February 27, 1977
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: How Our National Security Was Really Lost
2: Pre-War America, 1977
3: The End Of An Era.
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Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 27,
1977, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 21.
For some time now I have been warning you of the dangers
facing America. Now, time is fast running out. When Jimmy
Carter was inaugurated President on January 20, 1977, a
contingency plan concocted in 1963 was set in motion, and it is
progressing very rapidly. The key to this particular plan was to
be the placement of a completely puppetized president in office
at a time of rapidly-mounting war threats. Under this plan,
inadequate performance by the puppet presidents in the face of
these dire threats is intended to enable a take-over of the
country by Rockefeller-controlled military and CIA inner circles.
In this manner the total dictatorship sought by the four
Rockefeller Brothers is to be brought into being.
We are now faced with the planned threat of NUCLEAR WAR ONE
with the puppet president now on the scene in the person of Jimmy
Carter. Carter continually spouts the Rockefeller line as he
learned it from his participation in their TRILATERAL COMMISSION,
but he has no real grasp at all of what he is involved in.
Meanwhile, the CIA is also being readied for its appointed
role. Nelson Rockefeller has been busy packing key positions in
the CIA with his "new men"; and to facilitate the enlistment of
required military support for the coming Dictatorship, a military
man who is a member of the Rockefeller inner circle, Admiral
Stansfield Turner, has been selected to head the CIA. That's why
the earlier nomination of Ted Sorenson ran into a brick wall--he
ran afoul of a game plan he didn't even know about.
The plan calls for pre-war crisis measures to be used to
condition Americans to accept the elaborate transformation of
America into a total dictatorship, and this pre-war build-up is
going on right now. Ultimately many millions of Americans are to
be annihilated in a Soviet nuclear attack, which is to be carried
out according to rules laid down in secret agreements negotiated
by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
As I revealed in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 12 for May 1976,
this joint Rockefeller-Soviet war plan includes a super-secret
"NUCLEAR SAFE ZONE" across the upper portion of the continental
United States within which the Rockefellers and their intimates
plan to ride out the war on Mount Desert and Bartlett Islands off
the coast of Maine, right in the heart of the Nuclear Safe Zone.
This Nuclear Safe Zone is merely the nuclear-age equivalent of
the orders which were given to Allied Bombing Commands during
World War II not to damage Rockefeller-owned strategic targets in
Germany. These orders caused such huge important installations
as the I. G. Farben Chemical plants to survive unscathed all the
way through World War II, while other targets and even whole
cities nearby were completely leveled.
Last month in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 20 I was able to reveal
the club the Rockefeller Brothers believe they hold over the
heads of the Soviets to make sure the Soviet nuclear attack on
America goes as planned. In this way the Rockefellers will have
used the Soviets to do their dirty work for them. In any event,
this club consists of an undersea fleet of 14 super-missiles
targeted on the Soviet Union--five in the Pacific, 9 in the
Atlantic. These missiles are not under the control of our
Defense Department, and have nothing whatever to do with the
defense of our country as a whole. They're under the direct
control of the Rockefeller Brothers through their controlled CIA,
and their only purpose is to make sure that the Rockefeller inner
circles in America are not included in the holocaust that is
being arranged for the rest of us. If all goes as planned, the
CIA super-missiles deep in the ocean will never be fired at all.
Only if there should be a Soviet double-cross would there be an
attempt to fire them, and under those circumstances they would
act only as vengeance weapons.
Yet as awesome as these CIA super-missiles are, they cannot
prevent a Soviet double-cross. In fact, they have already
provoked one double-cross. Last summer the Soviet Union sneaked
in under the CIA missile umbrella and began planting short-range
underwater-launch nuclear missiles in our own territorial waters,
hoping to achieve such total surprise that the CIA undersea
super-missiles would never be fired. The limited exposure of
this threat, which I was able to achieve by means of AUDIO
LETTERS Nos. 14 and 15 for July and August 1976, was sufficient
to ruin the Soviet surprise, so an attack at that time was
averted. The joint Rockefeller-Soviet war plan is back on track
for the time being, but now both sides are watching for a chance
to double-cross each other. Meanwhile, as I reported last month,
the presence of the Soviet missiles in our waters are now being
incorporated into the joint war plan.
For the first time in many years, Civil Defense, of which we
have none, has again become the subject of wide concern. We are
again hearing radio test alerts on the Emergency Broadcasting
System which will be used in the event of war. It has even been
hinted that we may soon experience unannounced air-raid drills, a
practice that could be especially effective in conditioning us
all to the idea that war is imminent.
Only a few days ago, on February 11, 1977, President Carter
became the first president to fly with great publicity in a
special airplane now fitted as a flying Command Post to be used
in nuclear war. The article above this in the New York Daily
News carried the headline, quote: "CARTER GETS A PREVIEW OF WORLD
WAR III." Just a year ago such headlines would have been
unthinkable. Now they are all around us.
Because the plan now under way requires that military support
be arranged for the new Dictatorship, it was essential that
General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
be neutralized as I said he would be in monthly AUDIO LETTER No.
17. General Brown played a pivotal role in preventing a Soviet
nuclear surprise attack on the United States during August and
September 1976; but that will not happen again, my friends. The
campaign which began in October 1976 to render General Brown
ineffective in his efforts to protect America has now succeeded.
He is no longer able to influence events to any significant
extent. That is why when Carter demanded on January 12, 1977,
that studies be performed toward eliminating 75% to 80% of our
Intercontinental Missiles, General Brown simply agreed to have
the studies done. Can you imagine?
My friends, now that we have lost General Brown, there is no
one left in the entire United States Government to help us.
There are still many patriotic individuals in the Government, of
course, but they are not the ones in positions of power. Only
massive public pressure--informed, angry, and determined--now has
any chance of stopping the carefully-planned war to kill millions
of us and enslave the rest. Every one of us must work to bring
about public awareness and pressure in whatever time we have
left. But suppose we do not succeed--then what?! I believe the
time has come to face that question squarely and honestly.
It may well be that we have already failed in our efforts to
help prevent NUCLEAR WAR ONE. Only God can know, but we dare not
give up because the victory may yet be ours. But the fact is
that many Americans do not want to listen. They are not ready,
and some will not be ready to listen until catastrophe comes upon
their heads.
If NUCLEAR WAR ONE does come here, my friends, millions will
die, but there will also be some survivors. You owe it to
yourself, to your family, and to our whole society to do whatever
you can to be among the survivors. The godless dictatorship
being fashioned by our unelected Rulers will collapse in the end;
and when it does, there must be people left who know what America
was all about, and what went wrong. Because you are willing to
hear the truth now before disaster arrives, YOU are that people.
And if we are all forced to pass through the dark tunnel of war
and bungling dictatorship, it will fall your lot to help lead our
people out of darkness and into the sunlight once again on the
other side.
My three special topics for today are:
Topic #2--PRE-WAR AMERICA, 1977
Topic #3--THE END OF AN ERA.
Topic #1--For more than a generation, since the outbreak of World
War II in fact, Americans have been preoccupied with the idea of
national security. But what is National Security? One concept
of national security is the familiar one promoted day in and day
out by the federal government. According to the Government,
national security is a matter that is just too complex for most
of us to understand and must always be wrapped in secrecy,
intrigue, and more secrecy. When we see diplomatic maneuvers
which seem to help our enemies while harming our friends or even
ourselves, we're always told we simply don't understand the
so-called National Security considerations that are involved.
The map of the free world shrinks ever smaller, our country grows
visibly weaker and weaker, yet the federal bureaucracy knows
best, we are assured, and will take care of it all for us. But
while you and I are both forced to pay the bill for it all, we
are never, never let in on what it is really all about.
What is called "National Security" today by the Government
would be better described as security for our Secret Rulers.
They see themselves as the embodiment of our nation, just as
royalty did in times past. Thus to them, so-called National
Security is nothing more than a king's "X" to prevent the public,
you and me, from learning things about governmental doings that
could endanger our Rulers' security. Vital secrets that are
routinely betrayed to our deadliest enemies are kept hidden from
our view.
The Government's version of National Security involves ever
greater centralization of all power and all decision-making into
just a few hands. Increasingly it involves spying on the
citizens of our own nation, and now it even includes diplomatic
manipulations that have betrayed us straight down the road to
NUCLEAR WAR ONE. This is what the words National Security really
mean to those who secretly control the United States
Government--a government that used to be ours, but is no more.
What is called National Security obviously is not what most of us
naturally think of when we hear these words. The Government's
version of National Security, in other words, is an illusion and
a fraud. Real national security has to be rooted in the people,
who are the nation.
When we think of national security we usually think of the
ability of the nation as a whole to protect itself from damage by
other nations--politically, economically, and if need be
militarily. But there's another side to national security that
is actually more basic, yet we in America have been led to
gradually neglect it and finally lose it altogether over the past
100 years or so. I refer to the internal stability that has been
destroyed by over-centralization.
Gone are the days when America consisted of thousands of
communities which could, if need be, survive for indefinite
periods without supplies from distant sources. And gone are the
days when consumers could choose from among a wide variety of
products produced by true competitors. Instead, most of the
things we now have to have for life come from somewhere else,
often we know not where; and there is little competition or real
choice left. The flow of essential commodities can now be turned
off at will by the corporate socialists and a few central spigots
in order to bring America to a grinding halt. Most Americans
today never give this state of affairs a second thought. The
young cannot imagine things being any different; and most of
those who are old enough to remember a different way of life are
willing to settle for what we have today with the comforts and
luxuries that have become commonplace.
What has happened, my friends, is that we have all become
addicts. There is an addiction that underlies our entire way of
life today, and this same addiction has made it possible for us
to be brought to the threshold of Totalitarian World Government
and nuclear holocaust. My friends, we are addicts--addicts to
energy. There's no precedent in history for the magnitude of the
suffering man can now bring about, because there is no precedent
in history for the energy addiction that now grips America and
the world.
For thousands of years mankind got by on the ancient and
renewable forms of energy such as animal power, water power, wind
power, and the burning of wood. Then came coal, and the
industrial revolution was spawned. But it was petroleum, thanks
to its great convenience and high energy output, that was
destined to make true energy addicts of us all.
It is typical of addictions that they take time to develop,
and that is true of our energy addiction of today. It began very
gradually over 100 years ago, and has built up over several
generations. During the early years after petroleum first made
its appearance, we were still in the take-it-or-leave-it stage;
but gradually it found more and more uses, and then whole
technologies were spawned which depend specifically on petroleum
energy, such as the automobile and the airplane. These
technologies gradually took on the character of necessities,
rather than optional luxuries, and from that point onward we were
true addicts.
The same way, our energy addiction expanded to include
dependence on natural gas and electricity. Even our food
production became increasingly dependent upon uninterrupted
supplies of non-renewable energy. The American farmer, blessed
already with a rich land, began to retire his ox-drawn plow in
favor of a gasoline-powered tractor, and soon expanded his
productivity still further with other farm machinery--all of it
run by petroleum energy. It became possible for fewer farmers to
feed us all; and farmers who failed to keep up with these new
trends, whether for financial reasons or otherwise, gradually
disappeared from the scene.
Then came high-yield hybrid crops, petroleum-derivative
insecticides and fungicides to protect these delicate hybrids
from damage, and fertilizers made with natural gas as a raw
material in order to make them grow better. Farms became bigger,
fewer, and more expensive; huge agribusinesses, energy-intensive
and geared for high productivity, began to dominate American
agriculture, making it still harder for the small family farm to
Meanwhile, petroleum energy made possible fast freight
transportation over long distances. High-volume food
distributors have exploited this in such a way that nearby small
suppliers of many foods are by-passed in favor of a few
centralized huge supply sources far away. This, of course, has
caused many of the nearby supplies that used to exist in many
areas to dry up and disappear. For example, every town of any
size used to have access to one or more local dairies which
processed the milk produced by cows in that area. But today many
of the familiar, dependable local dairies of the past are gone;
and if you can find anyone who can tell you where the milk you
buy comes from, you may well discover that it comes from a
central processing plant in another state.
We have now reached the point where practically all the
necessities of life, including food and water, reach us only by
means of non-renewable, centrally-controlled energy. The energy
pushers have done their job well, making it appear that nothing
more than natural trends were at work. They have fed our
addiction beyond the point of no return, taking care not to allow
competing sources of energy to develop that could get out of
their control and ruin their grip on us.
Our energy addiction is now to be used against us for their
own purposes. When we're told now that we must conserve, it
means that we must knuckle under to sacrifices as we are
gradually ground under the heel of artificial shortages and
rising costs.
My friends, the role of energy in our society is so
all-pervasive today that it is hard to describe, and it is the
Rockefellers who first realized how powerful a tool it could be
for their own ends. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. built the giant
Standard Oil monopoly with ruthless determination to corner the
market on petroleum. The trust-busting era merely caused him to
devise better ways to hide his control while his program
proceeded without letup, and soon the Rockefeller Standard Oil
empire became involved in international intrigue and wars to
overcome foreign competitors as well. The process has continued
down to the present with wars, skirmishes, coups, and so forth,
enabling the Rockefeller empire to maintain a strangle hold on
most of the world's oil. In recent years this has been made
virtually airtight through control of most of the free world's
refining capacity. So today it is the four Rockefeller Brothers
who are in a position to turn off the vital energy supplies to
which we have become addicted for our very lives. We have all
become so accustomed to the steady supply of electricity, natural
gas, and petroleum products that the illusion of reliability has
been created.
Alternative means of surviving by means of local resources
have gradually fallen into the disuse and have disappeared, while
we all have been lulled into a life or death dependence on
centralized energy sources controlled by the Rockefeller
Brothers. And they're not interested in your security or mine.
Their horizon is the world and how to control it--not the mere
survival of America. Therefore when they turn the energy spigots
off, as they are beginning to do now, they will be turning off
our national security with it--in other words, we have NO
national security. So long as the necessities of life remain
under the centralized control of men who are determined to murder
our beloved country, we will never again have true national
security. Only if we, the people, will rise up and take back the
government that has been stolen from us, will the many things be
done that are necessary to restore true national security to our
Topic #2--When I recorded my AUDIO BOOK tape on the coming
depression and war in October, 1974, I explained the real purpose
that caused World Wars I and II. In both cases, Germany was
nothing more than a huge pawn in an ever bigger game of
international conquest. Instead, as I said then, through two
World Wars America's Secret Rulers brought Great Britain to her
The American people as a whole feel strong kinship to the
British, so it seems incredible that our Secret Rulers would have
deliberately smashed Britain through war. But listen to what
former Prime Minister Sir Harold Wilson said last month on
January 22, 1977 on a television talk show. When he was asked to
explain the economic crisis Britain is in, he said, quote:
"Two world wars took all our investments; and the Lend-Lease
Agreement with the Americans not only took all our markets, which
was justified as we didn't want shipping going to Latin America,
but we had to give them all our inventions."
Thus the three decades from the beginning of World War I to the
end of World War II were used to concentrate the bulk of the
world's economic might into the hands of those who ruled America
secretly, behind the scenes--namely the ROCKEFELLERS.
The technologies and markets of friend and foe alike were
stolen and poured into the coffers of the Corporate Socialist
empire controlled by the four Rockefeller Brothers. But this
emergence of America into sudden world dominance was never
intended to be more than a temporary phenomenon by those who had
secretly caused it to happen.
A dominant share of the economic and technological might of
the world had been centralized under American control so that we
could then serve as an immense reservoir for transfusions to the
Soviet Union! The godless dictatorship set up by the Bolsheviks
in Russia in 1917 with the help of Rockefeller financing was to
be the real wave of the future. It represented the ultimate in
monopoly--total control over every aspect of peoples' lives. But
the Soviet System which is intended as the pattern for TOTAL
WORLD DOMINATION is artificial and unnatural, and that is why the
Soviet Union had to be built up by massive transfusions from
outside--transfusions of money, food, economic and technological
know-how, everything. Now the transfusions are virtually
It took three decades to drain Britain and Europe to build up
America as a reservoir for the Soviet Union, and it has taken
three more decades to drain the American reservoir and make the
Soviet Union the world's most powerful nation in material terms.
The United States is now following Great Britain down the road to
ruin, and for the same reasons. The Rockefeller Brothers and
their intimates now arrogantly believe they can no longer be
stopped in their plan of world conquest. They are convinced
there is no power greater than themselves, and they are becoming
more brazen by the day.
Jimmy Carter has been programmed to proceed with all possible
speed in dismembering what remains of our nation's defenses while
at the same time promoting public awareness of war tensions here
and abroad. He is making the terrible mistake of thinking he is
actually President.
Meanwhile long-time Rockefeller agent, Walter Mondale, stands
ready and waiting for the moment IF and WHEN Jimmy Carter is
erased from the scene. Mondale is by far the most powerful
Vice-President in history next to Nelson Rockefeller, and he's in
a position to pick up the reins of presidential power at a
moment's notice.
As for Nelson Rockefeller, he hasn't given up either. After a
recent White House ceremony at which he was given an award,
Rockefeller whispered to reporters as he left: "I'll be back."
Jimmy Carter is functioning with a skeleton government at the
present time here in Washington. Huge gaps remain deliberately
unfilled in the Carter Administration--such as the Chairmanship
of the United States Export-Import Bank. Normally positions at
Eximbank are among the most coveted plums in all of Washington,
and yet up to now they remain unfilled. Why? Because, my
friends, the Export-Import Bank is a peacetime operation, and it
will be shut down when war comes as it is planned to do.
The Carter Cabinet is a war cabinet, and the unprecedented
measure was taken of rushing their confirmation hearings through
Congress even before Carter took office. On hand to preside over
America's final destruction in NUCLEAR WAR ONE are men of
unchallenged qualifications for that task--such as Secretary of
State Vance, Secretary of Defense Brown, and National Security
Advisor Brzezinski, among others. These men were in the
forefront of those who argued in favor of America's involvement
in the disaster called Vietnam, and helped guide the conduct of
the war in such a way as to guarantee our defeat! Now all they
have to say about Vietnam is, quote: "We made a mistake." And
with that, our country has been placed in their hands once again.
We hear continually about "government reorganization", but
what does this really mean? For one hint, consider the fact that
Brzezinski is on record as saying, quote:
"The reality of our times is such that a modern society, such
as the United States, needs a central, coordinating, and
renovating organ which cannot be made up of 600 people."
In other words, the United States Congress in its present form is
obsolete and should be replaced by something else!! Brzezinski,
by the way, is a close neighbor and associate of David and Nelson
Rockefeller's at Seal Harbor, Maine.
And then there are the words of Andrew Young, appointed United
States Ambassador to the U.N. by Carter. In that position, Young
is charged with speaking for everyone in the United States, yet
he has said, quote: "Communism has never been a threat to me."
Do words like that speak for you, my friends? Or for your
neighbors? Or for any real American? But those words have been
allowed to stand, and the man who said them is still the United
Nations Ambassador.
We are moving rapidly toward the introduction of the secret
new Rockefeller Constitution for America which I revealed and
described in AUDIO BOOK tape released in July 1975. The plan is
now to accomplish this as part of the scenario now under way to
take over the country under threat of war. Even Carter's new CIA
Director, Admiral Turner, has been in contact with Carter for
over five years--not about military matters but governmental
And so our unelected Rulers continue to plan and scheme to
take full advantage of the threat of war and even NUCLEAR WAR ONE
itself to destroy our way of life for their own purposes. The
orchestrated pre-war build-up of tensions continues. In recent
weeks, western Europe has suddenly been highlighted as our
nuclear-age Dunkirk because doubts are now being expressed that
NATO forces there could withstand a surprise attack by the Warsaw
Pact forces.
And here at home it is now officially acknowledged that the
Soviet Union is shooting for military superiority over the West.
Unofficially, some say they already have it. Worse yet, the
Rockefeller-controlled CIA just 'happens' to have been grossly
underestimating the Soviet military build-up for a decade or
more. Can you imagine? Suddenly now we are told that the Soviet
Union has been spending four times the previous CIA estimates for
new weapons and military installations. The deliberate
underestimates, which were arranged for years by Rockefeller
insiders in the CIA, had just one purpose: To undermine any
arguments about a serious Soviet threat and thereby to insure a
decline in American military might.
But now that NUCLEAR WAR ONE is imminent, the CIA estimates
can no longer make any difference in our preparedness, so now the
estimates have suddenly been raised in order to demoralize us and
convince us that defeat at Soviet hands is all but inevitable.
Having arranged for our Constitutional military forces to be
weakened as much as possible, the CIA itself has become the most
powerful military organization in the United States--a fact
symbolized by the fact that the CIA will now be headed by Four
Star Admiral Turner, a Rockefeller insider who will retain his
military rank.
The CIA has been transformed into a combined super-Military
and Secret Police controlled by persons loyal only to the
Rockefeller Brothers instead of the country as a whole. This is
in complete violation of the original charter of the CIA and of
the CONSTITUTION of the United States.
Sixteen years after the establishment of the CIA at the
instigation of David Rockefeller, former President Harry S.
Truman expressed public regrets over having done so. On December
21, 1963, he wrote for the Washington Post, quote:
"For some time I've been disturbed by the way the CIA has been
diverted from its original assignment. It has become an
operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government."
Saying that he had never visualized, quote, "peacetime cloak and
dagger operations" for the CIA, he added, and I quote:
"This quiet Intelligence arm of the President has been so
removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a
symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue, and a subject
for cold war enemy propaganda."
These words of President Truman were published just a month
after an American president, John F. Kennedy, had been brutally
removed from office by a successful CIA operation, as I revealed
in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 3 for August 1975. Already the CIA
had broken free of presidential control, and a decade later a CIA
operation called "WATERGATE" replaced an elected President and
Vice-President with appointees for the very first time in
American history!
Today the United States is surrounded by 90 short-range
underwater-launch nuclear missiles planted by the Soviet Union
within our own territorial waters. Our Constitutional military
services have been under presidential orders since October 1,
1976 NOT to remove them; and now that General Brown has been
neutralized, no effort whatever is being made to do so. And the
only real counter-threat to these Soviet underwater missiles is
the fleet of 14 awesome super-missiles targeted on the Soviet
Union from resting places deep in the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans. These undersea super-missiles, as I revealed last month
in AUDIO LETTER No. 20, are not under normal military control but
are under direct Rockefeller command through their controlled
CIA. Their purpose, as I have already explained, is not to
prevent NUCLEAR WAR ONE or even to retaliate when it comes.
Their purpose is only to insure that the Soviet Union abides by
the joint Rockefeller-Soviet war plan to spare the Rockefeller
Brothers and their intimates while incinerating the rest of us.
But as I revealed last month, the super-secret CIA missiles
have begun deteriorating and leaking. One missile in the Pacific
is totally disabled, and several others are leaking plutonium
from their warheads into the surrounding waters, and probably are
useless also.
One of the leaking missiles which I mentioned last month is
Atlantic Missile No. 8, which is located in the ocean about 290
miles east-southeast of Jacksonville, Florida. On February 7,
1977, just two weeks after I recorded monthly AUDIO LETTER No.
20, the beach near Jacksonville, Florida became the scene of a
mystifying phenomenon. For no apparent reason, whales suddenly
began beaching themselves in large numbers. Within a short time
over 120 whales beached themselves only to die there. That
evening NBC News reported that no autopsies were being performed
on the whales, that this was to be left to the Smithsonian here
in Washington. The next day that story was retracted, but
meanwhile I know from my own sources that a high-ranking
Smithsonian official who is a covert CIA agent went to Florida
immediately to investigate and to make sure that the real cause
of the whales beaching themselves did not become publicly known.
One story the Smithsonian circulated as a possible explanation
for the strange behavior of the whales was that some sort of
parasites, caused perhaps by pollution, had caused the whales to
lose their senses of depth and direction. But that, of course,
does not explain why they would all have come ashore out of their
natural habitat, rather than wandering aimlessly at sea. And it
explains even less what happened when some of the whales were
towed off the beach and into the sea. In most cases they
unerringly headed straight for shore and beached themselves
again. Even though death awaited them on the beach, they
preferred that to their natural habitat of the sea.
What you have not been told, my friends, is that a number of
the whales were dissected, and in practically every case their
stomachs were completely empty--they were sick. But the real
problem was not in their stomachs but in their lungs, which were
heavily contaminated with plutonium. A few days after the whales
began beaching themselves, I was informed by my Intelligence
sources that the plutonium leakage from Atlantic Missile No. 8
had accelerated so rapidly that plutonium was now contaminating
the Atlantic in a fan that touches the east coast all the way
from about half way between Savannah and Brunswick, Georgia,
southward almost to Daytona Beach, Florida. It was strongest in
the middle, right where the whales came ashore near Jacksonville.
My friends, I am not a marine biologist, and I don't know
exactly how the whales got water-borne plutonium into their
lungs, but the facts speak for themselves, somehow it happened;
and once there, the plutonium produced a fungus-like infection
that interfered with their breathing. Finally in desperation,
the whales (which are mammals like you and me) began casting
themselves onto the beach, gasping for air.
By now the whales have been collected and buried in the Gerwin
Road landfill in Jacksonville, Florida, and forgotten by most as
yesterday's news. But we would do well not to ignore the lesson
of the beached whales; because now, like the whales, our drinking
water in the United States now contains plutonium too. The
Soviet injections of plutonium into our atmosphere which began
last October 1976 have continued and, in fact, are now
accelerating; and now fallout of this material has contaminated
our own drinking water nationwide. It is invisible, it is
tasteless, but it is there.
As I reported last month, a dramatic increase in flu-like
illness was to be expected all across America, thanks to the
Soviet plutonium attack No. 3 which took place in late December
and early January; and now it's happening. Outbreaks of (quote)
"flu and flu-like illnesses" have been reported this month in at
least 23 states. Perhaps you yourself have had a round of
something lately that seems like the flu, yet may have seemed
somehow different from flu you have had in the past, or perhaps
you have just noticed that something is "going around." Even
this recording was delayed one week by flu-like illnesses which
hit myself and some of my associates very hard.
I wish I could tell you that the flu-like illness season were
about over, but unfortunately the opposite is true. A fourth
Soviet plutonium attack began this month on February 3 involving
25 Soviet submarines. This time they were deployed along the
entire West coast from Seattle to San Diego, and they injected
plutonium into our atmosphere over a period of approximately two
weeks. And now just three days ago on February 24 a fifth Soviet
plutonium attack on the United States has begun. This time there
are 30 Soviet submarines, again deployed all the way from Seattle
to San Diego. Furthermore, I am now able to confirm that there
is a weather-modification aspect to the Soviet plutonium attacks.
In the past year or so the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, the EPA, has issued warnings, so-called, that
fluorocarbon propellants from household aerosol cans are damaging
the ozone layer far up into the atmosphere. We have been warned
that this could have very dangerous effects on our environment;
and as a result, a trend away from aerosol spray cans is now
under way. There may be some merit to that argument, but as
usual the EPA is merely seizing on a minor danger in order to
cover up a far more real immediate and major threat.
The means by which the plutonium is being dispersed into our
atmosphere by the Soviet submarines is none other than by
fluorocarbon propellants discharging upward into the air at a
steep angle. Each submarine in each attack exhausts huge
quantities of fluorocarbon propellant in such a way that it is
far more effective in damaging our ozone layer than millions of
ordinary household aerosol cans in normal use. Even before the
plutonium attacks began last October, my Intelligence sources
believe that fluorocarbon injections like this into our
atmosphere were under way for some time. The introduction of the
plutonium to these attacks last October was therefore an easy
But by other means, also, weather-modification activities by
both the CIA and the Soviet KGB have been in progress for some
time now for use in warfare. Because of these facts, I believe I
should warn you about one thing which, at this time, I must label
as conjecture. Normally, as you know, my policy is to tell you
only those things which I have been able to confirm as
established fact; but this time I believe an exception is
warranted. The timing, severity, and pattern of the huge winter
storm that struck the north and east portions of the United
States may well have been a massive pre-war weather-modification
experiment as a rehearsal for similar measures in NUCLEAR WAR
ONE. Had war broken out while those weather patterns persisted,
large portions of the upper United States within the "Nuclear
Safe Zone" would have been immobilized by weather and therefore
could have been spared from attack--seemingly for natural
It may be that weather control is the key to the riddle of the
"Nuclear Safe Zone", enabling it to escape attack while the
southern two-thirds of the United States along with Alaska and
Hawaii endure a nuclear holocaust. If this is the case, then a
future storm pattern that immobilizes the part of the United
States above the 40th Parallel could be the signal that a Soviet
nuclear attack is imminent. I emphasize again that, as of now,
this is conjecture on my part. I have not been able to confirm
it, but there are so many facts that point in this direction that
I believe you should be warned of this possibility. The
Rockefeller Brothers, in any case, are doing everything in their
power to hurry up NUCLEAR WAR ONE, so anything can happen. They
are in a hurry because they want to make sure that the war takes
place while enough of their super CIA missiles are still
operational to provide an effective blackmail threat against the
Soviets. But as for America's officially acknowledged fleet of
Intercontinental Missiles, that is another matter.
I have never revealed what went on when I saw General George
S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in his Pentagon
offices last September 16, 1976, but I think I should now mention
just one item which has now acquired urgent new significance.
One of the things I discussed with General Brown was the
horrendous Intelligence gap created by then Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger. Because of this deliberate Intelligence gap,
General Brown and the Joint Chiefs have been denied crucial
information needed to protect our country. In this connection,
General Brown did not know about the super-secret "Nuclear Safe
Zone" negotiated for the private benefit of the Rockefeller
Brothers and their intimates by Kissinger. In fact, it seemed
unbelievable because he pointed out the presence of several prime
targets--namely, ICBM installations inside the "Nuclear Safe
Zone." But now Jimmy Carter is pushing for those very ICBM sites
to be shut down. That is the meaning of Carter's incredible
order to General Brown at the Blair House meeting of January 12,
1977, and by that means the Rockefellers plan to make the
"Nuclear Safe Zone" off limits to NUCLEAR WAR ONE attack.
Topic #3--Whatever the future holds for us, my friends, one thing
is for sure. We are witnessing the end of an era. Politically,
economically, socially, and spiritually we are entering a time of
tumultuous change, but the question still remains: Change in what
Will this be the end of the era of destructive Rockefeller
control over our lives? Or will we just sit back wringing our
hands and let them succeed in their plans to snuff out the era of
human freedom? Might we look forward to the new era of renewed
respect for nature as God in His wisdom created it? Or will we
condemn ourselves by inaction to a suicidal era of ever
increasing destruction of our beautiful world under the greedy
exploitation of the Rockefeller cartel and their Soviet allies?
Will the struggle that is being forced upon us lead us at last to
a new dawning of the day of the individual? Or will we submit
without struggle to the perfect equality of slaves in the
Rockefeller-Soviet world empire?
My friends, it will take organized, dedicated, selfless action
to sound the alarm and bring pressure to bear in time to turn
away from total disaster for our land. But the hour is now so
late; where can we hope for this action to come from? If history
is any guide, my friends, there is only one institution left.
I have pointed out on previous occasions that what is
happening in America today is a ghastly replay of what happened
to Germany before World War II--with one difference. Those who
brought Hitler to power as a pawn are themselves coming to power
here in America.
With this in mind, I will now read a very rare letter to you.
For reasons which will become apparent, it will be safely stored
away again under lock and key by the time you hear this
recording. The letter, written by a distinguished churchman, is
dated October 16, 1945, and is addressed to Dr. Albert Einstein.
I will now read directly from the letter:
"My dear Dr. Einstein:
I have seen you reported as having said, quote: 'Being a lover
of freedom, when the revolution came in Germany I looked to the
Universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted
of their devotion to the cause of truth; but NO, the Universities
immediately were silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of
the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had
proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the
Universities, were silenced in a few short weeks. Only the
Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for
suppressing the truth. I never had any special interest in the
church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration,
because the church alone has had the courage and persistence to
stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus
to confess that what I once despised, I now praise
Still continuing with the letter:
"Would you be kind enough to let me know whether this
represents your feeling now that hostilities have ceased? I
should be very grateful to know how you feel about this now.
With great admiration and every good wish, I am
Yours faithfully,"
and there follows the signature of the writer. Below there is a
postscript as follows, and I quote:
"P.S. - The statement is reported to have been made by you
before the United States entered the war, and I thought possibly
you might have had some occasion to change your opinion in the
light of later developments. I naturally hope that you haven't."
The writer of this letter received it back with the following
answer in longhand along the right-hand margin, and I quote:
"The reproduction of my verbally given statement is essentially
correct, and I have not changed my opinion concerning this
There follows the signature:
"A. Einstein."
My friends, the churches in Nazi Germany recognized the
onslaught of evil and stood up against it. Today America faces
the same evil, multiplied a thousand times over. But where? oh
where are the churches today?
Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.
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