Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr. Peter Beter - Audio Letter 15

August 2, 1976
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: The Rockefeller Sell-Out Of America To The Soviet Union
2: The Soviet Strategy For Surprise Naval Attack In
Nuclear War I
3: The World-Wide Locations Of Soviet Underwater Missiles
And Bombs


This recording is a product of AUDIO BOOKS INC. (1980 current
address: 1629 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006)

Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is August 2,
1976, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 15.

Normally I record each issue of my monthly AUDIO LETTER around
mid-month or later, but this month I must make an exception,
because of the urgency of what I have to tell you.

In monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 12, three months ago, I
revealed the joint Rockefeller-Soviet plan for NUCLEAR WAR ONE to
be waged primarily on American soil. In that tape I also
revealed the existence of the super secret "Nuclear Safe Zone"--a
swath across the upper half of the continental United States and
lower Canada between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees North
within which nuclear attack had been agreed not to take place
under secret agreements between the four Rockefeller Brothers and
their Soviet allies. The fact that the four Brothers themselves
take this agreement very seriously is reflected by the fact that
they have virtually abandoned the famous Rockefeller estates at
Pocantico Hills, New York, moving their secret documents and
other assets to their other homes on Mt. Desert Island and
Bartlett Island just off the coast of Maine, right in the middle
of the Nuclear Safe Zone. Only today, in fact, Nelson
Rockefeller entertained reporters at Seal Harbor, which is on Mt.
Desert Island; but in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 12 I also reported
that more and more of the Trustees of the major
Rockefeller-controlled Foundations, through whom the Rockefellers
exercise their control over our economy and our government, are
increasingly fearful that the ONE WORLD program of the
Rockefellers has jumped the tracks.

Over a period of 50 years and more the wealth and power of the
western world, especially the United States, has been bled off in
a continuous transfusion to strengthen the Soviet Union
artificially. But now they see increasingly that they have
opened Pandora's box and that a terrible double-cross by the
Soviet Union is looming closer and closer as the hideous dead end
of their behind-the-scenes control of our nation.

The very next month, in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 13 I was able
to reveal the existence of a Soviet-planted nuclear weapon in the
waters near the entrance to Seal Harbor, Maine, ready to destroy
the summer homes of David and Nelson Rockefeller upon Soviet
command. And just two weeks ago in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14
for July 1976, I revealed the presence in American territorial
waters not only of three more bombs but of 10 short-range,
underwater-launch, multiple-warhead missiles with nuclear

We are now in the grip of a grotesque rerun of the deadly
Soviet Missile Crisis of 1971 which I revealed and described in
monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14. Now, as then, our leaders are not
telling you one word about it, but this time the Soviet threat is
vastly greater and more imminent than it was in 1971. What the
Soviet Union is hatching, my friends, is a devastating naval
surprise attack of world-wide dimensions which goes far beyond
even the huge dimensions of the threat I revealed to you last
month. No less than 25 countries around the world are now
threatened with surprise attack by the Soviet Union at any moment
the Soviets may choose by means of underwater-launched missiles
and bombs planted by the Soviet Navy.

It has now been two weeks since I recorded monthly AUDIO
LETTER No. 14 in which I challenged the United States Joint
Chiefs of Staff to take appropriate action about the deadly
Soviet nuclear offensive weapons in our territorial waters and in
which I pledged my readiness to cooperate fully with the Joint
Chiefs. My challenge and offer of cooperation were also
transmitted directly to the appropriate officials; but, my
friends, as of this moment I have not received one word of
official reply to my charges, my challenge, or my offer to help!

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been given notice of specific
aggressive acts by the Soviet Union that imperil the peace and
security of the United States, the placement of offensive nuclear
weapons at strategic locations within American territorial
waters; but to my knowledge up to this moment they have not taken
any action whatever to seek out, much less to destroy, any of the
bombs or missiles I revealed last month including even the
missile near Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, whose location I spelled out
in navigational coordinates. So long as this inaction continues,
they are failing to protect our shipping, to protect our vital
sea lanes of communication, to maintain general naval supremacy
in our own waters, and to protect crucial naval bases and
property among other things. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are in
flagrant and continuing violation of Title 10 of the United
States Code and of the Department of Defense Directive 5100.1
which spells out the functions and responsibilities of the Armed
Forces of the United States. What is the meaning of this? Does
this mean that the Joint Chiefs are so completely trapped and
insulated by Rockefeller agent Henry Kissinger that they are no
longer free to do their duty?

My friends, what hope can there be for us when our most
trusted and respected leaders, civilian and military, fail us
through treason and fear? The answer is that ours is not the
only government facing this terrible Soviet threat, so I have
turned this information over to them too; and while the United
States Government sits paralyzed through fear and Rockefeller
treason, other governments are taking action. Meanwhile my own
efforts are to rob the Soviets of the crucial element of surprise
which they are counting on to make their world-wide naval attack

Today I want to discuss these three topics:




Topic #1--In the early fall of 1938 an International Conference
was held to consider Adolf Hitler's demand that the Sudetenland
with its heavy German population be ceded to Germany by
Czechoslovakia. For years the Third Reich had been rearming
itself to the teeth in open defiance of the "Treaty of
Versailles" but the Western Allies, afraid of offending Hitler,
had done nothing about it. Prior to Czechoslovakia, Austria had
been annexed under the pretext of racial ties like those in the
Sudetenland that demanded such an organic relationship to
Germany. The Allies had done nothing about Austria, and now
Britain and France agreed as well to Hitler's annexation of the
Sudetenland. On September 30, 1938, the fate of the Sudeten
residents of Czechoslovakia was decided without their own
participation when the infamous Munich Agreement was signed.
Amid widespread relief, "peace in our time" was proclaimed; but
less than a year later, on September 1, 1939, World War II began
with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Just over a year ago, on July
30, 1975, a new Munich agreement was signed, 35 signatories were
involved as the Helsinki Accord was signed sealing the fate of
the Soviet satellites of eastern Europe as a stable relationship
referred to as "organic and permanent" by high officials of the
United States Department of State. Widespread praise for the
so-called "Spirit of Helsinki" assured us all that detente was
doing fine and all was well.

Meanwhile the steadily accelerating Soviet military build-up
has redoubled its pace in clear violation of the "Strategic Arms
Limitation Treaties" (SALT) which forbid such major new weapons
as the huge Soviet SS-19 ICBM now being deployed. In the past 10
years the military superiority once enjoyed by the United States
has been systematically and deliberately eroded, always with the
excuse that our failure to unilaterally disarm in stages might
seem provocative to Russia.

Meanwhile the Soviet build-up has doubled and redoubled to the
point where nations around the world are expressing increasing
alarm at such military preparations which now go far beyond
anything that could conceivably be limited to self-defense. The
situation is becoming so ominous that more and more nations which
have formerly kept their silence rather than to risk offending
the Soviet Union are now crying out in alarm. In May 1976, the
same month in which I recorded monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 12
telling you of the mounting fears of a Soviet double-cross by
certain Trustees of the major Rockefeller-controlled Foundations,
the clamor of concern over Soviet military intentions began
building up.

For example, on May 9, 1976, Denmark's Foreign Minister, K. B.
Andersen, was quoted as saying about neighboring Soviet and
Warsaw Pact exercises, quote:

"The military activity in the last few years has been more than
is necessary for defensive purposes. It is more than is
reasonable in the spirit of Helsinki."

The Danes are especially worried about amphibious landing
maneuvers which are being carried out on the Baltic coast and
which are moving ever closer to Denmark, which controls the
straits which lead from the Baltic into the North Sea.

A week later, on May 16, 1976, Denmark's growing concern was
echoed by West Germany's Foreign Minister, Herr Genscher, who
said that the Soviet Union is arming itself beyond its defense
needs, creating a danger for European security.

About the same time half a world away, the Japanese were
increasingly voicing serious concern over Soviet military
escalation. Since the beginning of 1976 there has been a
dramatic increase in Soviet naval and air activity in the
vicinity of Japan including frequent scrambling of aircraft,
numerous violations of Japanese air space by Soviet aircraft, and
submarine exercises just off Japan.

By late May the same theme had been taken up by Great Britain.
On May 26, 1976, British Foreign Secretary Crosland told the
Central Treaty Organization of Foreign Ministers, quote:

"We cannot ignore the evidence of our eyes. It has been
precisely during the years when the Soviet Union has advocated
detente that we have witnessed the steady build-up of the Soviet
armed forces."

Nor have the warnings by leaders of other countries abated.
Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has rightly criticized
detente as an illusion used by the Soviet Union to veil its
imperialist designs.

Red China, which is badly weakened at the moment by the
devastating earthquakes, has expressed worry over the recent
strengthening of Russian land and air forces along her northern

And only three days ago on the first anniversary of the Helsinki
Agreement, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, leader of the Conservative
Party in Britain, reinforced her warnings voiced earlier this
year concerning the very real and growing threat posed by the
Soviet Union.

Meanwhile here in our own United States all attempts to voice
similar warnings are suppressed, muted, and diffused. Recently
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General George S.
Brown, revealed that while the American Pacific Fleet should be
able to keep sea lanes open to Hawaii and thereabouts, quote:

"Because of a shortage of warships the fleet will not be able
to protect the sea lanes into the western Pacific."

Admiral James L. Holloway, Chief of the Naval Operations, has
gone even farther, declaring that American warships now operate
in the Sea of Japan only at the tolerance of the Soviet Pacific
Fleet. No wonder the Japanese are worried; but perhaps the most
dismal estimate of the situation comes from retired Admiral Elmo
Zumwalt who flatly says that the United States could not win a
war against the Soviet Union today. Well, he ought to know. It
was while he himself was Chief of Naval Operations that the
Soviet Missile Crisis of 1971 occurred involving underwater
missiles in American and Canadian waters, as I revealed last

Meanwhile Rockefeller Soviet agent Henry Kissinger speaks
comforting lies for American public consumption about the
military inferiority of the Soviet Union; and our interim
president Ford, speaking words put in his mouth like a
ventriloquist by Nelson Rockefeller and Kissinger, solemnly lies
to us that there have been no violations of the SALT agreements
by the Soviets, and that they have refrained from using any
loopholes in the SALT agreements. The Rockefeller major media
drum lies like these into our heads, creating a false sense of
security. We, the people of the United States as well as of the
other countries now under the threat of the Soviet surprise
attack, have been sold out by the four Rockefeller Brothers and
their agents in and out of Government. Our trust of those in
positions of leadership has been used against us at the very
highest levels. We have all been double-crossed for the private
gain of a handful of greedy, callous men; and yet, even they too
are about to lose everything in the same way--double-cross by the
Soviet Union.

Topic #2--In this age of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles,
Viking space craft landing on Mars, and B-1 Bombers, it is easy
to forget the indispensable roles played by land and sea forces.
The vast tonnages of commodities that travel around the world in
international trade travel not by air in most cases but by land
and especially by sea. For reasons of simple economics, the sea
is still the unrivaled highway of the world's commerce, spelling
prosperity for many and survival for some; and as long as this is
true, navies will always play a major role in a nation's military
power. If some Americans have forgotten this, the Soviet Union
has not. For over two decades just one man has been continuously
in command of the Soviet Navy, Admiral Sergei Gorshkov. The
Soviet Union has less need of a navy for defensive purposes than
many other nations, but for 21 years Admiral Gorshkov has worked
relentlessly to build the Russian fleet into a formidable
striking force world-wide, and he has succeeded.

Starting as a minor defensive military arm when Stalin died in
1953, the Soviet Navy has been built into a modern armada in
astonishingly short time, and it is still expanding rapidly.

While the United States has been shutting down shipyards at
home and losing bases abroad, the Soviet Union has been building
new shipyards and stretching its reach by opening more and more
bases far from its own shores. Even now, before the new American
naval base is built on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, the
Russians are angling for a new base in the South Pacific on the
Island of Tonga north of Australia. Gorshkov has said, quote:

"Establishing the conditions for gaining sea control has always
required prolonged periods of time and the execution of a series
of measures while still at peace."

He also emphasizes the importance of the Soviet Fleet for
exercising, quote: "influence on coastal countries." Gorshkov
claims that his navy is now capable of fighting anywhere as a
political tool in furthering the Kremlin's aims, including not
only the wartime role of severing sea lanes but even possible
peacetime harassment and interference with shipping. He now
considers the Soviet Navy to be, quote: "a long-ranged armed
force which could exert decisive influence on the course of an
armed struggle in theaters of military operation of vast extent."
In other words, the Soviet Navy is now a global striking force,
and Gorshkov recently signaled his fleet that it will be the Navy
which will bear the brunt of any armed conflict to come.

Western military analysts have been puzzled by recent
indications that the Soviet General Staff is preparing, quote:
"new methods of repelling aggression and waging war." Well,
anti-tank guided missiles, which many analysts are concentrating
on, are just a side show in these so-called new methods. The
real focus in current Soviet military planning is the Navy, and
prominent among these new methods are the underwater-launched
missiles and bombs which the Soviet Navy has now planted in
coastal waters all around the world.

Topic #3--In monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14 which I recorded just
two weeks ago on July 19, 1976, I reported the presence of 4
bombs and 10 short-range underwater-launch missiles with multiple
nuclear warheads in the territorial waters of the United States,
all of them planted there by the Soviet Union. I can now confirm
that all of these bombs and nuclear warheads are of the
thermonuclear variety--that is, hydrogen bombs as opposed to
smaller atomic bombs. What is more, the list for North America
now includes two more missiles--one at the south end of
Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia, and the other in Canadian
waters near Vancouver, Canada. Of these two, the Norfolk missile
has been planted just within the past few weeks.


Here now are the navigational coordinates for the locations of
the 16 nuclear weapons in United States and Canadian territorial
waters. Most all the locations are firm but some could be off
one or two miles:

(1) Near the entrance to Seal Harbor, Maine. Hydrogen bomb.
Latitude 44 17' 0" North Longitude 68 14' 0" West

(2) In a cove off Boston Bay near Quincy and Weymouth, Mass.
Latitude 42 14' 30" North Longitude 70 59' 0" West

(3) Long Island Sound near Bridgeport, Connecticut. Missile.
Latitude 41 9' 40" North Longitude 73 5' 0" West

(4) Chesapeake Bay near Deale, Maryland, east of Washington, DC.
Latitude 38 46' 0" North Longitude 76 33' 0" West

(5) Potomac River near Indian Head, Maryland, south of
Washington, D.C. Hydrogen bomb.
Latitude 38 33' 40" North Longitude 77 12' 0" West

(6) South end of Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia. Missile.
Latitude 36 58' 30" North Longitude 76 16' 0" West

(7) Inside Pensacola Bay, Fla. Missile.
Latitude 30 23' 30" North Longitude 87 11' 30" West

(8) In the Mississippi River near New Orleans. Hydrogen bomb.
(A correction here from monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14. The bomb is
down river near Port Sulphur, La., rather than up river.)
Latitude 29 35' 30" North Longitude 89 50' 30" West

(9) In Galveston Bay, Texas. Missile.
Latitude 29 22' 10" North Longitude 94 49' 10" West

(10) Inside San Diego Bay near Chula Vista, California. Missile.
Latitude 32 38' 0" North Longitude 117 7' 0" West

(11) Inside San Pablo Bay near San Francisco, California.
Latitude 37 59' 0" North Longitude 122 23' 0" West

(12) In American waters between northwest Washington State and
Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Missile.
Latitude 48 13' 0" North Longitude 123 8' 0" West

(13) In Canadian waters southwest of Crescent Beach near
Vancouver, British Columbia. Missile.
Latitude 48 58' 9" North Estimated Longitude 122 57' West.

(14) In Prince William Sound, Alaska, near the entrance to the
Port of Valdez. Hydrogen bomb.
Latitude 60 57' 40" North Longitude 146 44' 15" West

(15) In the waters just north of Colon, Panama Canal Zone.
Latitude 9 25' 30" North Longitude 79 54' 45" West

(16) And finally, in the coastal waters just outside Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii. Missile.
Latitude 21 18' 30" North Longitude 157 58' 58" West.

My friends, get out a map and mark these locations on it. See
for yourself just how complete the surprise attack is that is
being readied for the United States Navy. Then after you have
absorbed that, listen on because, my friends, there is more, much

The principal target of the Soviet Union in the surprise
attack now planned is the United States of America. If we fall,
the world falls; but that does not make us the only target.
American Naval Forces are deployed world-wide. In addition, the
Soviet Union has designs on Western Europe, the Mediterranean
area, southern Africa, China, Japan, Australia, India, the
Persian Gulf--in short, the whole world! Large chunks of the
world are already under direct Soviet control, while others are
primarily within the direct influence of their Rockefeller
partners whose chips they plan to pick up by means of the
double-cross. But all the areas of the world which remain to be
conquered or stand in the way of overwhelming Soviet victory are
also targeted with bombs and underwater-launched missiles planted
in coastal waters.

I can now report that coastal waters in at least 64 locations
world-wide now contain nuclear offensive weapons planted by the
Soviet Union. A few are bombs, but the vast majority are
underwater-launch multiple-warhead missiles armed with hydrogen

The Soviet Navy, true to the claims of its Commander in Chief,
Admiral Gorshkov, that it is now a global striking force, is now
poised for the most ambitious, most devastating surprise attack
of all time--a world-wide Pearl Harbor-type attack designed to
bring all the navies of the world to ruin at a single blow. If
this naval attack succeeds, the sea lanes that are the life blood
not only of defense but of trade and even survival for many
nations, will be severed and destroyed.

Regardless of any reprisals by means of Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles, bombers, and all the rest, the Soviet Union
is prepared to survive the minimum casualties, no more than
perhaps 10-million--which the Kremlin is willing to accept,
thanks to the all-out Civil Defense preparations which have been
underway in Russia for years. Eventually, they reason, even
if--and that is a very big "if"--if we do strike back we will run
out of ICBM Missiles and will consume all of our remaining
defenses without any hope of ultimate success, robbed as we will
be of any significant naval power. Thus, whether their initial
surprise attack persuades us all to just lay down our arms and
surrender, or whether we first retaliate with such forces as we
can muster after the destruction of our Navy, the Kremlin expects
to emerge inevitably as the victor, as the unchallenged ruler of
the entire world. That is what this world-wide Pearl Harbor
attack is all about, and that is what I am trying to prevent by
taking away the advantage of surprise that the Soviets are
counting on.


I will now give you the other locations world-wide. The same
time, I will just give each Latitude or Longitude as three
numbers--meaning degrees, minutes, and seconds respectively.

Northern Europe, Scandinavia, and the British Isles are
heavily targeted with underwater missiles and bombs. This is
intended to free a considerable part of the Soviet Baltic Fleet
for service elsewhere and also to neutralize or eliminate the
NATO air power, which is presently a weak spot for the Soviet

Denmark is the key to Soviet access to the Baltic Sea, and two
missiles are now planted in Danish waters: One north of
Copenhagen at
Latitude 56 - 10 - 37 North Longitude 12 - 25 - 56 East

The other to the south at
Latitude 54 - 55 - 30 North Longitude 10- 27 - 51 East

Far to the north a missile is also located at the north end of
the Gulf of Bothnia near the border between Finland and Sweden at
Latitude 65 - 42 - 25 North Longitude 24 - 34 - 0 East

On the Baltic coast of West Germany just south of Denmark a
missile is located at
Latitude 54 - 27 - 27 North Longitude 13 - 4 - 14 East

while the North Sea coast of West Germany is the site of another
missile near Bremerhaven at
Latitude 53 - 39 - 50 North Longitude 8 - 20 - 41 East.

Moving on down the North Sea coast to the Netherlands, a
hydrogen bomb has been planted by the Soviets just outside the
mid section of the huge dike about 50 miles north of Amsterdam.
The bomb is at
Latitude 53 - 2 - 4 North Longitude 5 - 10 - 55 East

If it were detonated, the North Sea would rush in like a tidal
wave to crush and drown the inhabitants of Amsterdam and more
than 1000 square miles of Dutch low-country formerly reclaimed
from the sea. This is horrible to imagine, my friends, but it
would be far more horrible if we allowed the Soviet Union to do

As if that were not enough, the Netherlands coast is also
threatened by a missile at
Latitude 51 - 36 - 7 North Longitude 3 - 55 - 43 East

in a cove southwest of Rotterdam.

The French coast, too, is targeted. One missile is southwest
of Brest at
Latitude 48 - 10 - 23 North Longitude 4 - 50 - 12 West

The other missile, further south, is about midway between
Nantes and Bordeaux at
Latitude 46 - 15 - 9 North Longitude 1 - 30 - 51 West.

As I have explained in earlier monthly AUDIO LETTERS, such as
No. 6 for November 1975, the Rockefeller plans for war did not
include hostilities in Europe or Great Britain; but remember, the
Soviet surprise attack plan is all part of the massive Soviet
double-cross of their Rockefeller masters, and nowhere does the
magnitude of this great double-cross create a greater shock than
in looking at the current Soviet threat against the British

Under the Rockefeller scenario the United Kingdom was not to
be involved in hostilities; but under the surprise attack
double-cross being readied by the Soviets, the British Isles are
now the most heavily targeted area on earth in terms of the
geographic concentration of missiles and bombs now planted in
their territorial waters. Not only naval targets, but American
and Royal Air Force targets are crucial to the Soviet goal of
liberating their own Northern Naval Fleet to help conquer and
patrol the rest of the world. The Soviets view England as a huge
enemy aircraft carrier that must be sunk.

Beginning on the northeast coast of Scotland, a missile is
located in Moray Firth northeast of Inverness at
Latitude 57 - 36 - 0 North Longitude 4 - 2 - 49 West.

Next, near the entrance to the Firth of Forth and northeast of
Edinburgh, Scotland, a missile is planted at
Latitude 56 - 7 - 0 North Longitude 2 - 31 - 46 West.

Next, an atomic bomb (not a hydrogen bomb) is at the narrow
entrance to the cove at Middlesborough, England, at
Latitude 54 - 38 - 30 North Longitude 1 - 7 - 43 West.

Continuing down the coast, a missile is roughly centered in the
entrance to the bay known as "The Wash", east of Nottingham:
Latitude 53 - 7 - 30 North Longitude 0 - 30 - 48 East

And on the north flank of the entrance to the Thames River east
of London, still another missile now sits at
Latitude 51 - 37 - 0 North Longitude 1 - 2 - 26 East.

Moving over to the west coast, a missile is located in the water
about 30 miles north of Liverpool at
Latitude 53 - 49 - 0 North Longitude 3 - 6 - 40 West.

Further north at
Latitude 54 - 55 -0 North Longitude 3 - 30 - 50 West

a missile is planted in Solway Firth at the border between
England and Scotland.

North of that a missile now lurks in the Firth of Clyde
southwest of Glasgow, Scotland at
Latitude 55 - 39 - 0 North Longitude 5 - 7 - 4 West.

And the last missile in the waters along the west coast is in the
channel known as "Little Minch" off the northwest coast of
Scotland at
Latitude 57 - 21 - 0 North Longitude 6 - 52 - 37 West.

Ireland, too, has been targeted. The entrance at Dublin
Harbor contains a hydrogen bomb at
Latitude 53 - 20 - 0 North Longitude 6 - 5 - 0 West.

Likewise the entrance to the harbor at Cork on the south coast
also contains a hydrogen bomb at
Latitude 51 - 48 - 0 North Longitude 8 - 14 -24 West

And in the waters of the west coast of Ireland there is a missile
in Blacksod Bay at
Latitude 54 - 1 - 30 North Longitude 9 - 56 - 34 West.


To round out the Soviet preparation for total elimination of
resistance to movements of its Northern Naval Fleet, Iceland also
has two missiles in its coastal waters. One is near the entrance
to the port at Reykjavik at
Latitude 64 - 10 - 24 North Longitude 21 - 56 - 15 West.

The other is near the northwest side of the island at
Latitude 66 - 9 - 2 North Longitude 22 - 58 - 18 West.

So much for any obstacles to the Soviet Northern and Baltic
Fleets if the surprise attack by underwater missiles and bombs is
carried out.


The next major area of concern to the Soviet Navy is the
Mediterranean; and there, too, preparations have been made. The
main American Naval Base now left in the Mediterranean is at
Naples, Italy, and in the northwest side of the Bay of Naples a
Soviet underwater-launched missile is now located at
Latitude 40 - 47 - 4 North Longitude 14 - 6 - 0 East

In addition, four more underwater missile sites have been set
up by the Soviets in the west end of the Mediterranean so that
the American Sixth Fleet can be completely cornered, trapped, and
ultimately destroyed, leaving the Mediterranean as a Soviet lake.

Missiles are located just inside the Strait of Gibraltar on the
north side at:
Latitude 36 - 8 - 29 North Longitude 5 - 24 - 17 West.

and on the south side at
Latitude 35 - 54 - 45 North Longitude 5 - 18 - 13 West.

The other two missile sites are about 140 to 150 miles east of
Gibraltar, one on the north in the Gulf of Almeria at
Latitude 36 - 43 - 7 North Longitude 2 - 15 - 0 West.

The other on the south near a point of land jutting out from
Melilla, Morocco, at
Latitude 35 - 26 - 13 North Longitude 2 - 52 - 35 West.


The waters around southern Africa contain three missiles. One
is southwest of Capetown, South Africa, at
Latitude 34 - 12 - 4 South Longitude 18 - 10 - 18 East.

Another is on the Transkei Coast roughly midway between Durban
and Port Elizabeth, South Africa, at
Latitude 32 - 2 - 32 South Longitude 29 - 8 - 7 East.

The third is in the bay near Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, at
Latitude 25 - 54 - 56 South Longitude 32 - 57 - 11 East

about 300 miles east of Johannesburg, South Africa.

The rest of Black Africa is already under joint
Rockefeller-Soviet domination which the Soviets plan to transform
into pure Soviet domination by means of their massive
double-cross of the four Rockefeller Brothers.


A similar situation prevails throughout Latin America, and
aside from the Panama Canal missile, the Soviets have not planted
anything in Latin American territorial waters. The only nuclear
missiles in Latin America are those in Guyana targeted on the
Panama Canal, the southern United States, and other places.

I can now reveal that these have been removed from the
vicinity of Temehri Airfield near Georgetown and moved to a site
about 100 miles south of Georgetown, Guyana, at
Latitude 5 - 20 - 0 North Longitude 58 - 7 - 54 West

southeast of the town of Ituni. This remote site is now in use
in order to separate the missiles from the Temehri Airfield which
has been under heavy use for movement of Cuban troops to southern
Africa and which is also planned to be the landing point for the
new Soviet Backfire Bomber and other aircraft in an attack on the
United States.


Another area of strategic importance to the Soviet Union is
the Persian Gulf with Saudi Arabia to the southwest and Iran to
the northeast. Under a secret deal made in 1972 by the
Rockefeller Brothers through their agents Henry Kissinger and
then president Richard Nixon, a huge arsenal of sophisticated
weaponry has been built up in Iran with a current value of over
10-billion dollars. This includes 80 brand new F-14 Jet
Fighters, Hawk anti-aircraft batteries totaling 1800 missiles,
and an ultramodern naval fleet that includes six (6)
Guided-Missile Destroyers more advanced than anything owned or on
order by our own United States Navy! Can you imagine? And yet
the tremendous arms build-up in Iran has far outpaced the ability
of Iran to use these arms due to lack of adequate training. What
is actually happening is that Iran is secretly being used by the
Rockefeller Brothers to funnel weaponry into the Soviet Union
itself and to an area which can be taken over by the Soviets in
the coming war. The real shah of Iran is United States
Ambassador Richard Helms, the former head of the CIA who now
controls Iran for the Rockefeller Brothers!

Just as we left 5- to 10-billion dollars worth of weaponry
behind for the North Vietnamese to pick up when we pulled out
very hastily last year, the same thing is planned to happen in
Iran. In both cases, these deals between the Rockefeller
Brothers and the Soviet Union were made in return for secret
agreements guaranteeing Rockefeller control of oil and other
mineral interests in that region. But this arrangement is now
about to blow up in the Rockefeller Brothers' faces, as well as
yours and mine, in the world-wide surprise attack planned by the

There is now a Soviet underwater missile site in the Persian
Gulf about 60 miles southwest of Bushehr, Iran, at
Latitude 28 - 33 - 40 North Longitude 48 - 55 - 29 East.

As I explained in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 6, November 1975,
the joint war plan between the Rockefeller Brothers and their
Soviet allies involved the outbreak of war in the Middle East as
the trigger with the disabling of Arab OPEC oil fields by means
of an American limited nuclear strike. This would cripple
Europe, rendering southern Africa vulnerable in turn to final
conquest. Meanwhile an Asian war was to be building up as a
follow-on with a joint Rockefeller-Soviet take-over of India and
Red China, with Japan being whipped back into submission for the
Rockefellers in the process.

But now, under the audacious double-cross and world-wide Pearl
Harbor-type surprise attack that has been plotted by the Soviet
Union, the Soviets plan to make all of these dominoes tumble at
once and into their own laps with the Rockefeller empire
eliminated as a factor. To this end, many more underwater-launch
missiles are planted in coastal waters around the world.


India is targeted with two such missiles. One is on the west
side northwest of Bombay at
Latitude 20 - 52 - 56 North Longitude 71 - 48 - 39 East.

The other is on the east side in a cove south of Calcutta at
Latitude 21 - 45 - 7 North Longitude 88 - 17 - 32 East.

The waters east of Singapore contain a missile at
Latitude 1 - 28 - 52 North Longitude 105 - 8 - 51 East.

Japan is threatened by Soviet missiles in its waters in two
locations. One is in a bay at the south end of the Island of
Hokkaido at
Latitude 42 - 17 - 26 North Longitude 140 - 30 - 42 East.

The other is in the coastal waters southeast of Hiroshima at
Latitude 34 - 7 - 15 North Longitude 132 - 46 - 32 East.

Seoul, South Korea, is threatened by a Soviet missile in the
waters about 25 miles to the southwest at
Latitude 37 - 21 - 47 North Longitude 126 - 30 - 47 East.

Red China is menaced by three Soviet underwater missiles in
its territorial waters. One is in the Gulf of Chihli about 260
miles southeast of Peking at
Latitude 38 - 31 - 34 North Longitude 120 - 45 - 43 East.

The second is about 75 miles south of Shanghai at
Latitude 30 - 17 - 55 North Longitude 121 - 35 - 44 East.

And the third is about midway between Canton and Hong Kong at
Latitude 22 - 42 - 2 North Longitude 113 - 39 - 56 East.

In addition, there is a missile in the north end of the Gulf
of Tonkin about 50 miles east of Haiphong, Vietnam, at
Latitude 21 - 4 - 30 North Longitude 107 - 30 - 14 East.

And about 25 miles north of Taipei off the northern tip of
Taiwan still another missile sits waiting at
Latitude 25 - 24 - 11 North Longitude 121 - 30 - 41 East.


To round out the Soviet plan for crushing all the rival navies
of the world with one blow, underwater missiles are also planted
in the waters of the Philippines and Australia.

One of the Philippine missiles is in the water southwest of
the Batan Peninsula within striking range of the United States
Naval Bases at Subic Bay and south of Manila. The Latitude is
14 - 33 - 8 North Longitude 120 - 15 - 55 East.

The other Soviet missile in the Philippines is northwest of Panay
Island at
Latitude 11 - 51 - 57 North Longitude 122 - 5 - 0 East.

As for Australia, four underwater missiles have been planted
by the Soviet Navy around the heavily populated southwest
quadrant of coast line. One is just south of Kangaroo Island,
southwest of Adelaide at
Latitude 36 - 3 - 43 South Longitude 137 - 34 - 7 East.

Another is near the entrance to Port Phillip Bay, south of
Melbourne at
Latitude 38 - 19 - 3 South Longitude 144 - 44 - 44 East.

The third missile is near the entrance to Port Jackson near
Sydney at
Latitude 33 - 50 - 46 South Longitude 151 - 16 - 0 East.

And missile no. 4 is in the water northeast of Brisbane at
Latitude 27 - 22 - 14 South Longitude 153 - 12 - 24 East.

My friends, the world-wide surprise attack that has been
prepared by the Soviet Navy makes the Soviet Union the
aggressive, all-out enemy of every other nation on earth. The
sheer audacity of such a plan is one of its greatest strengths.
No one would expect such an attempt to bring the whole world to
its knees all at once! This is especially important as it
regards the double-cross of the Rockefeller Brothers. The
Rockefellers themselves had the audacity to spirit away the
monetary gold supply of the United States, realizing full well
that most people would find such a huge crime unbelievable and
would therefore never suspect anything. But the world-wide
surprise attack that has been devised by the Soviets is designed
to take even the Rockefeller Brothers themselves off guard. They
have held sway over the Kremlin for so long that they literally
cannot imagine losing that power. And so the Soviets believe no
one will believe such a thing is possible until the day they push
a button, signals flash world-wide by satellite, missiles erupt
from coastal waters around the world, and the biggest surprise
attack in history takes place. Then everyone will believe, but
then it will be too late. This is the long and the short of the
fantastic Soviet gamble that is now ready to be played out at the
moment they choose.

My friends, what I have told you is the truth; and while you
may be tempted to try to argue a thousand ways to convince
yourself not to believe what I have said, just keep one cold,

On the evening of December 6, 1941, the American Fleet was
peacefully at anchor in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Christmas
parties were in progress. Suppose you had been at one of those
parties and I had walked in and started trying to tell people
that the Japanese were going to attack the following morning.
Your reaction would probably have been, quote: "But we haven't
heard anything about that. There's nothing on the news about it,
and the Government hasn't sent us any warnings, and the Fleet
certainly would not be in the harbor like this if there were any
danger. I just don't believe it." I might have then produced
all kinds of evidence about the Japanese build-up, little-known
information about the efforts of the Rockefeller-sponsored
"Institute of Pacific Relations" to bring on such an attack, and
so on; yet you might still have refused to believe me. But I
would have been telling the truth, and the truth would still have
been the same. At 7:55 A.M. the following morning a sky full of
Japanese planes raining death on your head would have been
proving my warnings, but then it would have been too late.

Don't let it be too late this time. My charges are true, and
they will be proven to be true one way or the other. They can be
proven now by forcing those officials, military and civilian, who
have the responsibility of protecting our lives to do their duty,
to find and neutralize these missiles and bombs; OR we can sit
back and listen to more lies, more comforting arguments, more
distractions until the unearthly flashes of burning light from
hydrogen bombs drive the truth home horribly, conclusively, and

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.

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