November 21, 1977
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: A House DividedAgainst Itself Over Salt
2: The Exchange Of Soviet AndAmerican Threats
3: The Sadat Trip To Israel AndNuclear War One
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Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 21,
1977, and this is my Audioletter No. 28.
In the closing moments of Audioletter No. 22 for March 1977, I
warned you that: "The elaborate war plan which I revealed in
monthly Audioletter No. 6 for November 1975 is being revised and
updated for application in the present circumstances. Certain of
my sources have expressed great concern to me recently that a
provocation for war in the Middle East is now being established
that will be unlike anything we have ever seen before." And then
I added: "To achieve that purpose, plans are being seriously
considered which, if carried out, could instantly throw all three
major religions of the western world into turmoil in the course
of igniting a Middle East conflict. My hope is that by warning
you of the existence of such plans, I am making them too
dangerous for the conspirators to carry out; but in case they are
carried out, I hope that you will now be able to recognize it
immediately when it happens." (End of quotation from Audioletter
No. 22)
As I speak these words today, eight months later, the eyes of
the world are suddenly focused on the Middle East as never
before. The stalemate of Middle East peace negotiations has, in
a week's time, been shattered in a spectacular way, and something
unheard of is unfolding before our very eyes. After 29 years of
hostility and wars, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt left Jerusalem
today where he talked of peace face to face with Israeli leaders
and to address the Israeli parliament. All other diplomatic
efforts to bring peace in that region have been thrown aside by
Sadat's unexpected mission to Israel. But already Sadat finds
himself almost totally isolated in the Arab world, supported only
by Tunisia and Morocco.
All of this, my friends, is only the beginning. The plan to
plunge the Middle East into war as the first step toward Nuclear
War One, has now been set in motion; and Sadat's trip is intended
to be nothing more than a major step towards fulfillment of this
It is now almost two months since America's disastrous defeat
in the still secret Battle of the Harvest Moon--history's first
Space Battle, on September 27, 1977. Since that time, our rulers
have been trying for the very first time in their lives to deal
with a situation in which they no longer have a hidden whip with
which to make the Soviet Union cooperate with them. But they are
not doing the one thing which would have at least a chance at
preventing nuclear war, and that is total official world-wide
exposure of the present Soviet war threat as it affects not only
the United States but also many other countries. Instead, they
are falling back on the techniques of maneuver, deception, and
doublecross. Now that they have lost control of the Soviet
Union, the Rockefeller brothers are discovering that their
survival is tied to our national survival after all; but instead
of letting us in on what we now face, their controlled CIA and
other agents are trying to find some way to maneuver out of the
Russian bear trap--stalling for time while still keeping us in
the dark.
My three topics for today are: Topic #1--A HOUSE DIVIDED
Topic #1--In 1961 two major programs were started in parallel by
the controlled government of the United States. One was
America's crash program to go to the moon, announced by President
Kennedy in May of that year; the other was the program to disarm
America in stages, signaled by the creation of the "Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency" in September of that same year--1961.
Neither the moon project nor the disarmament program was what it
seemed on the surface; and while they were made to seem
unrelated, they were actually two arms of a single military
strategy for dictatorship over the United States and finally over
the world. It is this diabolical strategy that has finally
jumped the tracks, leaving not only the United States but also
our hidden rulers in a desperate situation.
The strategy which began to be implemented in 1961 was a very
complex one, but its underlying concept is as simple as it is
astonishing. Basically our rulers were in effect going
underground with all of the most important new military
developments while gradually stripping us of our existing
better-known military capabilities. In the process, our
Constitutional military services--that is, those which are
required by law to serve you and me--have been gradually
downgraded, weakened, and demoralized. But behind the scenes,
unhampered by legal or moral constraints, ever more advanced
weapons have been created for the exclusive benefit of our secret
rulers without any hint of their existence to the public or to
Congress. Thus, as I first revealed ten months ago in
Audioletter No. 20, the controlled CIA has secretly become the
most powerful military agency in the United States in total
violation of its charter and the United States Constitution.
The centerpiece of this 16-year-old program of developing
totally secret weapons, was our Moon Program. In Audioletter No.
26 two months ago I told you the full story about our Moon
project, which from the start had a military purpose and which
ended in disaster just two months ago on September 27, 1977. But
there were many other aspects to this program as well. For
example, in recent years the American public have become
accustomed to publicly-acknowledged weapons programs costing vast
sums that seem out of all proportion to what the weapons are
worth. These cost overruns, my friends, are due not only to
mismanagement and waste; they are also a means of financing
secret projects by burying their costs in the bloated budgets of
publicly-known programs. As for the weapons themselves that we
are publicly told about today, it's almost as if innovation and
progress had suddenly stopped in 1961 aside from marginal
improvements here and there. When we hear about nuclear
ballistic missile submarines, for example, how many people stop
to think how long it has been since they made their appearance?
The first atomic submarine, the USS NAUTILUS, was launched nearly
a quarter century ago, in 1954, and was a spectacular advance
over the diesel and battery-powered boats of World War II. Only
5 years later, but now nearly 20 years ago, came the next
spectacular advance--the ballistic missile submarine, beginning
with the GEORGE WASHINGTON in 1959. At about the same time, the
public was given a hint of 'things to come' when films were made
public showing the periscope of a research submarine outrunning a
speeding Coast Guard Cutter with ease. But starting in 1961,
public attention to the possibilities of major future advances
began to be avoided. In the same way, the 16 years from 1945 to
1961, saw a spectacular steady advancement in military aircraft
capabilities. In 1945 our first-line fighters and bombers were
propeller-driven, jets were still largely experimental, and most
people took it for granted that there was a sound barrier that
could not be cracked; but a mere 10 years later, jet bombers and
fighters ruled the air and supersonic travel was a reality. In
1956, the F-104 was introduced with a top speed of 2-1/2 times
the speed of sound, roughly the same as the newest American
fighters today. We hear all about the wonderful Cruise Missile,
but we are not supposed to remember another kind of cruise
missile of a decade ago, canceled by then Secretary of Defense,
Robert McNamara. Called PLUTO, it was to be nuclear-powered,
able to circle the earth several times over, and strike an enemy
from any direction at extremely low altitudes and supersonic
speeds. And while we content ourselves with fatiguing
20-year-old slow B-52s, we're not supposed to remember that in
the early 60's the B-70 was already flying at three times the
speed of sound.
By now most Americans have all but forgotten about these
fast-moving developments of yesteryear. Many of these lie far
beyond any technology which is publicly admitted to be in use
today, and they provide a dim hint of the secret weapons
developments that have actually taken place without our
consent--and not for our good. Only the most spectacular, huge
program of them all, the Moon Program, was made public simply
because there was no other way to do it. As I explained in
Audioletter No. 26, secrecy was maintained by not letting us in
on the purpose of the Moon Program, bathing the program otherwise
in great publicity. Originally the plan was for the United
States to be decimated in Nuclear War One as part of a larger
plot for world control; but now, the secret American Moon Base in
Copernicus Crater has been put out of action--the Russians are
now on the moon, furiously at work. The Soviet Union is the
exclusive possessor of the awesome new Particle Beam Weapon,
which is being used to blow our Spy Satellites out of the sky;
and all but two of the secret CIA undersea super-missiles which
were planted by Glomar Explorer and other means, have sprung
leaks and become useless. For the very first time the Soviet
Union is in the driver's seat militarily, and America's secret
rulers are in disarray over what to do.
Last month I exposed the events leading to the Carter
administration's surrender to the Soviet Union on October 14,
1977, in the face of a deadly Soviet submarine threat against our
country. The terms of the surrender require quick acceptance by
us of a SALT II agreement which will begin the final, total
disarming of America; but once we are disarmed, the intention of
the Kremlin's leaders is to ultimately strike the United States
in a devastating military blow anyway. The more fully we can be
disarmed beforehand, the less suffering will have to be endured
by Russia as the price of destroying America for all time.
To grasp the Soviet thinking about all of this, one must begin
by understanding one key but little known fact--the Kremlin is no
longer ruled today by the Bolshevik Communists whose November
1917 Revolution was celebrated this month. The Soviet inner
circle today are Communists but of a very different breed from
Lenin and his Bolsheviks. They were atheistic Communists,
whereas the ruling group today would be better described as
self-styled Spiritual Communists; and while the Bolsheviks drew
upon international support and were dominated by international
interests, the Kremlin rulers of today are strongly
nationalistic. They are determined that Soviet Russia, not just
international Communism for its own sake, shall rule the world.
When Alexander Solzhenitsyn left the Soviet Union in exile, he
first had to sign a document in which he indicated that he still
believed in Communism, meaning Spiritual Communism, in which the
Communist government would be under the control of the church.
When he sent this letter to the Kremlin, it was accepted and he
was allowed to go. Solzhenitsyn today champions the reformation
of the Soviet-Marxist government, but this reformation is not
intended to break down the present Soviet power structure.
Indeed, Solzhenitsyn has said while predicting the imminent fall
of the West, that he expects to be back in Russia within just a
few years' time.
The take-over of the new ruling faction from the Bolsheviks
began with the death of Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953. This
faction of Marxists, working within Russia had allied themselves
with the Bolsheviks in 1917, thereby guaranteeing the success of
the Bolshevik Revolution. But even though the Bolsheviks and the
self-styled Spiritual Communists agreed on the concept of
Communism as the proper form of government, the Spiritual
Communists retained their separate identity and worked toward the
day when they would be able to seize total control for
themselves. That day arrived when Stalin died--March 5, 1953.
The following day Georgi Malenkov, the brother-in-law of Nikita
Khrushchev, became Soviet Premier. When he was succeeded two
years later on February 8, 1955, by Nikolai Bulganin, the
transition was peaceful, without bloodshed. A year later,
Khrushchev as First Secretary of the Communist Party, launched
his famous campaign to de-Stalinize Russia. Khrushchev himself
had been an accessory to brutal purges on behalf of the Stalinist
state, but when he replaced Bulganin as Premier on March 27,
1958, the transition once again was peaceful. Bulganin had
resigned. On October 15, 1964, Leonid Brezhnev replaced
Khrushchev as First Secretary of the Communist Party, and Aleksei
Kosygin became Premier. Khrushchev was in deep trouble because
of his failure in the Cuban Missile Crisis and some other sharp
reversals of his policies. But even Khrushchev was not
liquidated in the old Bolshevik tradition of bloody power
struggles. Instead, he was simply pushed aside and allowed to
live in quiet retirement, writing his memoirs and receiving his
pension. Power struggles in the Kremlin for the past quarter
century have been devoid of the bloody infighting that was
typical of the Bolsheviks. The new breed in the Kremlin today
can be as brutal as anyone with their enemies or with those who
rise up against their rule, as proven in Hungary in 1956 and in
Czechoslovakia in 1968; but among themselves there is a degree of
tight-knit mutual respect that would have been inconceivable in
the old Bolshevik days. They are united in their religion of
Spiritual Communism, and in their hatred for the international
forces with whom they have been forced to cooperate for so long.
My friends, the international forces which are controlled
today by the four Rockefeller brothers is motivated primarily by
greed and lust for power, but the self-styled Spiritual
Communists who control the Kremlin today look upon their goal of
Communizing the world from an added perspective. While they
strive for power and total control, they are motivated by the
zeal of saving their own souls. Like the Christian Crusaders of
centuries ago, who sought to evangelize the world at the point of
a sword, the Kremlin of today intends to impose its system on all
of us with the dedication, steadfastness, and determination of
the true believer. In their view, any amount of suffering and
brutality is justified so long as it leads toward the final goal
of World Spiritual Communism under Soviet domination. This
change in the make-up of the Kremlin has never been fully
understood or appreciated by those who dominate our government
behind the scenes. And confronted as they are by the unified
determined stance of the Kremlin, they are responding with
indecision, divisions within their own ranks, and desperate
maneuverings. The real divisions that now exist within the
ruling circles of this country are being compounded by some of
these maneuvers which are intended to stall for time without
arousing Soviet suspicions. As a result, as the United States
faces the worst threat in its history, we see in our own country
a house divided against itself, some saying SALT II is wonderful,
others saying it is dangerous, still others daring to tell the
public a few words about the agreement that will seal our fate,
yet others declaring in total ignorance that SALT II is a good
thing and that its critics should be investigated. Some of the
controversy is real, some manipulated, but most of the spokesmen
on the political scene, regardless of their SALT viewpoint, are
tied to the one Rockefeller international party that rules not
only North America but Europe and Japan as well--the TRILATERAL
COMMISSION, headed by one David Rockefeller.
Last month I described the growing euphoria over the certainty
of a SALT II agreement, but even as I recorded that tape, the
multi-prong controversy over SALT II was increasing. On November
1st, news reports suddenly said snags had cropped up in the SALT
II talks. A former arms control negotiator was quoted as saying,
"I believe we are locked into inferiority and I don't know how to
get out of it." The next day, November 2, Leonid Brezhnev
proposed in a speech that all nuclear explosions be banned,
including peaceful and underwater explosions. His mention of
underwater explosions was actually a veiled threat, urging the
Carter administration to 'get on with it' in selling the SALT II
surrender to Congress and the American public. Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance immediately hailed Brezhnev's statement as a
great thing, adding: "There has been improvement in the
relationship between ourselves and the Soviet Union in the last
several weeks." Two days later on November 4, Vance was totally
unprepared to back up his answers about SALT details in a
closed-door Senate hearing. The reason is that the
administration is preparing to go around Congress to conclude a
SALT II agreement with Moscow by EXECUTIVE ORDER. The SALT II
contract will actually contain United States capitulation terms;
meanwhile Congress is being used as much as possible to raise a
smoke screen of controversy to provide an excuse to buy time.
Three days later, on November 7, a fresh campaign began to
reassure the Kremlin that the agreement of October 14 to accept
the disarming of America by SALT II is still on track. Political
attacks were unleashed against SALT critics for allegedly leaking
information to the public that might jeopardize SALT II.
Meanwhile the 60th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution was
being celebrated in Moscow with the biggest military parade
through Red Square ever. And while Soviet President Brezhnev
talked detente, his Defense Minister delivered a speech so
belligerent that it left many western observers shaken and
To continue soothing the Russian Bear, Jimmy Carter said on
November 11, "My prediction is we will have a SALT agreement.
There will be a SALT II. We will immediately continue with a
SALT III." In this he was parroting the Kremlin line, echoing
Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin who predicted that same day that there
will be a SALT agreement before the end of the year. But the
divided house of America's government continued to careen along,
out of control. Only two days after these reassuring public
words to the Kremlin by Carter, officials of his own
administration said that it would probably be another three to
six months before SALT II became a reality. The same day, Senate
Minority Leader Howard Baker told the press that SALT II "is in
trouble now."
Soviet exasperation has been building rapidly at the on-again,
off-again political game-playing over SALT II. Only last month
the Soviet Union backed off from a nuclear strike against the
United States in response to a capitulation by the Carter
administration on October 14. The Russians can recognize
stalling when they see it, and they wasted no time in flexing
their own military muscle this month to make the Carter
administration knuckle under again.
Topic #2--In Audioletter No. 24 for May 1977, six months ago, I
revealed the beginning of a Soviet program of preparing for
geophysical warfare with huge nuclear bombs planted at strategic
locations under the sea to produce artificial earthquakes and
tidal waves. In Audioletter No. 25 for August I also gave the
coordinates of 10 new bombs, cobalt bombs, that had been planted
in addition to the 7 super-bombs lurking around the Philippine
Islands. Since that time, dozens of additional undersea bombs
have been planted worldwide and several have been set off.
The strength of the quake that is triggered by setting off
such a bomb can vary somewhat, depending on the stresses that
already exist in the earth's crust at that location and other
factors. But in many cases the shock strength turns out to be
about 6.5 on the Richter Scale, strong enough to do major damage
if it were on land. As a result, there have been a considerable
number of undersea quakes of strength around 6.5 reported lately,
yet the news media never comment on how strange it is that so
many quakes are happening with virtually the same strength. The
most remarkable case of media silence about the similar strength
of so many quakes, took place on September 4, 1977, 2-1/2 months
ago. On that day the Soviet Union set off four of their undersea
bombs in the Pacific--one at the north end of the New Hebrides
trench northeast of Australia, and three in the Aleutian trench
thousands of miles to the north. The three main quakes that were
produced in the Aleutians had Richter Scale readings of 6.5, 6.6,
and 6.5 respectively. The one in the New Hebrides was slightly
stronger with a reading of 6.8. These facts were reported in the
news, but no one ventured a word about the similar strength of
all these major quakes.
On November 2 Leonid Brezhnev mentioned in a speech his hope
that all nuclear explosions, including underwater explosions,
could be terminated. But the political stalling tactics against
SALT II were just getting underway, and two days later the
Kremlin set off another undersea bomb in the Aleutians to remind
the Carter administration of what they can do. The result was an
undersea quake near the Island of Adak and, as usual, the
reported strength of the shock was 6.5 on the Richter Scale. Two
days later, impatient with Carter administration performance in
pushing through acceptance of the SALT II proposals to disarm
America, the Kremlin raised the stakes.
Shortly after midnight Sunday November 6, 1977, Jimmy Carter's
home state of Georgia became the target for another demonstration
of what the Kremlin plans for those who stand in their way. A
button was pushed, and a small nuclear mine that had been planted
just upstream of the Toccoa Falls Dam in northern Georgia was
detonated. Torrential rains in the area were just ending, but as
usual the dam showed no sign that anything was wrong. A year
earlier the same dam had experienced such heavy rainfall that
water spilled over the top. This had caused the creek in the
valley 200 feet below to overflow its banks, but the dam itself
had suffered no damage. For forty years the Toccoa Dam had
served its purpose without incident, and a visual inspection just
three days earlier had revealed nothing wrong; but when the
Soviet mine was set off, the dam collapsed instantly. The blast
from the mine momentarily parted the waters of Kelly Barnes Lake,
throwing a wave of water downstream with the dam and momentarily
backing up the water upstream of the mine. Then the bulk of the
lake rushed out through the huge breach in the dam, hurtled over
200-foot-high Toccoa Falls, and rushed into the valley below. A
double wave of water swept through the Bible College campus
below--a smaller initial wave, followed by the main body of
water. A three-mile long swath was devastated and 38 people
died, half of them children.
The Toccoa Dam disaster came in the wake of deepening worry
over the continued Soviet Particle Beam attacks on our spy
satellites. Within hours Jimmy Carter postponed his planned trip
abroad telling us that the reason was to push Congress toward
adoption of his so-called Energy Bill. Three days after the
Toccoa disaster on November 9, U.S. Ambassador Malcolm Toon met
at his request with Soviet President Brezhnev in the Kremlin for
over an hour, delivering an urgent letter from Carter. No
details were released about the letter, but Carter was making two
basic requests: (1) That the Soviet Union cease and desist from
destroying American surveillance satellites, and (2) that
Brezhnev and Carter meet at the earliest possible moment. But
Brezhnev gave Carter no encouragement about a meeting until after
a SALT II accord is reached, and he drummed away at the urgency
of finalizing the agreement dictated by the Kremlin. In other
words, the Soviets do not intend to tolerate stalling by the
Carter administration. The same day, November 9, 1977, events
were set in motion that are intended to unleash a Middle East
War--and in its wake NUCLEAR WAR ONE. I'll tell you more about
that in Topic #3.
On November 12, Soviet pressure on the Carter administration
was raised a notch higher. In Iri, South Korea, a railroad yard
was suddenly laid waste by a tremendous explosion. Scores were
killed outright, over a thousand people were injured, nearly
10,000 homes and buildings were destroyed, and over 14,000 people
were suddenly homeless. That blast was heard over 10 miles away.
Soviet agents had planned for a railroad car full of dynamite to
be in the blast area to provide a cover story for public
consumption. But South Korean analysts who arrived on the scene
knew right away that this was no ordinary dynamite blast. An
explosive sitting on the surface, like the carload of dynamite,
produces an extremely wide, shallow crater; but in the Iri
disaster not one but two distinct craters were produced with an
area of overlap between them. Furthermore, each crater was
extremely deep compared to its width--one of them 49 feet deep,
the other 65 feet deep; and although 30 tons of dynamite produces
a very violent blast indeed, each crater corresponds to an
explosive force perhaps 100 times that powerful. According to
high intelligence sources, Soviet agents are known to have buried
two (2) clean nuclear mines in the area where the blast occurred.
They were placed side by side about 100 feet apart--to do maximum
damage to the network of railroad tracks. Each had a yield of
several kilotons, a fraction of the yield of the Hiroshima bomb;
and on November 12, 1977, they were detonated simultaneously. It
was a disaster for South Korea--and another shocking warning to
the Carter administration that the Soviet Union is not to be
trifled with. And when Brezhnev speaks of the urgency of
finalizing the SALT II agreement, he means we are on a short fuse
and that he will not be patient for very long. The Carter
administration is being backed into a corner so rapidly by the
Kremlin that an abortive decision was made earlier this month to
pull out all the stops for a pre-emptive war against the Soviet
Union. This idea was to let the chips fall where they may while
we do still have some military might left; but as of two days
ago, November 19, the Soviet Union has already squelched this
plan, and the war now brewing is back on track to be, as Gromyko
said to Carter on September 27, 1977, 'on Soviet terms.'
The letter from Carter delivered to Brezhnev on November 9
received no immediate reply. Instead, the blast in South Korea
signaled that the Kremlin was growing still more impatient for
the SALT II approval process to get off dead center, and more of
our satellites have been blasted this month by Soviet Cosmos
Interceptors wielding Particle Beams. By November 18, three days
ago, there still had been no direct answer, and on that day the
"Voice of America" was used to hurl a thinly-veiled threat at
Moscow. Every nation uses its national radio as a tool of
propaganda and electronic diplomacy, the United States included.
Every message that is broadcast by the Voice of America is
heavily censored, edited, analyzed and picked apart to make sure
that every word says what the United States government wants
said. Bearing in mind that our satellite warning systems are now
being destroyed by Soviet Killer Satellites, listen carefully to
these words from the Voice of America broadcast of November 18,
1977, and I quote: "The White House has warned that the
deployment of these so-called Killer Satellites could increase
the chances of a first strike in space", and "the obviously
destabilizing danger of satellite warfare is that with its
observation satellites put out of commission, a nation would lose
a major portion of its warning system and might then consider
pre-emptive war." In diplomatic language, these words amounted
to a very clear threat by the United States to attack the Soviet
Union if no satisfaction is received concerning our vanishing spy
satellites. On the afternoon of that same day, November 18,
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin delivered a message from
Brezhnev to Carter at the White House. The message made it clear
that Washington is in no position to dictate anything to the
Kremlin now, that the SALT approval process in the United States
is becoming ever more "urgent", and that the Soviet president
would regret being forced to take any measures that might run
counter to the recent 'improvement' in relations between the two
The full impact of Brezhnev's last comment reached the White
House at roughly that same time as the Brezhnev message itself.
The NATO underwater sonar nets around Iceland had picked up the
Soviet Atlantic submarine fleet which, as happened six weeks ago,
was headed en masse into the Atlantic at great speed. At the
same time, the huge Soviet Pacific submarine fleet was also on
its way toward the United States, and the Gulf fleet was already
moving into position to threaten us from the south. Even before
the Voice of America broadcast, the Kremlin knew that the Carter
administration response to increasing Soviet pressure over SALT
could possibly be some kind of bluff and possibly panic as well,
so the Soviet navy had been dispatched in order to ensure that
nothing would get out of hand; and when government officials here
learned that the Soviet fleet was on its way here again, they
promptly wilted. Shades of Kerensky! As of now they are once
again concentrating on doing as they are told by the Soviet
Union, and both the Pacific and Atlantic fleets have headed back
toward port; but the Soviet Gulf Fleet has not left--it is
staying on station for the moment ready for attack at a moment's
notice from our soft underbelly to the south. This is Moscow's
way of discouraging the Carter administration from attempting any
more bluffs or hasty actions that might upset America's
programmed march into final disaster.
Topic #3--Audioletter No. 22, in which I warned about a
horrendous new plan to provoke a Middle East war, was recorded on
March 27, 1977. Exactly one week later, on April 3, 1977,
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt arrived in Washington for talks
with President Carter, and the first phase of the CIA Middle East
plot got under way. Sadat had in the past been asked from time
to time by reporters whether face-to-face negotiations directly
between the Arabs and Israelis might be useful. He had always
rejected this out of hand, and when asked the same question on
April 6 responded in the same way. He said that after 29 years
of hatred and 4 wars, the Arabs were not yet ready for such a
drastic step. But during his visit here, Sadat was subjected to
the psychological programming techniques which I revealed over
two years ago in Audioletter No. 5 for October 1975. These
techniques can be used to alter a person's brain-wave pattern and
inject thoughts and tendencies that differ from their normal
thinking. As I told you then, a world leader can be programmed
to change his policies--and that is what happened to Sadat.
During his visit here last April, a single thought was planted in
Sadat's mind--namely, to go directly to Israel to negotiate. It
was a thought totally foreign to Sadat, but ever since his visit
here it has been in his mind constantly, and he has been unable
to shake it.
While Sadat was here on April 7, Prime Minister Rabin of
Israel resigned. Supposedly he was ensnared in a financial
scandal, but actually he had learned of the plot to bring on a
war and he wanted no part of it. Rabin's departure from the
scene slowed down this plan while a new Prime Minister was
elected. It was Menachem Begin. He had to form a government and
establish himself on the world stage. But now, the fuse had been
lit that is intended to make the Middle East explode into war.
On November 9, reacting to the stimulus implanted in his mind,
Sadat startled everyone by saying he would be willing to go
anywhere, even Jerusalem, to seek peace. Only five days later,
television interviews of Sadat and Begin by Walter Cronkite of
CBS and others set the stage for Sadat's trip to Israel. Sadat's
decision to go to Israel was so abrupt that it produced a sharp
contrast between Sadat's actions and those of his own Foreign
Minister Fahmy. While Sadat was on television with Walter
Cronkite, Fahmy was in Tunisia at a meeting of Arab Foreign
Ministers trying to rally all the Arabs to a united front in
peace negotiations with Israel. Three days later, Sadat
announced his acceptance of the invitation he had solicited from
Israel, and Fahmy resigned. For Sadat, the earliest possible
moment for the trip was hardly soon enough because he was now
under a psychological compulsion to make the trip. Begin invited
Sadat to Israel on or after November 21, but Sadat answered that
he would arrive on the 19th, which he did. Now, in spite of the
best of intentions, Sadat has been used as a tool of the CIA to
narrow the focus of Middle East peace negotiations to the outcome
of the Sadat-Begin discussions.
It is now a much easier matter than before to torpedo peace in
the Middle East--and that is what is planned. The Sadat peace
initiative to Israel is supposed to be, unknown to Sadat himself,
the first step toward war. Meanwhile the framework for a war to
accomplish the objectives described two years ago in my
Audioletter No. 6, is being established all around us. The
American team in the Sinai, put there supposedly to act as a
buffer between Israel and Egypt, is still there, having quietly
swollen to a force more than a thousand strong armed with F-15's
and nuclear weapons. Cautious Saudi Arabia has been drawn into
making statements recently in support of the Arab cause that will
serve as a sufficient excuse for Saudi Arabia to be included in
the nuclear strike against Arab OPEC oil wells that is planned
when war comes. Meanwhile we have been seeing the cover stories
in the news about possible acquisition by Israel of large amounts
of nuclear materials from America in recent years, planting the
idea that Israel has "the bomb."
The triggering of the Sadat trip to Israel and the extremely
rapid pace of events must be considered in light of the equally
sudden visit to Washington by the Shah of Iran on November 14.
This was the same day that Sadat and Begin committed themselves
to a face-to-face meeting during interviews on television. On
the 16th the Shah left the United States, and on that day Tehran
Radio broadcast that there is "total United States commitment to
come to Iran's aid in the event of an emergency." Iran is
positioned on the soft underbelly of the Soviet Union and it
bristles with advanced American weaponry. Two days later the
Voice of America broadcast its war threat against Moscow which I
quoted earlier. But the chess players in the Kremlin had already
gotten the message and the Soviet fleet was already at sea by
then. As a result, any active threat Russia may be facing from
Iran on its southern flank is offset by an active threat on our
own southern flank in the form of submarines on station in the
Gulf of Mexico. Thus, while the remnants of the United States
government are maneuvering to try to salvage some benefit for
themselves from the coming war, the Kremlin is matching every
move with counteractive measures designed to maintain their
commanding military position, and every day that is wasted by not
revealing the truth of these events, works to the benefit of the
Soviet Union in that the Soviet Union is consolidating its newly
dominant position still further.
When I recorded Audioletter No. 27 last month, Soviet
cosmonauts had established an initial base of operations in Jules
Verne Crater on the back side of the moon. However, it was
expected at that time that after preliminary preparations they
would very shortly be moving both equipment and personnel to the
near side, setting up an operational Particle Beam weapon almost
immediately when they did so. On October 30, the day after I
recorded my tape, I was informed that an initial move to the
front side had taken place to Gibbs Crater, which is on the
southeast rim of the near side of the moon. Since that time,
Soviet activity on the moon has been steadily increasing. As of
now there are seven (7) Soviet Particle Beam weapons dotted
around the near side of the moon and, surprisingly, there are
three separate back-up bases on the far side, including the
original site at Jules Verne Crater. As yet, all of these
installations are very thinly manned and they are far from being
self-sufficient at this point--in order to keep functioning they
must periodically receive supplies from earth. But the Particle
Beam weapons are operational, and if the normal Soviet pattern is
followed, we can expect a test of a moon-based Particle Beam
weapon against some earth target in the very near future--and if
this is done, it will probably take place under circumstances
where its effects can be explained away as having some other
cause. Possibly for the sake of secrecy, a target area within
the Soviet Union far from populated areas, will be chosen for
such testing; but it's also possible that like the first
operational test of an orbital Particle Beam weapon, the first
test of a Lunar Particle Beam weapon might be against some target
that the Soviet Union wishes to destroy.
In any case, here are the lunar navigational coordinates of
the seven Particle Beam weapons currently on the near side of the
moon: No. 1 east of the Sea of Cold at 55 degrees 54 minutes
north, 51 degrees zero minutes east; No. 2 west of the Sea of
Crises at 16 - 33 North, 48 - 51 east; No. 3 southeast of the
Sea of Fertility at 31 - 53 south, 73 - 9 east; No. 4 near the
south pole on the southwest side at 72 - 26 south, 67 - 30 west;
No. 5 near Phocylides Crater in the southwest quadrant at 50 - 53
south, 57 - 49 west; No. 6 southwest of the Ocean of Storms at 9
- 26 south, 66 - 52 west; and No. 7 northeast of the Apollo 14
landing site near the center of the near side of the moon at 1 -
23 south, 12 - 27 west. The back-up locations on the far side of
the moon are at: No. 1, Jules Verne Crater roughly 36 degrees
south, 147 degrees east; No. 2 southeast of Pasture Crater at 13
- 36 south, 108 - 26 east; No. 3 southwest of Compton Crater at
51 - 3 north, 95 - 0 east.
The Soviet intentions toward us when Nuclear War One finally
erupts are becoming all too clear because as of November 10,
1977, I am informed that Soviet agents are still at work
throughout the United States mining additional targets for
eventual destruction by remote control. One target area to which
I believe I should call specific attention is the Kensico
Reservoir just north of White Plains, New York. On September 21,
1977, two months ago, I was called by the FBI to ask for any
information I could give them about the situation there. They
had been tipped off that the Kensico Reservoir might be in danger
in some way and wanted to know what I could tell them. I told
them what I am telling you now, that there is a Soviet nuclear
mine on the upstream side of the dam toward the east end. I also
gave the FBI the locations of other Soviet nuclear devices in the
area--such as one each in the south end of Pocantico Lake,
another in the east end of Tarrytown Reservoir, and one in the
Hudson River near the east end of the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Whatever the FBI may have intended to do with this information,
nothing has been done--the bombs are still there. It may well be
that they were simply overtaken by events and their hands tied
before they could do anything, because it was only six days
later--September 27, 1977--that America lost the Battle of the
Harvest Moon and Andrei Gromyko delivered an ultimatum to Jimmy
Carter for America to start towing the Soviet line. But whatever
the reason, the FBI's concern over the Kensico Reservoir leads me
to believe I should call special attention to it.
Should the Kensico Reservoir be ruptured, the first victims
will be the Holy Name School, situated like the Toccoa Bible
College in the shadow of the dam. But beyond that, flood waters
from Kensico Reservoir would rampage through White Plains and on
southward perhaps all the way to the North Bronx, New York City.
The devastation and loss of life would almost certainly dwarf
anything like had ever been seen in America, yet no one is doing
anything about it. A major insurance company learned recently
from British intelligence about the situation at Kensico
Reservoir and went to the New York City police about it--to no
avail. Therefore apparently all I can do is to warn you.
My friends, what I have said in Audioletter No. 24 for May
1977, I repeat again now. Behind the scenes maneuvering and
trickery can lead only to disaster for America. Only TOTAL
EXPOSURE of what is happening has any hope at all of turning the
tide against utter catastrophe. I have pledged to continue doing
what I can toward this end, and I ask you to join with me in this
very important effort.
Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless and protect each and every one of you.
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