Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr. Peter Beter - Audio Letter 17

October 26, 1976
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: Red Friday And The Campaign To Destroy General George S. Brown

2: The Swine Flu Cover-Up For Chemical Warfare Now Under Way

3: The Phantom Election Of 1976.


This recording is a product of AUDIO BOOKS INC. (1981 current
address: 1629 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006)

Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is October 26,
1976, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 17.

Four months ago in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 13 I reported the
presence of a Soviet nuclear weapon at Seal Harbor, Maine, placed
where it could destroy the summer homes of David and Nelson
Rockefeller. The rulers of the Soviet Union were embarking on an
all-out double-cross of their long time allies, the four
Rockefeller Brothers; and for the past four months we have been
in the grip of the "Soviet Missile Crisis of 1976"--a fact of
which most Americans are still unaware. The month before this
crisis began, in May 1976, I had revealed the rapidly mounting
fears of certain Trustees of the key Rockefeller-controlled
foundations that such a Soviet double-cross was imminent.

More than half a century ago a commitment was formed for the
creation of a One-World collectivist government to be ruled by a
mere handful of wealthy, immensely powerful individuals. This
drive, which long ago crystallized into the Rockefeller-Soviet
alliance, had been aided and abetted by the Trustees of the
Rockefeller-controlled group of foundations; but they have opened
Pandora's box, unleashing forces they can no longer control.
Certain of the Trustees realized this even before the actual
Soviet double-cross began. But the Gang of Four, the four
Rockefeller Brothers, could not bring themselves to believe it
until the Seal Harbor H-bomb was found by the United States Navy.

Now they know beyond any doubt that a Soviet double-cross has
been in progress against them--as well as against the rest of us.
But still the Rockefeller Brothers have not learned their lesson.
They still think that they can get back to business as usual with
their Soviet allies in their joint program for world domination.
And for the moment, the Soviet Union is doing everything possible
to encourage this false impression strictly as a tactic. The
Soviet Union was robbed of the element of surprise by my
disclosures in monthly AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 14 and 15, and they are
trying to lull the Rockefeller Brothers back to sleep so that
they can be successfully disposed of a little later on.

Beyond that, the Soviets did not expect to be caught in their
program of planting underwater missiles for a surprise attack;
and because they were caught and their missiles were removed
during August and September, they are proceeding with extra
caution right now. And so for the moment the alliance between
the four Rockefeller Brothers and the Soviet Union is
functioning, but it is now a false alliance. The Soviet rulers
are just biding their time, watching and preparing for another
chance to eliminate the Rockefellers and seize the whole world
for themselves.

Meanwhile you and I are again under attack jointly by the
Rockefellers and the Soviet Union. In a vain attempt to save
their own lives, the Brothers are bargaining away millions of
ours. At this moment the United States and Canada are once again
encircled by Soviet underwater missiles and prowling submarines;
but now, since Friday, October 1, 1976, the missiles are no
longer being removed!

Here are my topics for today:




Topic #1--Last month in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 16 I reviewed
for you the events that had taken place in the Soviet Underwater
Missile Crisis since recording AUDIO LETTER No. 15 in early
August. As I pointed out, Air Force General George S. Brown,
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had so far played a
crucial role in preventing a Soviet surprise attack on the United
States, thanks to the actions taken by American Armed Forces
under his command. In August he had obtained the go-ahead from
President Ford, as Commander in Chief, to seek out and remove the
Soviet underwater missiles in our coastal waters. A remarkable
achievement, because Ford had to overrule Rockefeller agent Henry
Kissinger in giving this order!

Using the navigational coordinates I revealed in my August
tape, the United States Navy was able to remove all the Soviet
missiles in our territorial waters during the latter part of
August. On September 1, 1976, with the threat presumed to be
over, General Brown wrote me a letter, which was widely
publicized, seemingly dismissing my charges, but actually opening
the door for communication between us.

On September 7 I had information about a new round of missiles
that were being planted by the Soviets. I wrote General Brown to
request a meeting, and on September 16, 1976, I met with him at
the Pentagon in his office for well over an hour. During that
meeting I gave him the navigational coordinates for 48 new Soviet
missiles threatening the United States and Canada from locations
in our territorial waters--and again he ordered prompt action by
the United States Navy to start removing them. But as I warned
last month, the Soviet Union is not giving up; and on top of
that, General Brown confronts terrible opposition WITHIN the
federal government! So I asked you to express your support for
General Brown to strengthen his hand for our country's benefit.

Now you can begin to see why. On October 17, 1976, selected
excerpts from an interview with General Brown were leaked to the
press a week prior to publication. These comments, taken out of
context, made it appear that General Brown was disparaging
certain of our allies; and instantly General Brown was at the
center of a storm of controversy. General Brown is being
criticized now for remarks in a six-month-old interview which was
rejected for publication then, yet has magically surfaced now!
Certain individuals have arranged for the story to be made public
at this time as an indirect means of attack that obscures the
facts. The real reason for efforts to get rid of him is his
dedication to our country's defense.

What is happening now to General Brown is standard practice in
Washington today. The idea is to get something on someone,
anything, that can be made to look bad by the media, and put it
in his dossier for future use. Thus a dark cloud is always handy
later on in case it is needed to blackmail, or destroy, or
intimidate someone.

In General Brown's case, he was set up with this particular
cloud by none other than his boss, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, who was the CIA contact man in the White House and is
still a CIA operative now.

Last spring a political writer and cartoonist drew a cartoon
of Rumsfeld, and Rumsfeld called him to ask if he could have the
original. The political writer agreed, and it was also agreed
between them that Rumsfeld would get Brown to give the political
writer an interview. The interview was not used at that time,
six months ago. Even when General Brown was questioned
intensively by the Senate two months later when his confirmation
for a second two-year term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff was being decided upon, the interview still did not emerge.
But now, after helping prevent thermonuclear war for over two
months, by doing his duty Brown is in hot water.

The Rockefeller Brothers are making a desperate effort to put
things right back on track with the Soviet Union, and they have
decided that Brown must go as part of the price of reinstating
so-called detente. The controversy now surrounding Brown is
intended to build up until he resigns, is dismissed, or loses his
influence and credibility. This is totally unrelated to the
election, contrary to appearances.

In this situation, it is more important than ever that you
show your support for General Brown. His enemies are trying to
bring him down by means of a battle he must fight with both hands
tied behind his back. If he were to publicly reveal one word
about the Soviet missile crisis and his role in combatting it--in
other words, the real reasons for his present troubles--General
Brown could be instantly dismissed, court-martialed, and
imprisoned! And speaking out, he would be rewarded with personal
disaster; and the major media, under the thumb of the gang of the
Four Brothers, would then pull out all the stops in a campaign to
discredit whatever he said so that no one would believe it. By
the same token, if Senate Bill No. 1 promoted by Attorney General
Levi had passed earlier this year, I, too, could be imprisoned
for telling you the truth about the Soviet missiles aimed at you
because, my friends, this information is classified "Top Secret",
not because the Government wants to keep anything from the
Soviets, they know all about their own offensive weapons planted
in our waters--it is YOU that the Government wants to keep in the
dark for their own protection, not yours!

Even if you have already written to General Brown to express
your support, I urge you to do so again by letter, telegram, or
Mailgram. My good friend Mr. Edward Durell, an industrialist who
lives in Berryville, Virginia, is urging his associates to write
their Congressmen showing their support for General Brown, and to
send a copy of each letter to:

General George S. Brown
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Grant Avenue, Fort Myer
Arlington, Virginia 22211.

I think this is an excellent suggestion, and I urge you to do the
same. You may want to write to both of your Senators too, and
send copies to General Brown as well. Just address your letter

Congressman (or Senator) so-and-so
House (or Senate) Office Building
Washington, D.C. ... The zip is:
20515 for the House Office Bldg.
20510 for the Senate Office Bldg.

The controversy over General Brown, my friends, is only the
most visible part of a terrible reversal in our country's
fortunes that has occurred this month. The turning point came on
October 1, 1976, a "RED Friday" for the United States of America.
That was the day that President Gerald Ford caved in to pressure
from the Rockefeller-Soviet-Kissinger team.

Two closely related events took place on October 1, 1976:

One was the appearance in the Washington Post of a story by
Woodward and Bernstein, no less, that the Watergate Special
Prosecutor's investigation of President Ford was (quote)
"serious." The story, complete with big headlines, shook the
Stock Market where rumors circulated that Ford was about to step
down. But, most importantly, Ford himself was given a clear
signal that swift political destruction awaited him if he did not
play ball with the Rockefellers. Originally, Nelson Rockefeller
had arranged for the Watergate-related investigation of Ford as a
means of forcing Ford from office and in putting himself in
position as "Acting President" under the 25th Amendment to the
Constitution; but due to the Soviet Missile Crisis, that scenario
has been scrapped because the Watergate Prosecutor's
investigation was used instead to apply pressure for a different

That different purpose had to do with the second major event
that took place on Red Friday, October 1--the visit to the White
House by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko! It was reported
that Gromyko's reception at the White House was the coolest it
had ever been since Ford became President--and no wonder. When
Gromyko told reporters afterward that he and Ford, quote: "spoke
of the most cardinal issues" he was deadly serious. He was
referring not to SALT talks or the Middle East but to the threat
of war between the Soviet Union and the United States.

When I recorded monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 16 last month on
September 25, the second round of Soviet underwater missiles,
whose locations I had given to General Brown during our meeting
on September 16, had practically all been removed by our Navy.
But the Soviets were already beginning to plant a third round of
these missiles, using the missile-laying mini-subs I described
last month, which are specially designed to elude detection by
our coastal sonar defenses.

As of September 25, one of these Soviet mini-subs was resting
on the bottom of Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia. A mishap
had killed the crew, so the mini-sub was resting there like a
giant nuclear mine in American waters waiting for the Navy to
recover it. Meanwhile over 142 Soviet submarines were deployed
in attack positions along the East, West, and Gulf coasts of the
United States. During those last few days of September there
were growing indications that the Soviet missile crisis might
actually break out into the open for all to see, just as it must
do if the Soviet plans for nuclear attack world-wide are to be

For example, a speech which I mentioned last month delivered
on September 24 by Navy Secretary William Middendorf used the
word "emergency" three times to describe our present naval
plight, and concluded his speech in the words, and I quote:

"Our concern today is the future. The ominous words of Admiral
Gorshkov and the cold steel of his ships tell us that we are in
an emergency situation right now. Something must be done. The
threat is real, and the choice is ours. We must make the right
decisions now while we have these few precious moments of freedom
left, or be willing to suffer the consequences."

Then on September 27, 1976, the Norfolk, Virginia Ledger-Star
newspaper published an article by reporters Garland Bradshaw and
Jack Kestner who had flown to Washington on September 23 to
interview me about my charges of Soviet underwater missiles. The
article did exactly what honest journalism is supposed to do. It
exposed the readers of the Ledger-Star to the fact that I have
charged the Soviet Union with planting offensive nuclear weapons
in our territorial waters, and did so in a fair, objective way.
They did not try to convince their readers either to believe or
disbelieve my charges, but included background information on
both sides as available from their own sources. The important
thing is that the Ledger-Star reported fairly about my charges to
a readership that can be considered an expert audience about such
things, since the Norfolk area is the biggest naval concentration
in the United States.

Yes, things were beginning to break into the open--but then
came Red Friday October 1. President Ford and White House aide
William Hyland met with Gromyko, Henry Kissinger, and Kissinger's
State Department Counselor, Helmut Sonnenfeldt. Gromyko demanded
that the Soviet Union be permitted to sneak into Chesapeake Bay
to recover their dead missile-laying mini-sub near Norfolk. In
return for that, Gromyko said the Soviet submarines deployed at
battle stations along our coasts would disperse. Kissinger and
Sonnenfeldt counseled Ford to agree to this offer by Gromyko as a
reasonable and sound compromise. As always, Ford was confronted
with the standard Kissinger option: "Do you want peace? Or war?"
And on top of that, Ford knew that the Watergate-related
political time bomb was all set to go off if he resisted, and so
he caved in and agreed. Blackmail and threats won the day for
the Soviet Union!

The same day, Henry Kissinger pressed his advantage and also
induced Ford to issue a secret Presidential Order to the Military
from that day onward to flatly deny all my charges when asked
about them. In other words, they are now under presidential
orders to lie in order to keep the truth about the Soviet
missiles from the public. This blackout on the Soviet missile
story is not for the purpose of avoiding a confrontation with the
Soviets, because that has already occurred; and it is not for the
purpose of buying time while we get into a better military
posture. Since Red Friday, October 1, the third round of Soviet
missiles, which have been newly planted around our country, are
still there! The blackout, my friends, is only to keep YOU in
the dark.

This situation here stands out even more boldly when compared
with the behavior of some of our allies who are now alerted to
Soviet plans. Ironically October 1, 1976, the day President Ford
caved in to the Soviet Union, was the same day that the Irish
Navy successfully concluded a naval confrontation with the
Soviets on the high seas. A huge Soviet fishing trawler, so
called, was caught operating illegally inside the Irish 12-mile
limit near Cork Harbor the previous day, and the Irish fishery
protection vessel, L. E. Grenay, went after the trawler to make
an arrest. The trawler fled into international waters, but the
Irish vessel gave chase, brought the trawler to a halt by firing
warning shots across her bow, and sent a boarding party aboard.
The Soviet Captain was totally uncooperative, but the Irish sent
reinforcements, and ultimately had more than 50 men aboard the
Soviet ship. The Soviet trawler entered Cork Harbor under arrest
with the Irish boarding party still aboard and accompanied by two
Irish naval vessels. It was correctly reported by the Cork
Examiner newspaper for Friday October 1, 1976, that, quote:

"The confrontation was regarded as the biggest and potentially
most dangerous that the naval service has faced in its history of
fishery protection."

The Irish were prepared to apply whatever force proved to be
necessary to arrest the intruding Soviet ship. And why? Because
Cork Harbor itself is one of the locations from which a Soviet
underwater nuclear weapon was removed by the Royal Navy in
August, using information in my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 15. The
Irish now know quite simply that no intruding Soviet ship is to
be trusted.

But here in the United States the Soviet Navy was allowed to
intrude into our waters Monday night, October 4, under the RED
FRIDAY AGREEMENT reached between Ford and Gromyko in the White
House. At approximately 10:00 PM local time the Soviets
retrieved the dead mini-sub from its position on the bottom of
Chesapeake Bay outside Norfolk, operating under cover of
darkness. The missile-laying mini-sub left the Norfolk area that
night in Soviet hands--and with it went what may have been our
only chance to learn the details of the technology of the
mini-subs and their sonar-defeating system so that we could begin
defending ourselves against them. At the same time we lost a
golden opportunity to galvanize the whole world into standing
with us against an all-out common foe, the Soviet Union, by
announcing the capture of the mini-sub, displaying it on
television, and revealing what the Soviets had been doing with
these subs.

If our country were run today by civilians of integrity,
honor, and courage who were trying to serve the people of the
United States of America instead of trying to merge our lives
with that of the Soviet Union, such a thing could have been done.
Swift action could have been taken to do this after I first
notified the Pentagon of the presence of the mini-sub near
Norfolk on Monday, September 20; but NO, that's not the way it
works today. All opportunities for the United States to act
sensibly for the good of its people must be suppressed,
sabotaged, thrown away. Only in this way can we be ground down
to such a low level of life that the goal of the White House
Merge Directive can finally be achieved. That Directive, in
existence for decades, is to the effect that our lives are to be
so altered that they can be comfortably merged with life in the
Soviet Union.

By the following day, the Soviet submarines at battle stations
along our shores had dispersed, as agreed; but within a few more
days they were back again--and they are there now. They are not
at this time deployed in the precise patterns that they were in a
month ago, which indicated readiness for an immediate attack, but
they are present in international waters just off our shores in
great numbers. As of October 11, 1976, 164 Soviet submarines
were on station in the waters near Canada and the United States,
including Hawaii; and the situation has not changed significantly
since then.

Since Red Friday, October 1, I have been cut off from contact
with General Brown, and none of the Soviet underwater missiles in
Canadian and American waters have been removed since that day.
As of now, 50 Soviet nuclear missiles and bombs are planted in
American territorial waters plus the three (3) missiles in the
Gulf of Panama whose coordinates I gave last month. ln addition,
seven (7) missiles are now planted in Canadian waters, whose
coordinates I have already given to Canadian Intelligence.

My friends, there will be no effort by the United States Navy
to remove the nuclear missiles in our waters unless it is forced
by a new surge of public awareness and demand for action, because
Nelson Rockefeller's wife arrived in Moscow and on October 12
delivered a personal letter from Nelson Rockefeller to the
Kremlin. In this hand-delivered letter Nelson Rockefeller made
the following pledges to the Kremlin on behalf of the "Gang of
Four", quote:

"There will be no further harassment of your submarines, nor
will your underwater missiles and bombs be taken up. The credit
squeeze by banking circles will be lifted. You will not be
required to sell gold. We will send gold for products delivered.
American know-how, grains, and food stuffs will continue to be
provided. You must reinstate the 'NUCLEAR SAFE ZONE' agreement."

The coordinates of all the Soviet weapons now in American
territorial waters have been transmitted to a number of reliable
men in the United States Intelligence Community, except for the
newest missile, which was planted three days ago in Delaware Bay
39 39' 35" North 75 32' 20" West.

Action will therefore be possible if the Military can once again
be free to do its job.

At least Great Britain, which had 29 new Soviet nuclear
weapons in her waters as of October 11, 1976, is taking action
once again to get rid of them. By October 22, four days ago, the
Royal Navy had removed all but 10 of them, and is still fast at
work. As for Latin America, all the missiles I revealed last
month are still there with two exceptions--British Honduras and
Guatemala were targeted by one missile each, but these have now
been removed.

Our controlled major media tell us nothing at all about the
Soviet missile threat that is ready to engulf us in thermonuclear
war, but instead divert our attention to the case of the Navy
F-14 fighter that plunged off a carrier deck into the North Sea
six weeks ago on September 14, 1976. Great attention is being
given to the F-14, and we are being fed all sorts of lies that
the Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat flown to Japan by a defecting pilot is
hopelessly inferior to the F-14. But the Soviet Navy hasn't even
bothered to try to retrieve the plane. They already know all
about the F-14, and it doesn't worry them.

As for the Phoenix Missile which separated from the F-14 when
it hit the water, the Soviets know where it is too, but have not
yet picked it up. The Phoenix Missile is resting on an
underwater plateau far to the south-southeast of the point where
the F-14 was found. The coordinates of the Phoenix Missile are:
61 - 26 - 6 North, 1 - 23 - 16 West.

And so, my friends, the great war game continues. Our Armed
Services are allowed to participate in NATO and other training
exercises, but are forbidden by Rockefeller hired hands from
doing anything about the real life-and-death threat now lurking
within our own territorial waters. We are being made sitting
ducks for attack; and, in fact, we have already been attacked by
the Soviet Navy because on October 3, two days after Red Friday,
the Soviet submarines along our East, West, and Gulf coast
performed an experiment in radioactive chemical warfare with all
of us as the guinea pigs.

Topic #2--On October 5, 1976, just as the so-called "SWINE FLU"
inoculation program was getting under way, news reports suddenly
told us that we were experiencing fallout from an alleged Chinese
atmospheric nuclear blast on September 26. Oddly enough, the
initial reports about this came from the East Coast, especially
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut; but certain
areas of the Pacific Northwest were soon mentioned as being
affected too. We were told that radioactive iodine-131 was
showing up in milk at various locations; but we were also
assured, as we invariably are whenever any radioactive hazard
appears, that there was really no danger.

In the days that followed we continued to hear about the
supposed Chinese fallout, but other things probably seemed even
more worrisome. For example, elderly people began dying of heart
attacks shortly after taking swine flu shots, causing widespread
alarm at first. But the Government quickly assured us that their
deaths didn't really matter at all, that they would have died
anyway; and the swine flu inoculation program went right back
into high gear.

And then there were the strange outbreaks of an unknown
"mystery illness" at electronics plants in western Pennsylvania,
Ohio, and Oregon. The employees, most of them women, experienced
headaches, nausea, stomach pains, difficulty in breathing, a
feeling of being intoxicated in some cases, and even fainting
spells. This time the swine flu vaccine could not be the culprit
because the victims had not received it. Instead, some were
worried that the swine flu itself had struck. Others remembered,
with a shiver, the equally mysterious "Legionnaires Disease" that
had sickened nearly 200 people in Philadelphia and killed more
than two dozen of them two months earlier.

My friends, there is actually no mystery at all behind these
developments and more like them that you can expect to see. All
of these cases I have mentioned are man-made and deliberate, but
those who are responsible for them are neither telling you about
them nor leaving clues that will be found in normal medical
investigations of these episodes. We in the United States are
now under attack in a campaign of experimental testing of
chemical warfare weapons so that they can be employed later on
with precision and devastating effect against us in full scale
war--that is, if we let it happen.

For years all the major countries of the world have been in a
continuing race against time to discover ever more sophisticated
forms of bacterial and chemical weapons, some of them amounting
to doomsday weapons capable of destroying all life on this
planet. Only mad men would even consider using such weapons, but
only mad men deliberately cause wars for their own greedy
purposes, too--and war is very near at hand right now.

A few years ago a nerve gas called sarin was perfected in a
facility in Colorado. A tiny amount escaped, and two shepherds
and their 7000 sheep were killed. In response to the public
outcry that resulted, a statement was issued that the Chemical
Warfare Service had destroyed the sarin gas and was no longer
doing such research--but that was a lie. Experimentation still
continues today on all kinds of such poisons, and at a furious

As of right now, many hideous lethal ailments can be inflicted
on whole populations as operational weapons. These include black
plague, smallpox, meningitis, dysentery, gangrene, yellow fever,
tetanus, botulism, typhus, hepatitis, Bang's disease, and Q
fever. Thirty grams of Q fever is sufficient to infect over
150-million people, and it is considered especially convenient
since any individuals who are to be saved in such an attack can
first be immunized against it! Such selective immunization could
easily be done, for example, under the cover of a mass
inoculation program like the swine flu program.

Q fever, though, is mild by comparison to a nuclear gas called
AP-7 which is being manufactured in Uruguay and Argentina by
American and European subsidiaries of Rockefeller-controlled
conglomerate corporations. Two thimblefuls properly distributed
could kill 180-million people; and one pound, all life on the
face of the earth. Unless and until these hideous weapons are
unleashed on the earth, they remain in a condition in which they
can be destroyed and neutralized; and it is essential that they
be destroyed instead of just being handed around from one agency
to another, as Senator Frank Church permitted last year in his
shellfish toxin shell game. But other types of chemical and
biological weapons are also of great interest to weapons
researchers which can be used in more selective ways or to
produce lower-order effects than the poisons I have just

The Soviet KGB, which works hand in hand with the
Rockefeller-controlled CIA, now has access to whole families of
such chemical weapons which can be adjusted in exact dosage and
formula to produce a variety of effects on victims. These were
and are intended for use as part of the program to eliminate
effective opposition by the people of the United States to the
planned Rockefeller dictatorship here in America and our
conversion into the most valuable of all slave nations for the
Soviet Union.

Before these new weapons can be used with confidence though,
they must be tested, and that testing is going on now. As a
cover for the periodic episodes of strange illnesses that will
occur here and there around the United States while this testing
is going on, the trumped-up swine flu threat was developed.

On March 24, 1976, President Ford announced his proposal for
the unprecedented nation-wide inoculation program supposedly to
fend off the strange swine flu virus. To this very day not a
single case of swine flu has been confirmed anywhere in the
United States since President Ford's announcement.

Last February in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 9 I revealed that
the Government had panicked because of my disclosure that the
Fort Knox Bullion Depository contained leaking canisters of
deadly plutonium superpoison, and in January 1976 dumped part of
the poison into underground streams beneath Fort Knox. Later
when the swine flu charade was announced, I was able to tell you
of the Government's plan to use this device to cover up the real
cause when and if the poison from Fort Knox began surfacing at
various points in the southeastern United States and causing
sickness and death. But it wasn't until July of this year 1976
that I received information about the rest of the swine flu
story, and at that time the far more imminent threat of the
Soviet missile crisis involving a Soviet double-cross of the four
Rockefeller Brothers had to take precedence.

The reason that the Government concluded last January 1976
that they could get away with dumping the plutonium poison from
Fort Knox into underground streams, which would surely carry the
poison elsewhere, was that the swine flu campaign had already
been planned for another purpose. That purpose was to serve as a
cover to explain the effects that would be caused when chemical
warfare experimentation began, as planned, in July 1976 in our
country. So when I revealed the presence of the leaking
plutonium superpoison in the Central Core Vault of the Fort Knox
Bullion Depository, they concluded that they could just dump some
of it underground and cover up that, too, with the swine flu

In late July 1976 the joint KGB-CIA chemical warfare
experimentation program began in Philadelphia at the American
Legion Convention. A convenient test group was assembled, and it
was exploited. Data was desired for the effects of a formulation
of the new family of poisons on older men in particular, and the
American Legion Convention was chosen as the perfect target.
Aerosol spray cans containing poisoned room freshener were used
to selectively saturate the atmosphere of the Legionnaires.
Afterwards the special spray cans were taken from the hotel,
leaving the city by airplane from a small airport on the
northwest side of Philadelphia. Two of the active ingredients in
the poison that produced the Legionnaires Disease were plutonium
and zirconium.

The next experiment occurred late in August 1976 about a month
after the Legionnaire episode, and had quite a different purpose;
and so a different poison formula was used. Plutonium was again
an ingredient, as it is in the entire line of chemical warfare
agents now being tested; but this time the formula was designed
for very rapid effect with the victims receiving a massive dose.
On a day late in August two Air Force C-141 Starlifter transport
aircraft that were preparing to leave McGuire Air Force Base in
New Jersey on flights over the Atlantic were sabotaged by the
placement in their cockpits of concealed canisters of poison gas,
rigged so that the gas would be released in flights without being
detected. The two planes left McGuire at nearly the same time,
and crashed within hours of one another when approaching separate
destinations in Greenland and England. The very next day, with
the wreckage of the aircraft hardly cooled, a Pentagon spokesman
said, quote:

"Sabotage does not appear to be a factor. It's not even being
considered as a factor."

Officials also said there was no apparent connection between the
crashes. Apparently leaving the same Air Base at practically the
same time and then crashing almost simultaneously without warning
is not supposed to suggest the possibility of anything but
coincidence. No doubt it is also coincidence that McGuire Air
Force Base, the origin of these two strange fatal flights, is
right next door to Fort Dix where the whole swine flu cover-up
scare originated!

The successful experimental sabotage of the two C-141s
provided valuable data to the Soviets, since it gave them some
measure of the operational reliability of the formula used for
that purpose. Now, when they are ready to wage war, they have
another weapon tested and proven--the placement of canisters of
poison gas in the cockpits of numerous Allied aircraft to make a
shambles of our air power just when we need it most.

Next came the mystery disease in the electronics factories.
This time more data on women was wanted, especially since the
Legionnaires Disease did not kill many women. The ideal target
would be some assembly plants containing a high proportion of
female employees. To avoid too strong a public uproar, sublethal
doses were used; but again a key active ingredient was plutonium,
and many of the classic symptoms of radiation sickness were

Finally in early October, this month, the first chemical
warfare experiment was performed against the entire population of
the United States. On October 3, while the huge fleet of Soviet
submarines I told you about last month were still deployed at
precise intervals very close to our shores, the submarines
released a very fine dispersion of plutonium into the atmosphere
along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts of the United
States. Unlike normal fallout produced by nuclear weapons, the
invisible clouds of plutonium from the Soviet submarines were
released at relatively low altitudes. The theory was that the
plutonium clouds released in this way would diffuse inward over
land from all of our shorelines and ultimately settle mainly on
North America with very little of it reaching high enough
altitudes to be swept around the globe to the Soviet Union. But,
my friends, this time they miscalculated and the nation-wide
plutonium cloud experiment backfired.

Here is what happened: The early progress of the plutonium
cloud was just as planned. The invisible clouds of plutonium
diffused inward onto the East Coast and onto the Gulf Coast, and
along the West Coast moved inland much more rapidly due to the
assistance of prevailing westerly winds. By October 5 the
expanding plutonium cloud had penetrated a hundred miles or so
inland from the East and Gulf coasts and as far as the Rockies,
where it entered from the Pacific Northwest. That was the day
that the cover story about Chinese nuclear fallout suddenly
appeared, pinpointing areas along the East coast and Pacific
Northwest as being most heavily affected so far. Thus in case
the Soviet plutonium cloud turned out to have unexpectedly strong
effects, Red China had already been identified as the scapegoat.
Over the next two days, the plutonium cloud gradually grew
together over the midwestern United States, forming finally a
continuous blanket over practically all of our land area. At the
same time, the plutonium cloud had also been expanding outward as
well as inward from our coastlines, and by October 8 large areas
of Canada and Mexico were also affected. Prevailing winds were
also tending to move the expanding plutonium cloud eastward out
over the Atlantic; and at this point things began departing from
Soviet calculations.

In recent days there has been an extremely unusual shift in
the position of the high altitude jet stream to a position much
further south than normal. The jet stream has a lot to do with
our weather; and in the case of the Soviet experimental plutonium
cloud, it did enough by causing the plutonium cloud released by
the Soviet subs to drift away from the United States sooner than
expected and to settle all over the Soviet Union
itself--definitely not according to plan. As of now, it has
largely dissipated and does not continue to be a threat. The
main problem that is left is that practically everyone in the
United States plus much of Mexico, Canada, the British Isles, and
Europe have suffered some exposure to this plutonium, though
fortunately it was at a relatively low experimental level this

The best protective measure against radioactivity is, of
course, to avoid it; and that is exactly what Nelson Rockefeller
did, forewarned about the plutonium cloud to be released by the
Soviet subs. When the plutonium drifted inward from our shores,
Nelson and Happy Rockefeller just happened to be elsewhere, in
London. After all, Nelson wants to stay as healthy as possible
so that he can relish his planned elevation to the position he
has craved for decades--President of the United States and of the


Topic #3--Nelson Rockefeller keeps saying, "I'm relaxed. I
haven't got a worry", and seems from the generous media coverage
he is now receiving to be almost a wistful, nostalgic figure
fading from the public scene before our own eyes. Meanwhile, he
is made to appear a refreshing point of interest against the
background of a presidential campaign that has turned off
millions of voters. But what is not being reported in the
national press is the strenuous campaign Nelson Rockefeller is
carrying on right now all over the country, currying the favor of
members of Congress. What is actually going on now is that
Nelson Rockefeller is down to his ninth and final scenario to
become President. Barring some unforeseen development, he is now
counting on his final backup plan to make him Chief Executive of
the United States. All of his previous scenarios have been
disrupted, one after another, and this is his last hurrah; and
yet when he says "I'm relaxed", he means it because this time he
is confident that he has it "in the bag."

The Rockefeller-controlled major media have from the start
turned the presidential election 1976 into a media event,
disfranchising the American electorate in the process. Now the
media are making both Carter and Ford look unappetizing to vast
numbers of voters, trying to insure both a low turn-out and a
very close election. In addition, the Rockefellers have a
spoiler in the race, Eugene McCarthy, for the young voters.
Everything possible is being done to make sure that the outcome
of the election on November 2 is very close and that no one gets
a mandate. The plan is to create doubt as to the outcome,
possibly even triggering demands for recounts. This situation
will be used to focus public attention on the electoral college.

As you know, when you vote on Election Day you don't vote
directly for a presidential candidate but for his elector; but
unknown to the American people, certain key electors have already
been reached by Rockefeller agents. On December 13, 1976, the
electors will do their voting. The results will then be sent for
safekeeping to the president of the Senate, who just happens to
be Nelson Rockefeller, and they will remain in his possession for
over three weeks until January 6, 1977. On that day, acting in
his official capacity, Rockefeller will open the envelopes
containing the votes of the electors, and the votes will be
tallied; and if all goes according to Nelson Rockefeller's plan,
he will announce that no candidate has received the required 270
electoral votes and therefore that no one has been elected.
Therefore, under the Constitution, Congress will then be required
to select a President and Vice-President from among the leading
candidates in the election. But things not being normal,
Congress may not be able within the short space of two weeks to
choose either a President or a Vice-President, so that as of
noon, January 20, 1977, the United States of America will no
longer have either a President or a Vice-President.

This plan, my friends, is the real reason why the usual
elaborate preparation of inaugural facilities is not taking place
this year. Instead, we are told folding chairs will be
used--folding chairs for a folding election.

Nelson Rockefeller spent over 25-million dollars to get
himself confirmed almost two years ago as Vice-President, so he
still has a residue of good will in Congress. In addition, he is
quietly courting Congressmen all over the country because he
plans to be the likely choice of Congress to become Acting
President with an open-ended term that carries no specific time
limit. This will be according to Section 3 of the 20th Amendment
of the United States Constitution. Once in that position, Nelson
Rockefeller will begin consolidating his power with all possible
speed. His goal: The declaration of a "National Emergency"
invoking Executive Order 11921 signed very quietly by President
Ford on June 11, 1976.

As I have explained in earlier tapes, our freedoms under the
Constitution will be suspended if this Executive Order is used,
and Nelson Rockefeller may well be on his way to making his
dictatorship permanent. But should any candidate win by a
landslide on Election Day, Rockefeller's plan will be rendered

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.

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