Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr. Peter Beter - Audio Letter 39

October 29, 1978
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: Russia's Hot Pursuit Of Her Bolshevik Enemies
2: America's Panic Rearmament Leading To National Suicide
3: The Public Signs Of War To Come


This is the Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas

Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is October 29,
1978, and this is my Audioletter No. 39.

It was 21 years ago this month that the Space Age dawned for
mankind. On October 4, 1957, millions around the world listened
in amazement to the radioed beep, beep, beep of Sputnik I--the
world's first artificial satellite was in orbit, put there by
Russia. In Audioletter No. 19, nearly two years ago, I revealed
how it happened that Russia beat America into space. The United
States could have launched an earth satellite more than a year
ahead of Sputnik I, but our Unseen Rulers deliberately tied the
hands of our space experts for reasons of personal gain and
power. As a result, the honor of taking mankind's first step
into space will belong to Russia for all the rest of human
history. To one who loves America as much as I do, America's
default at such a historic moment has always been a very bitter
pill to swallow. And today it's even more crushing to see that,
after a brief heyday in space, America has defaulted once again
to Russia--and this time, as I revealed last year in Audioletter
No. 26, it's permanent.

But the history of mankind is more than the history of the
United States or of Russia alone; and from a broader historical
perspective, the shifting fortunes of America and Russia in space
are just symptoms of far more basic currents in history. As the
late great British historian Arnold Toynbee has shown, the
history of man is a story of spiritual development in response to
challenge after challenge. When challenges are met, there is
growth; when challenges are avoided, there is crisis; and when
challenges remain unmet, there is breakdown and disintegration of
civilization itself.

The unique challenge of the 20th century is the challenge of
space. Given the hind sight of history, it was inevitable that
the primary competition to meet this challenge would be between
the superpowers of the 20th century--the United States and
Russia. Today, this competition has been resolved in favor of
Russia, and even this outcome was foreshadowed by historical
clues two generations ago. The key that unlocked the door to
space, as everyone knows, was the rocket. Invented untold
centuries ago in China, it was introduced to the West by an
Englishman named Congreve; but it was only as the 20th Century
was dawning that the significance of the rocket for space
exploration was first recognized. Two men independently
conceived of rockets in this way--one a Russian, the other an
American. First came the Russian, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
(1857-1935), the father of Russian cosmonautics. As early as
1903, the year the Wright brothers flew their first airplane in
America, Tsiolkovsky began publishing his writings on Space
Rocketry. By 1913 he had already analyzed the most basic
problems of rocketry and space travel, but in addition he had
given considerable attention to the psychological and spiritual
aspects of putting man in space; and to this day the Russian
science of Cosmonautics continues to stress these aspects of
space travel far more than is the case in the West.

Tsiolkovsky's speculations and calculations about space travel
suffered the same fate as many other developments in Russia after
1917. The Bolshevik Revolution turned life in Russia into an
existence marked by terror, hunger, and a struggle for bare
survival. But meanwhile, half a world away in the United States,
the other father of modern rocketry was at work. His name was
Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945). In 1919 Goddard published his
first writings on the subject of rockets. Like Tsiolkovsky,
Goddard independently analyzed the earliest and most basic
problems of rocketry. Meanwhile in Russia, the great Russian
famine brought on by the Bolsheviks was getting under way.
Within two years over twenty million Russians, the vast majority
of them Christians, would die in stark terror, grinding hunger,
and cannibalism. Russian rocketry, along with other forms of
progress, had been thrown into the ash can by the Bolsheviks. In
the United States, Goddard continued his work, which like the
American space program decades later, was preoccupied with nuts
and bolts more than philosophy.

On March 16, 1926, Goddard made history by launching a
liquid-fueled rocket 200 feet into the air from a farm at Auburn,
Massachusetts. At that moment more than 50 years ago, the United
States was in a position to leave all other countries far behind
in exploring the eventual prospects of space exploration. But
our Secret Rulers of that day were not interested in anything as
frivolous as the vast reaches of outer space. Instead, they were
busy consolidating their own gains from World War I and the
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. So Goddard's seeds of space
travel fell on rocky ground here in the United States. When they
began to bear fruit years later, it was not in America and not
for peaceful purposes--it was in the work of German scientists at
Panemunde in their development of the V-2, the grandfather of the
modern ICBM. In the Soviet Union, however, a discovery took
place that was destined to lead one day to a very different
perspective on space by the Russians.

In 1927, the year after Goddard's historic rocket experiment
here in America, a Russian scientific expedition succeeded in
reaching the site of the great Siberian explosion of 1908. They
had expected to find a giant meteor crater, but instead they
found a mysterious blast area that has absorbed Russian
scientists of all types for more than 50 years. As I told you
last month, these studies led some time ago to a conclusion that
is accepted as fact by Russia's present-day rulers. This
conclusion is that the incredible Tunguska blast was caused by
the accidental explosion of a crippled alien spacecraft 70 years
ago. For this and additional reasons, the Russian leaders are
convinced that we are not alone in the cosmos. As a result, the
Russian approach to space is motivated by long term factors that
go far beyond the narrow economic and military goals typical in
the West. Just six days ago on October 23, an announcement was
made in Moscow which received almost no news coverage in the
United States. On that day Russian astronomer Felix Zigel of the
Moscow Aviation Institute made public the Russian answer to the
Tunguska riddle. Zigel described the mammoth Siberian explosion
as having been caused by an "extraterrestrial probe"--or, in
other words, a UFO. By allowing this public statement to be
issued, the Kremlin confirmed what I told you last month.

My friends, the Russians are tackling the exploration of space
as the kind of spiritual challenge that Toynbee described long
ago as the key to human progress. Meanwhile the forces of
Bolshevism which halted Russia's early researches into space
travel, have now ruined America's space program. The evil forces
set in motion so long ago by our Unseen Rulers are now leading to
self destruction. Meanwhile Russia herself is throwing off
Bolshevism, and a new era is dawning in Russia and eastern

My three topics for today are:




- - -

Topic #1--Increasingly these days I am asked the same question
over and over again, and that is: "If the Russians are after the
Bolsheviks, why should they kill so many of the rest of us?
After all, we haven't done them any harm; in fact, they are
getting everything they want, so why go to war?" My friends,
I've tried to explain these things over the past several months,
and yet I do understand the confusion it is causing among some
people. Many have not been aware of the vast international power
wielded by the Bolsheviks who disguise themselves in many ways.
Those who do know about this Satanic power have the opposite
problem. They are tempted to think that the Bolsheviks are
all-powerful and therefore that Russia could not have freed
herself from the Bolshevik grip. But the simple fact is, my
friends, that things do change. In spite of the enormous power
of the Bolsheviks, they have been overthrown in Russia. As I
said in detail last month, this did not take place in a sudden
overnight coup d'etat. It was accomplished over a period of six
decades of tireless struggle by the self-styled "spiritual
Communists" who now run the Kremlin.

The "spiritual Communists", unlike the Bolsheviks, are a
native religious sect, a Christian sect, which began in Russia
over two centuries ago. Today, they are abandoning Communism in
everything but name, but in their religion they remain perhaps
the toughest and most tightly knit group on earth. Having
learned the hard way, they view Bolshevism as a totally Satanic
system without any redeeming features; and after 60 years of
struggle that dwarfs anything experienced in the West, they
regard the Bolsheviks themselves as less than human. Today they
regard the United States as hopelessly infected with the disease
of Bolshevism, and therefore they intend to destroy the United
States as they would a rabid dog.

I have mentioned this rabid dog viewpoint of the Kremlin
before, but there is another way in which they view their holy
war against the Bolsheviks that is rooted in nothing less than
international law. It is the doctrine of hot pursuit. The hot
pursuit concept can be illustrated by thinking of a police chase
of fugitives. Suppose, for example, that a police car sets out
in pursuit of a getaway car driven by thugs who have just robbed
a store and murdered the owner. Even if the getaway car should
race across the city line into another jurisdiction, it is
accepted practice in general for the police car to continue the
chase regardless of where it leads. The reason is that the
police are in hot pursuit of the fugitives for a crime committed
within their jurisdiction. Today the rulers of Russia see
themselves as the police and the Bolsheviks as the murdering
thugs who are fleeing from justice. In the wake of the Bolshevik
Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks robbed Russia of her riches
and murdered the owners by the millions. Now, after a struggle
of six decades, the "spiritual Communists" have turned the tables
on the Bolshevik outlaws, who are leaving Russia in a growing
torrent. They are seeking sanctuary mainly in the United States,
where they are joining with the Bolshevik elements already here
in a new Bolshevik revolution.

The Bolsheviks plan to throw America and the West into nuclear
war against Russia, so Russia's rulers are fighting fire with
fire. Soon, their hot pursuit of the Bolsheviks will rain
nuclear devastation on our heads. The Russian rulers are aware
of the argument that we non-Bolsheviks of America have done
Russia no harm and therefore should not suffer with the
Bolsheviks; but, my friends, I must report to you that this
argument, reasonable though it sounds on the surface, draws
nothing but scorn within the Kremlin. No harm? they say. Then
why, they ask, are we giving unquestioning sanctuary to the
floods of Bolsheviks now leaving Russia? And for that matter,
they add, how can a people who won't lift a finger to save their
own land, America, be counted as friends by anyone else? No,
they conclude, you Americans are refusing to recognize what is
taking place before your very eyes. It is a takeover by the
Bolsheviks, and soon you will wish you were dead. By comparison,
they say, Russia's nuclear attack on the Bolsheviks among you
will be merciful.

The Kremlin is carefully keeping track of the new Bolshevik
revolution now under way in the United States. It's more
sophisticated now than it was 60 years ago in Russia, but the
Russians know what to watch for, and the progress of this secret
and quiet revolution is one of the indicators that are being used
by Russian intelligence to gauge the time left to prepare for

A key factor in the American Bolshevik revolution is the
economic turmoil now building up. Central to all of this is the
collapse of the United States dollar. Over five years ago I
described in detail the whole plan to collapse the dollar
deliberately. That was the subject of my 1973 book, THE
CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE DOLLAR, published by George Braziller, 1
Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. And gold! If today's gold
prices measured not in the United States dollars but in hard
currencies such as the German D-mark, the true value of gold
would be accurately reflected; but earlier this month I was in
Europe and saw for myself just how far the collapse of the dollar
has already gone. I've been to Europe innumerable times over the
years but this time I had a new experience. Many shopkeepers
will not accept American dollars, whereas they used to be eagerly
accepted; and where dollars are accepted, they will buy very
little. The so-called almighty dollar is almighty no more. And
so, my friends, the dollar is losing its international role. It
is becoming a garrison dollar, a currency which will still buy a
few things here but will soon be almost useless outside the
United States. Already the federal government is preparing for a
reverse split of the dollar, just as was done in the recent past
in France. In this way, all old dollars will be forced out of

The process of our economic imprisonment is advancing rapidly,
and most Americans are still blissfully unaware of it. The
so-called voluntary "Wage and Price Guidelines" announced by
Jimmy Carter five days ago will be replaced by mandatory controls
in preparation for war. By the end of this year 1978, I am
informed that all non-corporate Americans will be virtually
blocked from transferring funds abroad. Part of it will be done
in the name of protecting our economy and safeguarding our
national security. But one of the real purposes is to serve the
Bolshevik revolution by closing and bolting the prison gates
around America through your pocketbook.

As the Russian rulers watch, they see the Bolshevik plan
progressing right on track. Soon, economic turbulence will be
joined by political turmoil, and a little later on there will be
shortages, hunger, rioting, terrorism; and as America descends
into the hell of Bolshevism, there will be cannibalism in
America. Even now our own Secret Rulers have reactivated the
weather-control grids around America which I first revealed last
May in Audioletter No. 34. From September 24 through October 19
they were shut down for reasons related to the autumn equinox;
but on October 20, just nine days ago, they were turned on again,
and they are once again being used to modify our weather. As a
result, strange weather can be expected periodically from now on
through this winter. Through every avenue imaginable the
Bolsheviks are marshaling their forces to attack, undermine, and
if possible, destroy Russia. And to borrow the words used by
Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his speech at Harvard last June, "The
fight for our planet, physical and spiritual--a fight of cosmic
proportions--is not a vague matter of the future; it has already

Two months ago I warned about the sinister developments that
were being set in motion within the Roman Catholic Church. I
said that the Bolsheviks want to use the Church as a weapon in
their war against Russia by maneuvering the Church into an
anti-Russian stance under the guise of anti-Communism. By doing
so, they expect to enlist seven hundred million Roman Catholics,
one-sixth of the human race, into their own battle-to-the-death
with Russia. When I recorded Audioletter No. 37 two months ago,
Albino Cardinal Luciani of Venice had just become Pope John Paul
I. He quickly became known as the Smiling Pope, yet he left the
scene after barely a month's time. As I said last month, the
Bolshevik game-plan was going to be tried again with another new
pope, and that is happening now.

The new pope was elected earlier this month, on October 16.
Instantly, his image as an anti-Communist was seized upon by the
American news media; and even the name he has taken, Pope John
Paul II, signifies a second try in the Bolshevik game-plan I
revealed in August. Pope John Paul II is the first non-Italian
pope in 455 years--Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland. During
World War II, Wojtyla was a member of the Polish underground
which fought against the Russian and German occupation forces.
For 30 years as a church official, he has challenged and
struggled against Poland's Russian-dominated regimes; and just
last month on Sunday, September 17, he played a key role in
firing the opening gun of the Roman Catholic Church against
Russia. On that day a pastoral letter spearheaded by Cardinals
Wyszynski and Wojtyla and signed by all Bishops was read in
Catholic services throughout Poland. Poland is the most heavily
Roman Catholic of all countries in the Russian orbit with over
14,000 churches and an estimated 85 to 90% of the population
Roman Catholic. What's more, the Poles have a natural hatred for
Russia as Big Brother, so it caused no small concern in both
Warsaw and Moscow when the pastoral letter was read to Catholic
congregations throughout Poland a month ago. The letter, whose
contents reached practically the entire population of Poland,
blasted government censorship as "paralyzing the cultural and
religious life of the nation."

My friends, the image of the new pope is that of one who
stands up to the Russians; but the way in which this image is to
be used is another matter, and I think it is essential that both
Catholics and non-Catholics alike know what is going on behind
the scenes, for at this very moment the Church is becoming both
tool and target of the forces of Bolshevism. If what they are
doing is not stopped, the Catholic Church will soon be destroyed.

What I am about to reveal, my friends, gives me no pleasure at
all. I myself was born a Roman Catholic, I was raised a
Catholic, I even studied for the priesthood. For me personally
though, there still were unanswered questions. It was only
later, in the bush in Africa, that I truly found our Lord Jesus
Christ; but I speak as one who knows what it is to be a Catholic,
and my purpose is to help and to build up--not to attack or tear
down anything that is good and right. Even if the things I am
about to reveal should lead to scandal, I must agree with the
words of the wise priest who recently counseled me: "It is better
that scandal should come than for the truth to be suppressed."
If the truth does remain suppressed, my friends, the days are
numbered for the organized Roman Catholic Church, and there will
be repercussions throughout all of Christendom.

Two months ago one of the briefest papal conclaves in history
ended in a surprise election. Cardinal Luciani of Venice became
Pope John Paul I. His election had been masterminded without his
knowledge by a Bolshevik faction within the Vatican. It was
thought that because he was a complete outsider to the Vatican
power structure, he would be the ideal puppet pope, easily misled
and maneuvered. Within weeks, while the world was still getting
acquainted with this man called the Smiling Pope, the
Wyszynski/Wojtyla pastoral letter was issued in Poland. But Pope
John Paul I was turning out to be a disastrous choice by the
Bolshevik manipulators. They were failing in their efforts to
have him pose a flinty challenge to Russia under the guise of
anti-Communism. Instead, he was preoccupied with people and how
the Church might best serve them, including the people of Russia.

My friends, the stakes are high and the time is short, and the
consequences for Pope John Paul I and for Catholics everywhere
were tragic. He had been elected to an office he had neither
expected nor wanted, and his reaction had been strangely
prophetic. As reported by NEWSWEEK for October 9, 1978, Pope
John Paul I had been stunned at his election; and he had said to
the other Cardinals, "What you have done to me, may God forgive
you." It was almost an echo of the words of our Lord Jesus
Christ nearly 2000 years ago. As He hung dying on the cross, He
said: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

I must now reveal that during the night of Thursday, September
28, 1978, Pope John Paul I left the Vatican, alive. He did not
die in his sleep that night, as reported by Vatican sources. He
lived for three more weeks, incognito, away from the Vatican,
before finally being shot in the back of his neck by person or
persons unknown. On October 4 the funeral for Pope John Paul I
was attended by tens of thousands of mourners, and witnessed by
television viewers in 31 countries. The body that lay in state
was not that of Pope John Paul I, who was still alive. But as
everyone knows who has ever lost a loved one, a lifeless body
never looks the same as a living person had looked; and so,
thanks to the mortician's art, no one questioned that the remains
on view were those of Pope John Paul I. After that, even if he
himself had walked into a church somewhere and announced: "I am
the Pope", he would not have been believed. After all, people
had seen the funeral on television, and they had read about it
all in the newspapers. Pope John Paul I was still alive on
October 16, the day that his successor, Pope John Paul II, was
elected. Since there cannot be two popes at the same time, this
raises a thorny question: Was the current pope legally elected?
In any case, the man known briefly as the Smiling Pope was put to
death the evening of October 19, 1978--three days after his
successor was named. Shortly thereafter, his body was cremated
and the ashes disposed of.

My friends, nothing will ever be seen again of the late Pope
John Paul I, and no evidence has come to light that would enable
his assassins to be identified. Nevertheless, not all of the
evidence of his tragic fate has been destroyed. I refer to the
body that now occupies the sarcophagus of Pope John Paul I in St.
Peter's Basilica. The body is not that of the Pope John Paul I.
It should be exhumed--not only for an autopsy but for scientific
identification procedures under independent supervision. If this
is done, it will reveal the terrible fraud that now threatens the
very soul of the church. If it is not done, the Bolsheviks will
have won already in their grasping to manipulate every Catholic
on earth for war. In that event, the Church will be used in the
cause of Bolshevik warfare against a Russia that is becoming a
Christian nation once again.

Topic #2--My friends, during the past two and a half years a
drastic shift has been taking place in the relationship between
the Soviet Union and the United States. In a pale and
carefully-controlled way, this shift has been reflected in the
public deterioration of so-called detente; but behind the scenes
the real shift has been far more profound. Politically the
secret alliance of nearly 60 years standing between our own
Unseen Rulers and the rulers of Russia has been terminated
unilaterally by the Russians. This astonishing turn of events
was not foreseen by America's real rulers. As I first mentioned
in Audioletter No. 28 last November 1977 and as I discussed in
detail last month, it has to do with a fundamental change in the
power structure of the Kremlin. And now as we are on the
threshold of Nuclear War One, our Unseen Rulers are no longer
confronting the carefully programmed war they had been planning
on, but a genuine free-for-all. For the first time in the 20th
century, a major war is coming that will not be controlled on
both sides by our Unseen Rulers.

As these changes have been taking place in the political
sphere, unexpected and revolutionary changes have also been
taking place in the military equation. Our Unseen Rulers have
been pursuing secret military projects unknown to the public for
nearly two decades, but they have made gross miscalculations in
their secret master military strategy. That strategy came to
ruin one year ago last month in the secret Space Battle of the
Harvest Moon, which I reported that month in Audioletter No. 26.
So now, the United States is feverishly rearming for war. Our
Unseen Rulers are trying to fight off their own rising panic as
they see disaster looming closer and closer. War is now so close
that they are beginning to shed some of the cloak of secrecy
surrounding formerly super-secret weapons programs. When I first
revealed them long ago, I was generally not believed; but secrecy
always exacts a toll of increased time to carry out a project and
they no longer have any time to spare. And so just this month,
the public has been allowed to get just a glimpse of secret work
in two areas of critical importance. One is that of Underwater
missiles; the other is that of Beam-weapons, especially the
awesome Charged Particle Beam.

In Audioletter No. 13 for June 1976, I revealed the beginning
of Russia's total military double-cross of their former secret
partners who then controlled America--the four Rockefeller
brothers. Based on very solid information from my own
confidential sources, I reported that a nuclear weapon was
resting in the waters of Seal Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, Maine.
It had been planted there by the Russians where it would be able
to vaporize the summer homes of David and Nelson Rockefeller. As
I say these words, Nelson Rockefeller is trying to sell his Seal
Harbor home, which has been owned by the Rockefeller family for
two generations. Likewise, many wealthy Rockefeller associates
in the area seem to have lost their enthusiasm for the beauty of
Mt. Desert Island. Like Nelson Rockefeller, they're trying to
sell their property in the area and bail out. But my report of
June 1976 about the Seal Harbor bomb led to far more than the
present unsettled real estate conditions there. It proved to
high intelligence that the Dr. Beter Audioletter could be trusted
to tell the truth; and from that point onward, I began receiving
large amounts of intelligence information that is not entrusted
to any other public information channel.

Only the following month, July 1976, I revealed in Audioletter
No. 14 that a new missile crisis was under way. It was the
Underwater Missile Crisis of 1976--a far more dangerous affair
than the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. The Russian Navy was
planting short-range underwater-launched nuclear missiles at
strategic locations within our own territorial waters. They were
preparing for a nuclear Pearl Harbor-type surprise attack based
on naval strategy. This intended first strike was to be totally
different in nature from the ICBM first strikes we hear about all
the time. Unlike an ICBM attack, the Russian underwater missiles
would provide no warning at all because they were planted only
miles from their targets and inside our radar defenses.

At the beginning of August 1976, I recorded Audioletter No. 15
on an urgent basis. The Russian Navy was working fast and
nothing at all was being done to stop it. There was only one
hope that the hands of America's military would be untied in time
to avert imminent disaster. That slim hope lay in making the
situation a public issue and bringing the United States
government under sufficient public pressure to bring about
appropriate action. So in Audioletter No. 15, I spelled out the
locations of 64 Russian underwater-launched missiles and hydrogen
bombs in navigational coordinates. They had been planted in the
territorial waters not only of the United States but of 24 other
countries world-wide. Very soon, Russia would have been in a
position to erase all naval power on earth opposing that of the
Soviet Union. At the push of a button, launch commands would
have flashed world-wide by satellite and within moments coastal
target areas all over the world would have begun vanishing in
nuclear fireballs. My listeners responded by showering the
Pentagon with tapes, telegrams, letters, and telephone calls.
This unexpected and overwhelming public pressure did the job,
temporarily, and by the end of August 1976 the United States Navy
had removed all of the missiles and bombs in our waters.
Likewise, those around Great Britain had been pulled out by the
Royal Navy.

In Audioletter No. 16, I reviewed the tense events that had
been taking place. These included my meeting at the Pentagon
that month on September 16, 1976, with General George S. Brown,
then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. By that time many of
my critics who did not have my information sources were
ridiculing my exposure of the Russian underwater missile crisis.
Some tried to say that there would be no reason for the Russians
to do such a thing since they already have ICBMs. In doing so,
they glossed over the paramount strategic value of surprise,
which would be produced by the zero warning time of the Russian
underwater missiles. But most of my critics simply waved it all
aside by saying such a thing is not feasible. They tried to say
there's no such thing as Underwater Missiles so my claims about a
secret crisis could not be true.

But meanwhile I met with General Brown, then top military
officer in the United States, for well over an hour in his
office, because by then the Russians were far along in planting a
second round of these so called impossible missiles in our
waters. Just as before, crucial information about them was being
blocked from reaching General Brown through normal channels. So,
as I explained in Audioletter No. 16 that month, General Brown
had invited me to confer with him as soon as I alerted him about
my new information. Of course if my information in Audioletter
No. 15 had not proven correct, General Brown would have had no
reason to meet with me. Through the end of September 1976
General Brown continued to direct American activities to stave
off the Russian underwater missile threat; but, as I reported in
Audioletter No. 17, the treasonous Red Friday Agreement signed on
October 1, 1976 by then President Gerald Ford ended all that.
Soon thereafter General Brown was cut down. He was humiliated
over nation-wide television over trumped up criticisms of his
conduct, when his only real crime was doing his duty. He was
shown that he would have no chance of helping himself or America
by going public in any way, as I discussed in Audioletter No. 17
and in Audioletter No. 23 for April 1977. Concerning what I told
you then about the neutralization of General Brown, consider the
words attributed to General Brown by the ATLANTA JOURNAL this
past August 3, 1978. With regard to the usefulness of quitting
in protest over a policy decision, General Brown was quoted as
saying: "I was perfectly prepared to do it, but I had to ask
myself, 'What good would it do?' It would not reverse a
decision. No, it would be like a pebble on the beach--they'd get
another Chairman tomorrow."

After General Brown was neutralized, our Unseen Rulers tried
in vain to reinstate their secret alliance and therefore a
controlled war with the Soviet Union. As part of their insane
effort in this direction, they allowed the Russian Navy to resume
planting their Underwater Missiles without harassment; and as I
reported to you nearly two years ago in Audioletter No. 20, this
policy was based partly on the existence of a secret fleet of
American undersea missiles. Unlike the small short-range Russian
missiles the American missiles were mammoth offensive ballistic
missiles. They were planted in the Atlantic and Pacific in the
secret "Operation Desk Top" under CIA control. In their undersea
resting places, as I explained in Audioletter No. 20, they were
invulnerable to attack. They were also the largest, most
powerful nuclear missiles on earth, dwarfing our conventional
ICBMs; and their purpose was blackmail to make sure Russia
followed the script during Nuclear War One. But I also revealed
then that the CIA's Undersea Super Missiles were springing leaks
one by one and being ruined. The following month, in fact,
nuclear debris from one of these leaking missiles off Florida,
Atlantic Missile No. 8, poisoned large numbers of whales in the
area. More than 120 of them beached themselves to die near
Jacksonville, Fla., in only a few days time. To this very day,
many self-proclaimed instant experts among my critics have kept
telling their followers that undersea missiles like these are
impossible; and while they always cry for documentation, they
have totally ignored the documentation I presented in Audioletter
No. 20. Mr. Tony Hodges, a prominent Honolulu environmentalist,
had unearthed information about the definite feasibility of
undersea missile systems from experts. In December 1975 he
published a warning document on the situation from which I quoted
in Audioletter No. 20. It seems that expert testimony is not
enough to convince most people of the truth. What it takes is to
see it on television or in the newspapers.

Well, my friends, it has finally begun to happen. Eleven days
ago on October 18, CBS television news carried a report about
Pentagon studies now under way on Underwater Missile Systems.
The next day Radio Australia went further and disclosed that:
"Pentagon generals have shown President Carter an outline of a
scheme to submerge huge diesel-driven craft off the American
coast to create a nuclear missile system less vulnerable to the
increasingly accurate Soviet warheads." But, my friends, the
undersea diesel launcher concept is just a cover story for the
real undersea missile crash program now in progress. Six months
ago in Audioletter No. 33 I revealed that "Operation Desk Top"
had been reactivated. As I explained then, a fresh fleet of CIA
Undersea Missiles was to be planted beginning off America's
Atlantic coast under the cover of drilling for oil. At that time
the Baltimore Canyon area, where the drilling is taking place,
was being touted as an oil bonanza for the United States. Today
it's six months later and news reports have been telling for
months now about one dry hole after another. If they were really
looking for oil, the whole thing would be seen as a fiasco by
now; but instead the work goes on, day and night, at site after
site. And soon the oil companies will line up to bid for
additional leases in the area. I can now reveal that as of now,
seven new CIA undersea Super Missiles are in place off our
Atlantic coast; and the Russians know exactly where each one is,
because hovering overhead there are presently five (5)
Cosmospheres on patrol armed with Charged Particle Beam-weapons
which can destroy the missiles as soon as they are launched.

As unnerving as the race in underwater missiles may be, it now
takes a back seat to the race in Beam-weapons. This involves not
only high power Lasers but the even more devastating Particle
Beam-weapons. Last September 1977 I reported Russia's first
operational use of Particle Beam-weapons in space. On September
20, 1977, the Russians blasted an American Spy Satellite into a
huge fireball in space as it passed over the Petrozavodsk
Observatory in northern Russia. And barely a week later, on
September 27, 1977, the secret American Moon Base in Copernicus
Crater was silenced by Russia's neutron-beam attack from earth
orbit. America had just lost the Battle of the Harvest Moon.
Immediately America was forced to stop short in her secret
Beam-weapons race with Russia, for suddenly our Unseen Rulers
were teetering on the edge of war itself--and Russia suddenly was
calling the shots. Just as happened in the matter of the
Underwater Missile Systems, many people were soon ridiculing the
idea of operational Russian Particle Beam-weapons. Such a thing,
they said, was far in the future, if not impossible. But what I
made public then was true, my friends; and now, after one short
year, there has been a complete change in the public attitude of
top American defense experts. The reason is that in the kamikaze
do-or-die strategy of our Unseen Rulers against Russia,
beam-weapons are now being tackled in a crash program; and only
by letting it become visible in a controlled way, can maximum use
be made of our technical resources and manpower. Most members of
the general public probably have heard very little about the
sudden new emphasis on beam-weapons in the United States, but in
technical circles, which is perhaps where it matters most, it is
now very widely known.

Earlier this month on October 2, AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE
TECHNOLOGY magazine, an aerospace industry publication, began a
series of articles about America's sudden new plunge into beam
weapons. One article quotes a Pentagon official as saying: "Beam
weapons are no longer in the 'gee whiz Buck Rogers death ray'
category, and senior (Carter) Administration members no longer
give it the back of their hand like they once did." Based on the
assessment of what AVIATION WEEK refers to as a top level United
States official, the article continues in the words: "The general
attitude in the past year has changed from one of skepticism over
the possibility of fielding particle beam weapons to one of
speculation that beam weapons may be possible within a reasonable
time." At another point in the article, AVIATION WEEK relates
the belief of United States Air Force officials that a
space-based anti-satellite neutro-beam system could be
operational "within a couple of years. It would be much sooner
than you might believe." In other words, my friends, when I told
you about America's defeat in the Battle of the Harvest Moon one
year ago, the official line was that such weapons were virtually
impossible. But now, America's panic rearmament is under way, so
now we are told these weapons are just around the corner.
Nevertheless we are supposed to perish the thought that Russia
already has these weapons deployed; because once we realize that,
we will all know that our Bolshevik rulers are leading us into
national suicide. All of our ICBMs and bombers will be of little
use against a Russia defended with Particle Beam-weapons. In his
editorial of October 2 earlier this month, AVIATION WEEK editor
Robert Hotz, a highly-informed American, said: "Beam weapons
offer the promise of reducing strategic nuclear weapons to a
negligible factor in the future. If successfully deployed, beam
weapons can end the long reign of nuclear terror introduced by
the ballistic missile and its thermonuclear warhead."

My friends, the reign of nuclear terror spoken of by Hotz has
already ended for Russia. As I reported last year, the Russian
rulers signaled this fact on September 27, 1977, the very day
that the Battle of the Harvest Moon ended in victory for Russia.
That day Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko denounced the
United States in a speech at the United Nations. In addition, I
now quote the exact words I said in Audioletter No. 26: "Gromyko
added that the Soviet Union is now ready to halt underground
nuclear tests for a while, even if others do not. The reason for
this statement, which surprised everyone, is that the Particle
Beam has now superseded other nuclear weapons as the front line
of Soviet armaments." To quote one further line from the Hotz
editorial: "If the Soviets achieve this capability first, it will
give them enormous crucial leverage in imposing their political
will on the rest of the world."

My friends, the Russians have achieved the Particle Beam
capability first; and as I explained last month, they are
preparing now to dominate the rest of the world with it.
Russia's rulers have no intention of permitting our Unseen Rulers
to save themselves by means of panic rearmament, for Russia is
monitoring not only the political and economic progress of the
Bolshevik revolution here, she is also keeping a close watch on
America's war preparations. Russia's sheer momentum is so great
that time is on Russia's side right now, and the military gap
between East and West is growing wider every day. But as
America's rearmament progresses, there will come a point when
that gap will stop widening and begin to narrow. From that time
onward, time will no longer be on Russia's side, so Russia will
wait no longer. When Russia's advantage is at a maximum, war
will come. Meanwhile Russia's rulers are using the time
remaining in efforts to neutralize as much of the world as
possible before the war, as I explained last month.

The real reason for Russia's determination to wage nuclear war
on America, my friends, is the Bolshevik control that is now
seizing our land at all levels. The only way to prevent war
would be our own swift action to throw out the Bolsheviks and
remove the threat they pose to Russia. Rearmament cannot save
America, it cannot prevent war, and it cannot give us victory in
war. It can only guarantee that America will endure the wrath of
sabotage, geophysical warfare, nuclear weapons, particle
beam-weapons, invasion and occupation. So by panic rearmament,
the Bolsheviks are bringing on national suicide for the United
States of America.

Topic #3--On the night of the Harvest Moon last year, Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko delivered a sudden late-night
message to Jimmy Carter at the White House. Government spokesmen
in the major media portrayed the message as a breakthrough in the
SALT II negotiations; but as I revealed three days later,
Gromyko's real message was an ultimatum. The Battle of the
Harvest Moon had just taken place in space and in a stunning
upset Russia had won. Ever since then the SALT talks have been a
mask hiding the true face of Soviet/American relations. Time and
again we, the public, have been told of encouraging progress on
SALT. Time and again we have been assured that a SALT accord was
"95% complete." And time and again this has been followed by
reports of new snags, and the euphoria has evaporated. The cycle
has been repeated over and over; and today, 13 months after the
alleged SALT breakthrough, it is being done again. Early this
month there was "official optimism." Now there is "caution", and
even the alleged new snags are always over the same stale old
issues--the Backfire Bomber, and so on. But this month there was
a change!

One year ago this month I reported that Russia was pressuring
the United States to surrender through secret provisions of a
SALT II treaty to disarm America, but now we are committed to
re-arming in secret. Even if SALT II does come eventually, it
will be purely cosmetic for propaganda on both sides; and this
month Chief American Arms Negotiator Paul C. Warnke resigned.
His specialty in arms matters has always been a dismantling of
American military might, so he no longer fits the changed climate
for war. Meanwhile war preparations are quietly speeding up on
all fronts. Effective the first of this month, the length of
basic training has been shortened throughout the Armed Forces,
also this month the biggest mobilization-readiness tests since
World War II got underway for Reserves in the National Guard.
The exercise is code-named "Nifty Nugget" and runs from October
10 through November 8. By stretching it out this way, maximum
use is being made of routine week-end drill periods, thereby
avoiding widespread public attention to such a major exercise.

On the international scene too, the urgency is becoming
apparent. The three countries whose real estate is critical to
the American first-strike plan--namely Norway, Iran, and
China--are increasingly in the news. As I explained in detail
two months ago, American Subcraft--i.e. Submersible Aircraft--are
to attack Russia's four Cosmodromes from Norway and Iran. From
China's Sinkiang Province, Russia's two Cosmosphere installations
in Siberia are to be attacked. But since late June, Russian
intelligence ships have been stopping in northern Norwegian
waters, scouting out the Subcraft staging areas; and in August a
large Russian Spy Plane crashed on a northern Norwegian island,
further heightening the tension there. Iran, for her part, was
devastated by a huge earthquake last month brought about by
Russian geophysical warfare, as I explained last month. Iran now
wants to cancel purchases of 70 F-14 Fighter Bombers, 140 F-16
Fighters, 31 F-4 Phantom Jets, and 1000 air-to-ground missiles.
But what was praised most by Moscow Radio was Iran's reported
decision to back out of buying the so-called AWACS Airborne Spy
System. It was to have been used along the border with Russia to
monitor Russian military activities. As for China, the tug of
war between East and West continues on the surface; but, as I
reported last month, Russia and China have already reached an
agreement in principle for a secret alliance. And six days ago,
on October 23, the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty went into effect,
and Russian geophysical warfare will force Japan to sign up with
Russia soon. The great New Asian Axis--Tokyo, Peking, and
Moscow--which I warned about five years ago in my book THE
CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE DOLLAR, is coming into being.

This month four American Spy Bases in Turkey were re-opened
for one year, the arms embargo against Turkey has been lifted,
and on October 23 so was the arms embargo against Pakistan. The
United States is now considering arms aid to Somalia, and behind
the scenes American official behavior toward Rhodesia and South
Africa is changing. It seems our Unseen Rulers want all the
allies they can salvage for the coming war.

My friends, as we are confronted today by the evil forces of
Bolshevism in our midst and the threat of war, we should recall
these words: "We have no spiritual glow, no fervor, no fire
against evil. We stand facing war today with the impassivity of
a person who stands motionless before the flood, simply because
he did not wish the flood." These are the words of journalist
and lecturer Frederic Snyder which were spoken on November 30,
1941, just one week before Pearl Harbor; and today, my friends,
all of America is a Pearl Harbor.

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.

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