June 16, he promptly began speaking in subtly deceptive, counterfeit Christian terms designed to foster dissension and 'trouble. For example, as he left St. John's Cathedral in Warsaw that evening he said: "This is God's logic: Let them be more merciful to me so that I can be more merciful to them. " It would be hard to conceive of a more complete reversal of the Lord Jesus Christ's Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. " But believing this man to be the same one they long knew as Cardinal Wojtyla, few among the millions of Poles who saw him could be expected to analyze such statements. This opportunity for powerful spiritual deception for political purposes is what made the Pope's Revolution plan so dangerous.
The critical period in the papal visit in the original revolutionary plans was roughly the mid-point, as mentioned earlier. The ostensible reason for the trip was to celebrate the 600th anniversary of Poland's most revered icon, the Black Madonna in Czestochowa. Toward the end of his visit there, the "pope" was to have met with Lech Walesa in a way designed to enormously strengthen Walesa's hand. To reinforce this, the papal speechwriters had sprinkled his scripts with the word "solidarity, " culminating in explicit references to the Solidarity union itself late in the 8-day visit to Poland.
All this was changed by a successful Soviet KGB operation which began just after the Bolshevik "pope" left for Poland on June 16. The Russians had used the Coalinga earthquake and weatherwar to convince the Bolsheviks here that retaliation of that type was the main Soviet response to the Poland revolution plan. Then, after waiting to the last possible moment, the new Kremlin rulers struck at the Vatican itself. Russian doubles replaced several key Bolshevik agents in the Curia.
In Poland, Walesa had his bags packed for the expected trip to meet with the pope in Czestochowa, but received word that he was to wait. The pope went to Czestochowa. Walesa still waited. Finally a Vatican spokesman announced a change: he would not meet with the pope there after all, but later on.
As he spoke in city after city, the counterfeit pope went on reading the original scripts with their Solidarity buildup and strongly political exhortations. But on June 22 there was a surprise. At the request of the Vatican (now with Russian control in certain key positions) there was an unexpected second papal meeting with Poland's military ruler, Gen. Jaruselski. The Bolshevik actor did as instructed by the Vatican and posed for pictures of cordial handshakes with Jaruselski. Walesa, meanwhile, was still cooling his heels.
Finally the next day, at the very end of the papal visit, the long-awaited meeting with Walesa took place. The new Russian agents in the Vatican arranged for it to be held at a rest home in the foothills of the Tatra Mountains of southern Poland. Security was extraordinary. All of the regular staff of the rest home were shooed away. Reporters were kept well away, able to see little more than the arrival and departure of the convoy of three white papal helicopters.
When,the, Bolshevik counterfeit pope entered the rest home he was promptly taken into custody by KGB agents. Then a new Russian double wearing identical white papal robes smiled gently, steepled his fingers and moved off into a different area of the rest home to speak with Walesa. "Walesa was informed that the Church had decided it was time for a new approach in Poland... and that Walesa's services would no longer be needed. Walesa then left with his government escort and was flown back to his home town of Gdansk. The new Russian "pope" helicoptered to Krakow airport and boarded a Soviet-built Polish airliner for the flight to Rome.
As of this writing the Bolshevik machinations over Poland
have Been thorouglhy smashed, for the time being. The most
important attempt so far to undo the Russian"victory in the papal trip took place on June 24, the day after the new pope "returned" to Rome. A front-page editorial was published in the semi-official Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, saying that Walesa had "lost his battle." It was an attempt to reveal what had happened in the most embarrassing way pos-j sible and thereby to change it.
But the writer, deputy editor Virgilio Levi, was promptly sacked, and the story amounted to little more than a temporary embarrassment now fading away. Walesa, for his part, has said he "will not quit. " In early July, less than three months after being given back his old job at the Gdansk shipyard, Walesa decided he just had to have an unauthorized vacation. It was a transparent attempt to stir up an official reaction which could be used to rally others around his old cause. But the shipyard officials refused to rise to the bait: instead of cracking down, they offered to extend his vacation longer when he returned.
A week after the papal visit to Poland ended, top Polish bishops were summoned to Rome. The Catholic Church is bing turned in a different direction now in Poland. Instead of constant confrontation via Solidarity, there is now in the works a Church-coordinated agricultural foundation in Poland. Its purpose will be to funnel funds for seeds, farm equipment and supplies needed to put Poland's farms back on their feet. As a former supplier of much of Europe's food, Poland has great potential which may blossom again under this program if it is not twisted somehow. Significantly, the groundwork for the program was done a year ago by the Rockefeller Foundation, whose sponsors are violently opposed to the Bolsheviks.
Before the papal visit to Poland there were many stories in the western press suggesting that General Jaruselski was on thin ice in his approach to the event. But he actually pleased the new Kremlin rulers very much. On July 6 he was awarded Russia's highest prize, the Order of Lenin, for his role in the prevention of the Pope's Revolution.
Letter Corner
NewsALERT exists to serve you, our readers. We believe that should include listening to you as well as reporting to you. If you wish to write to us about something to do with the news--an observation, a question, a clipping about something we may have missed--by all means please do so. We cannot acknowledge or return letters, but they will be read. Please keep it brief and legible. Occasionally we may publish a letter that appears to be of general interest; we'11 use your initials only.
Next scheduled issue: August 26, 1983
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Peter Beter News Alert 1 - August 12, 1983 - The "Debate-gate" Stakes for Reagan and Bush & Poland After the Pope: Why Walesa Was "Fired" |






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