Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr. Peter Beter - Audio Letter 58

September 30, 1980
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: American Gold And The Iraq-Iran War

2: Russia's First Strike Against A Titan Ii Missile

3: Step Three In What You Can Do


This is the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER(R), 1629 K St. NW, Washington,
D.C. 20006.

Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is September 30,
1980, and this is my AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 58.

The fall of 1980 is turning out to be a season of re-runs.
Television shows which were stale the first time around are being
shown again, thanks to the actors' strike in Hollywood. And the
worst acts of all are those of our so-called Presidential

Administrations come and go, my friends, but the more they
legislate, the more the country goes to the dogs. Millions of
Americans are out of work, but inflation refuses to quit.
Interest rates are heading up again, so say "Good-bye" to that
new home. Our auto industry is on the ropes, our cities are
decaying, our armed forces are falling apart, and at the center
of it all our dollar is shrinking out of existence. The dollar
is no longer "good as gold" because our gold is gone; and as long
as it stays gone, all the campaign promises in the world cannot
save the United States economy. The forces who stole our gold
are bringing down America's economy, and now they are using our
own gold to bring down war around our heads.

My friends, it's time to lift our eyes from idle campaign
promises to cast our vote for America before it is too late.
It's time for us, the American people, to use the gold weapon
ourselves. It's time for us to vote for the TRUTH by bringing
about a public investigation of the FORT KNOX GOLD SCANDAL
because only in that way can we hope to save our economy from
utter ruin, and only in that way can we seize a weapon big enough
to stop those who are dragging us all into the insanity of

My three special topics this month are:


Topic #1--The world we live in today, my friends, seems more and
more like a roller coaster. Only a short month ago we were
hearing about the worldwide oil glut. There were predictions
that it could easily take one or two years for the oil surplus to
fade away, but rosy projections like those always seem to set the
stage for trouble. This month of September got off to a bad
start as the dollar fell to the lowest level in five years on
Money Markets world-wide. Something ominous was in the wind.
You and I were not told about it, but a new crisis was brewing
between Iran and Iraq.

On September 9 Great Britain shut down its Embassy in Tehran,
saying it was becoming too dangerous. Iraq and Iran were
squabbling over their border, and the dispute was heating up.
Iraqi troops invaded northwestern Iran seizing some 90 square
miles of Iranian territory. Then on September 17 after the fact,
Iraq tore up the 1975 Border Treaty with Iran. Next the air war
erupted between the two countries. On September 22 Iraq and Iran
bombed each other's air fields, and the very next day two OPEC
nations, Iraq and Iran, began destroying each other's oil
installations. The headline in the Washington Post for September
24, 1980 said it all: "IRAN BOMBS BAGHDAD. FULL SCALE WAR

The present fighting between Iraq and Iran was started by
Iraq. For many years we've heard about the status of Iraq as a
Russian client state; and with the war now under way, we are
always reminded of this by the controlled major media of the
United States. But what is not reported to you and me, my
friends, is Russia's reaction to Iraq's latest actions. The
Russians have sent very blunt warnings to Iraq that they are not
pleased, and have shut off arms shipments to Iraq. The Russians
are saying basically: "We gave you arms to defend yourself
against Israel--not to invade Iran."

During roughly the past year and a half little noticed changes
have been taking place in Iraq. Those changes have been
orchestrated in parallel with those in neighboring Iran. Iraq's
new strong man, Saddam Hussein, came to power in a bloody coup
d'etat. At the time all eyes were on Iran instead, but now
thousands of Iranian military personnel from the Shah's former
regime are now in Iraq. They are fighting on the side of Iraq,
hoping to regain power in Iran by military means.

In AUDIO LETTER No. 52 last November 1979, I described how and
why agents of the Rockefeller cartel brought to ruin the late
Shah of Iran. The Islamic revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini was
secretly helped along as a maneuver to oust the Shah. The
Ayatollah was ushered into power by forces which he did not
understand; but as I reported in AUDIO LETTER No. 52, those
forces plan to undo it all. What I told you then was, quote:
"They plan to martyr the entire Khomeini government as they set
off thermonuclear war." The real Ayatollah Khomeini himself was
assassinated last February 1980, as I reported that month in
AUDIO LETTER No. 54, but he was replaced with a "double" to
maintain the image of the Ayatollah as an enemy--someone for the
Americans to hate.

Now by way of Iraq, pressure is being put on Iran. The
ultimate goal is to make the present government of Iran
disintegrate in chaos, but you can expect many twists and turns
along the way.

Like Iran, Iraq is only being used as a part of a larger plan.
There may well be double-crosses within double-crosses. Almost
anything can happen, but watch for efforts to lure Russia into
the Persian Gulf, just as she was lured into Afghanistan.

The main forces which have brought about the Iraqi attack on
Iran are not those of the United States government itself.
Instead, the situation in Iraq right now is dominated by the old
Rockefeller oil interests. These are headed and tightly
coordinated by John J. McCloy and his associates.

Since the spring of 1979 I have reported that the Rockefeller
cartel as a whole is now headless and beginning to crumble, but
that is not yet true of the oil companies within the cartel.
They still intend to complete their long-range plan to recapture
undisputed domination over Iran, and they are working closely
with their private Israeli counterparts here and abroad to
accomplish this. Their destruction of the Shah's regime was only
the first half of their plan. The second half is to get rid of
the interim government now in Iran, the so-called Khomeini
regime. They want to destabilize the situation in Iran and take
advantage of the chaos that follows. When the smoke clears, "Big
Oil" plans again to own Iran lock, stock, and barrel; and at the
same time the Bolshevik secret government here plans to take
advantage of the same events to bring us closer to nuclear war.

Ever since 1914, war after war has been fought over oil.
Governments have been destroyed, others created, and still others
subverted; and whenever there is war for oil, gold is always the
trigger. Gold is such an important weapon of war that in early
1968 the Joint Chiefs of Staff became very alarmed over the
depletion of America's gold supply. They visited their then
President Lyndon Johnson in the White House. In an angry
confrontation they demanded that Johnson not reduce the gold
stock still remaining because it was needed for purposes of war.

The Rockefeller interests, now under the control of John J.
McCloy and associates, arranged earlier this year for eight
billion dollars ($8,000,000,000)--that's eight thousand million
dollars--in gold to be paid to the leader of Iraq, Saddam
Hussein. A very special private underground warehouse in Zurich
was used in this transfer of gold. This gold was an outright
bribe. It was to persuade Iraq to attack Iran. Eight billion
dollars, my friends, is a lot of money, but it was a cheap price
for the Rockefeller oil cartel, and for two reasons:

First, the gold which was used to bribe Iraq to start the war
was part of the gold which was stolen from you and me! The bulk
of the gold taken from America's stockpiles was flown to Europe
on multinational corporate jets. So, my friends, that $8-billion
in gold did not cost the oil companies anything except some jet
fuel, but it cost you and me part of our monetary gold, and it
has been used to start a war for which you and I will pay even

Eight billion dollars in gold was a cheap price for the oil
companies for another reason too. If their plans are successful,
the Rockefeller oil group will get back complete control over
Iran's oil and other natural resources, and they won't have to
pay those untold billions in oil royalties to their new Iranian

As I explained in AUDIO LETTER No. 52, the time came when the
oil companies could no longer control their former puppet, the
Shah--so out he went. They could also not control for long the
real Ayatollah Khomeini--so he was killed. But if their war on
Iran by way of Iraq succeeds in its ultimate purpose, the
Rockefeller oil companies will once again constitute the Iranian

The oil interests under John J. McCloy are playing ball with
the invisible Bolshevik government here in the United States.
For the moment, they both want the same thing in Iran--that is,
instability and turmoil--so they are working hand in glove to
create an explosion in the Persian Gulf. But the oil companies
could end up finding that even they have been used by the
Bolshevik secret government here in the United States; because if
the Bolsheviks have their way, all-out war will come before the
oil cartel can consolidate their gains in Iran.

Last month I revealed that the Bolsheviks here are following
roughly a three-month cycle in triggering new war plans. The
coming month of October 1980 is another critical month in that
timetable; and sure enough, right on schedule, the Iraq-Iran war
is boiling over. The United States Naval Fleet in the Indian
Ocean is now being bolstered by units from our Mediterranean
Fleet. At the same time, the United States is trying to get
Australia, France (which is very reticent), and Great Britain to
join in with their navies as well. At the same time, our
Bolshevik Administration is sending four AWACS airborne battle
control airplanes to Saudi Arabia. Cargo planes and several
hundred support personnel are also on the way. The public excuse
is that this is to keep open the critical Strait of Hormuz to
keep the oil tankers moving; but, my friends, it may well lead
instead to an oil cut-off, and that will produce not only higher
oil prices but also a "national emergency" here in the United
States as we shift step by step onto a war footing.

Topic #2--Three years ago today on September 30, 1977, I recorded
AUDIO LETTER No. 26. In that tape I reported that the most
decisive battle of the 20th Century had just taken place in
space. It was the "BATTLE OF THE HARVEST MOON", September 27,
1977. It was history's first true battle in space, and in a
stunning upset the United States was defeated by the Soviet
Union. From that day onward, Russia began evicting the United
States from the military use of space. The true military balance
between East and West was turned upside down. Since that time
the United States has been dealing from weakness on the world
stage. But our secret Bolshevik government is unwilling to
abandon its secret plans for world domination; and so out of
weakness America has shifted to a first-strike nuclear strategy
against Russia. Lately this dramatic shift in America's military
posture has started coming to the surface in the news. For
example, last month "Presidential Directives" 58 and 59 were made
public. One Directive, No. 59, officially commits the United
States to a first-strike nuclear posture known as "Counterforce
Targeting" of our missiles. The other Directive, No. 58, is to
step up preparations for our Leaders to hide in safe war bunkers
just before they set off NUCLEAR WAR ONE. And what about you and
me and our children? We are supposed to just wait patiently
until the air raid sirens start blaring all around us.

Our shift to a first-strike nuclear posture actually began
over two years ago in secret. I first reported this change in
AUDIO LETTER No. 36 for July 1978; and the following month in
AUDIO LETTER No. 37 I gave details of the secret first-strike
plans then being prepared. In AUDIO LETTER No. 37 I reported
that America's secret plans for a first strike were producing a
response in kind by the Kremlin. The Russians had learned about
the plans of our own secret government for a first strike and so
they were planning to turn the tables. By allowing the United
States to start the process, the Russians were planning to obtain
an excuse for their own first strike against us, but I can now
report that the Russian first-strike strategy has changed in very
important ways. My friends, it is already under way!

On both sides the strategic plans for NUCLEAR WAR ONE are in a
constant state of flux; and as it happens, the changes on both
sides during the past two years can be illustrated with a single
weapon. That weapon is America's giant Titan-2 Missile. The
Titan-2 is an old missile. It began to be deployed some 18 years
ago in 1962. It is a liquid fuel rocket unlike our newer
Minutemen which use solid fuel. It is a maintenance headache,
and we do not have a large number of them, my friends. Only 54
were deployed originally.

But the Titan-2 has one advantage which has become very
important to our Bolshevik secret government. That advantage is
sheer size. It has a pay load capability, called throw-weight by
the military, which is many times larger than that of a
Minuteman. That gives the Titan-2 a special value for
modification to new missions which were not originally planned.

Some two years ago one of these major modification programs
was carried out on Titan-2 Missiles. As I reported in AUDIO
LETTER No. 37, they have been modified for fractional orbital
bombardment. Normally American missiles are aimed over the North
Pole at Russia, but that is no longer the case with the Titan-2s.
When war begins, the Titans will be launched in many different
directions, and they will not follow the normal ballistic
trajectory of a standard ICBM; instead, they will accelerate all
the way to orbital speed. They will then race around the globe
toward Russia. They will approach Russia from all directions,
not just from the north; and they will arrive at twice the speed
of other missiles. As they approach their targets, the warheads
will retrofire out of orbit. From there they will rain
destruction on their Russian targets--at least that is the plan.

American military planners believe that they can succeed in
getting at least a few of the Titan-2s launched in spite of
Russia's Cosmospheres on patrol overhead. They also believe that
the short flight time of the Titans will keep them safe from
Russia's manned-killer satellites, the Cosmos Interceptors.

Finally, the secret planners here believe that the Russians
will find terminal defense impossible. The Titan warheads will
simply arrive from too many directions for effective anti-missile
defense, but last February 1980 I reported that Russia does plan
to have an effective last-ditch defense to shoot down any
incoming ICBMs. The Russians began work on it in June 1978, two
months before I recorded AUDIO LETTER No. 37. It is a "Flying
Anti-Ballistic Missile System." It is made up of Charged
Particle Beam Weapons carried by Russia's supersonic transport,
the TU-144. The TU-144s were suddenly removed from service
without explanation in June 1978, and now I can report to you
that the TU-144 Flying Anti-Missile System is fully operational
in Russia.

Meanwhile America's fleet of Titan-2s is beginning to dwindle.
On August 24, 1978, an accident, supposedly, crippled a freshly
modified Titan-2 at Rock, Kansas. It made headlines with a
massive leak which sent poisonous reddish-brown fumes towering
into the sky. The huge missile was ruined. Scratch one--53

Now, my friends, the Titan-2s are being modified again. This
time only the warhead is involved. They are still programmed for
fractional orbital bombardment, which requires use of a smaller
warhead than normal, but now compact new generation warheads are
being installed on the Titan-2s. Each packs a 24-megaton
wallop--that's over 1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima
A-bomb! But the most deadly feature of the new Titan-2 warheads
is their cobalt jacket. The Titan-2 warhead is a doomsday weapon
designed to create vast amounts of deadly radiation over wide
areas for a generation.

The Bolsheviks here are well aware of Russia's vast Civil
Defense setup. They know that unlike the United States, Russia's
rulers have tried to insure that as many Russians as possible
will survive a nuclear attack; but the Bolsheviks here plan to
make those preparations useless. Even if the Russians stay
underground for a year, or two years, or five years, eventually
they will have to come out of their shelters; and if they do so
after an American cobalt bomb attack, they will still die. And
so one way or another, the Russians intend to make doubly sure
that no Titan-2 succeeds in bombarding Russia.

For nearly three years I have reported that Russia's
levitating weapons platforms, the Cosmospheres, can blast our
missiles in their silos; and this month on September 19 that is
exactly what was done! The target was a Titan-2 in its silo near
Damascus, Arkansas. The Russians were sending a message to our
Bolshevik secret government. Their war of attrition against
America's war-making capability is now being stepped up. The
Russians are now embarking on their own new version of a first
strike--one target at a time. Russian Intelligence learned
several months ago about the plan to retrofit the Titan-2s with
cobalt doomsday warheads. The decision was made to destroy one
of these retro-fitted missiles in its silo at the first favorable

The Titans are notorious for their leaks during maintenance.
It was decided that the first major leak of a retro-fitted
Titan-2 would be used as a cover for the Russian strike. On
Thursday September 18 the Russians got the chance that they were
waiting for. Around 6:45 that evening a retro-fitted Titan-2
with a cobalt doomsday warhead was being worked on in its silo
near Damascus, Arkansas. Suddenly, we are told, an accident took
place which has no parallel since the Titan-2s became operational
18 years ago. Supposedly a wrench was dropped, knocking a hole
in the side of the missile. In any case, the Russians had the
leak they wanted to provide a cover for what they were about to

For more than eight hours Air Force personnel worked steadily
but without great urgency to try to fix the leak. Meanwhile the
silo door remained closed to avoid attracting attention. The
main worry at the time was not an explosion but toxicity of the
fumes. As Air Force Secretary Hans Mark testified to Congress on
September 24, quote: "The technical experts did not expect any
explosion at all." As one crew after another entered and left
the Titan-2 silo in protective suits, a Russian Cosmosphere was
floating high above in the stratosphere. They waited until after
most of the nearby residents had been warned and evacuated. Then
at 3:01 A.M. the Cosmosphere crew received the order to open
fire. Their Charged Particle Beam weapon had for hours been
aimed and ready, locked onto the center of the huge silo door.
The door, made of concrete and steel and weighing 740 tons, was
designed to withstand a near-miss of a 10-megaton H-bomb; but it
was no match for the Charged Particle Beam. In a fraction of a
second the Beam blew a hole through the silo door. As the door
buckled and twisted, the Beam created a tremendous shock wave
inside the silo. The fragile outer shell of the missile
instantly was crushed like an egg shell. The fuel and oxidizer
tanks ruptured in a thousand places, and the propellants ran
together. As long as they are kept apart the fuel and oxidizer
of the Titan-2 offer very little danger of explosion; but they
are of a type called hypergolic propellants--that is, the moment
they contact each other they ignite--and that is what happened in
the missile silo. Huge amounts mixed instantly as the missile
crumpled inward. The result was a tremendous explosion. It
threw the already ruined silo door all over the countryside, and
the mighty Titan-2 launched its doomsday warhead not into Russia
but into the Arkansas pasture a few hundred feet away.

And so, my friends, there were really two explosions at the
Titan-2 missile silo. First was the explosion of part of the
atoms of the silo door itself when it was hit by the Particle
Beam, and that in turn triggered the second explosion--that of
the missile itself in the silo. Several eye witnesses described
this double blast in various ways; but the clearest description
was given by two injured Air Force personnel--Sergeants Michael
Hansen and Archie James. Their statements in a September 21 news
conference were reported the next day in the New York Times. The
Times said, quote:

"The two men said that they were about 100 feet from the missile
silo when the first of two explosions occurred. They agreed that
there had been one smaller explosion first, which knocked them to
the ground, before a much larger explosion with monstrous force."

After the explosion, the Air Force mystified everyone with its
nervousness about the warhead. After all, everyone knows an ICBM
carries a nuclear warhead, so why not admit it? Now, my friends,
you know why. They were desperately afraid that there might be a
'slip of the tongue' by someone about the new doomsday cobalt
warhead of the Titan-2, and so strict orders were given to say
nothing at all about it. For our Titan-2 Missile Fleet the score
is now: scratch two, 52 to go. The Russians are hoping to bring
about a shutdown of the Titan Missile force by means of public
outcry if possible; but if not, they intend to make sure in other
ways that not one is ever launched at Russia. The Titan-2 with
its new 24-megaton cobalt warhead is a first-strike weapon of our
Secret Government.

But the Russians too, are making use of cobalt bombs in their
first-strike strategy against the United States. The Russian
cobalt bombs are a totally different design--not for use in the
atmosphere but under ground and under water to generate

Two months ago on July 28 an earthquake took place in the
Midwest that shook 12 states. Geologists in that area were
mystified, saying that it seemed like an impossible earthquake.
There are no known faults in the area where it was centered not
far from Fort Knox, Kentucky, but in AUDIO LETTER No. 56 I
reported how Russia brought about that seemingly impossible
earthquake using two underground cobalt bombs.

Last month this Bolshevik Administration announced that
Russia's leadership is now a No. 1 target in its first-strike
posture, and Russia is responding in kind, my friends. The real
headquarters of America's secret government is not here in
Washington, D.C., but in New York City, and now feverish
preparations are under way to create an impossible earthquake in
New York City as part of Russia's new first-strike campaign
against the United States!

Topic #3--When I recorded AUDIO LETTER No. 57 last month, I
mentioned that I had not yet received any reports of replies by
Senator Proxmire to your letters; but since that time many of you
have let me know that he has answered you, and many of you have
sent me copies of the letters that he sent you.

My friends, in my two previous tapes I cautioned you to beware
of any attempts to just brush you off. If you have never written
to anyone in Congress before, you may have felt that you got a
very responsive reply from Senator Proxmire. If so, I suggest
that you stop the tape at this point and restart it with your
letter from Senator Proxmire in hand. Please follow along word
for word. I'm about to read to you what you are likely to have
received. If your letter differs from what I am about to read,
by all means please send me a copy.

First: The date at the top is likely to be August 27, September
4, or September 9. Other dates are also possible, but large
batches were sent out on those dates.

"Dear (so and so):
Thanks so much for your recent letter concerning the
allegations initiated by Dr. Peter Beter concerning massive gold
thefts from the United States Treasury at Fort Knox, especially
an unrecorded shipment which occurred in 1965. While this
precious metal is no longer needed to back up our currency, I can
certainly appreciate your concern in this issue.

Similar concerns were expressed in 1974 at which time former
Treasury Secretary Simon invited all members of Congress to
participate in a personal inspection of the reserves held at Fort
Knox. Several members joined in the tour at that time. In
addition at the request of the Congress, the General Accounting
Office and the Treasury also completed an audit of the gold
reserves. The General Accounting Office is an investigative arm
of the Congress as you may know, and participates in the yearly
audits of the Treasury's gold reserves.

As to the situation which took place in 1965 concerning the
missing shipment of gold, I am asking the Treasury's Inspector
General to give me a complete report. Once I have this
information, I will be in a better position to determine whether
any future action is warranted.

I appreciate your interest in this important matter.

Sincerely, William Proxmire, Chairman."

The signature, which looks for all the world like a personal
signature, is "Bill Proxmire." It looks pretty good, doesn't it?
The tone is friendly, and it looks like a personal letter and
that is what you are supposed to believe it is; but, of course,
if your letter coincided with the one I just read, you know now
that it was not a personal letter. It's just one of many
identical letters churned out like popcorn by a
computer-controlled typewriter. Even the signature, which looks
so real, is made by a special signature-duplicating machine. If
you have a neighbor who also received a letter, put one on top of
the other and hold them up to the light and you will find that
the computerized typing is identical; and you will also discover
that the signatures are identical, unlike real signatures. They
may be in slightly different positions on the two letters, but by
moving them around you will be able to make the two signatures

My friends, the computerized letter is used by Senators and
Congressmen today for several reasons. For one thing, of course,
it saves work. For another, it makes constituents feel good
thinking they have received a personal reply, but most of all it
helps Senators and Congressmen avoid involving themselves in many
issues. When you receive a personal letter from a busy Senator
or Congressman you may wonder, "Am I the only one who wrote about
this?" Most people, if they think that, will just give up; and
so the computerized letter is designed to encourage you to feel
isolated. Notice that the letter I just read you from Senator
Proxmire sounds as if he is answering you alone. He avoids
mentioning that many others have written to him about the same
thing, but you should know that in Congress every letter is
considered to represent at least 500 people.

Now I invite you to look more closely at the actual content of
Senator Proxmire's computerized letter to you. It's filled with
red flags.

First, in paragraph 1 is his statement that gold is no longer
needed to back up the dollar. That is red flag No. 1. It goes
against common sense, history, and daily news about gold prices
and the dollar. Senator Proxmire is parroting the old
Rockefeller line which was used years ago to calm us, to deceive
us, while they phased gold out of Fort Knox and into their own

The second paragraph is worded to convey the impression that all
this has been looked into and found to be untrue. But read it
carefully, my friends. You will discover more red flags.

For example: He mentions the so-called "tour" of the Fort Knox
Bullion Depository in 1974, but a tour is not an "inventory", and
not one of the visitors to Fort Knox in September 1974 was a
specialist in gold. What is more, the visitors were not even
told about, much less shown, the actual gold vault itself! This
is a huge maximum security vault which occupies the central
portion of the Depository building and extends well below ground.
Instead, the visitors were allowed to enter only one small
jail-cell-like compartment to look at some reddish-tinted alleged
gold bars. In AUDIO LETTER No. 2 for July 1975 I gave details
about all this. The Fort Knox tour of 1974 cited by Senator
Proxmire was just a peep show amounting to a total fraud.

Then he refers to the so-called "audit" of our gold reserves by
the General Accounting Office and the Treasury. Another red
flag, my friends, because an audit is not a physical inventory or
count of the gold itself. An audit is only an examination of the
books; and from the very beginning my charge has been that those
books are fraudulent and therefore useless. And to make matters
worse, the Audit Committee consisted of 13 Treasury personnel
with only two (2) GAO personnel tagging along to make it look
good. I described that entire episode in detail in my AUDIO BOOK
talking tape entitled "THE FORT KNOX GOLD SCANDAL...AND WHAT IT
MEANS TO YOU" of March 1975.

Paragraph 3 of the Proxmire computer letter is a tradition in
Congress today. It's called "Pass the buck." But he does not
even pass it to an objective agency! For example, he could have
referred it to the General Accounting Office; at least the GAO is
an arm of Congress itself, as Proxmire himself mentions. But NO,
you wrote to Proxmire about the Treasury's failure to account for
a gold shipment worth over $8-billion today. And whom does he
ask to look into it?--why the Treasury itself!

Actually the only thing resembling concrete action mentioned in
the letter is Proxmire's request for a report from the Treasury's
Inspector General. So it seems appropriate to take a few minutes
to tell you about Proxmire's previous experience with the
Treasury Inspector General. The occasion was the scandal that
erupted in December 1978 over missing gold at the New York Assay
Office. As you may recall, there were news reports at the time
that some 5,200 ounces of gold could not be accounted for. The
story was brought to light only because of the determined efforts
of a dedicated group of employees at the New York Assay Office.
These employees known as the "Whistle Blowers" tried for years to
seek redress for corrupt practices there among the top
management. They contacted various officials within the
Treasury, the Justice Department, Congress (including Senator
Proxmire), and the press. For their efforts, some of them
received severe retribution through their jobs, demotions, and so
on; but against all odds they succeeded in bringing to light the
matter of the missing gold. Then, as now, Proxmire turned to the
Treasury itself for a report on the possible misbehavior of a
Treasury operation--the New York Assay Office; and on December
19, 1978, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Robert Carswell wrote
to Senator Proxmire and said, quote:

"I must now inform you that there have been significant
irregularities in Accounting and Management procedures in the New
York Assay Office that appear to go back a number of years."

Carswell added, quote:

"The full truth may never be known because of the inadequate
records kept over the years."

In other words, my friends, the records at the New York Assay
Office were unreliable, just like the records at Fort Knox.

In his letter to Proxmire, Carswell also mentioned that the
Treasury's new Inspector General had been assigned to the Assay
Office case. The office of Inspector General was a new office,
created only three months earlier; and according to the Carswell
letter to Proxmire, the first investigation handed to the
Treasury Inspector General was that of the New York Assay Office.
And so the Treasury's Inspector General began his career in that
post with a case of missing gold.

Now, according to his computer letter to you, Proxmire has
asked him to look into another case of missing gold--the 1965
missing shipment from Fort Knox. The Treasury Inspector General
took charge of a group of agents detailed from the Secret
Service, which is another branch of the Treasury! Then he
directed a so-called investigation of the missing gold at the New
York Assay Office which, by his own words, quote "consisted of
interviews" plus a review of security and procedures. No sworn
testimony, just interviews; and oddly enough no one confessed to
any criminal activity or theft. So on May 11, 1979, the Treasury
Inspector General closed the files on his "investigation" of the
New York Assay Office.

He wrote a memorandum that day to Deputy Treasury Secretary
Carswell summarizing the results of this great investigation.
With one exception (a man who had already been sent to jail), he
said, quote: "No evidence has been developed that any personnel
were involved in the theft of gold and silver from the New York
Assay Office." That one exception is not discussed, but you
might find it revealing. It was an employee who was caught
trying to carry a bar of gold out the door inside a rolled-up
newspaper. The reason he was caught, my friends, was that the
gold bar slipped out of the newspaper and fell on the floor.

The so-called investigation of the Treasury Inspector General
also succeeded in deciding that less gold was missing than
originally reported. What we heard in news reports was 5,200
ounces; but by the time the Treasury Inspector General got
through, he had whittled that down to a mere 4,100 ounces. He
also forwarded the sanitized Treasury report on itself to the
Justice Department for their determination. Not surprisingly,
the Justice Department wrote back that, quoting the Inspector
General's memorandum again:

"There is no evidence in the present record that any employee of
the New York Assay Office personally benefitted from the
practices described in the report."

And the Justice Department is said to have declined prosecution
due to, quote "the absence of any motive of personal gain
relating to the settlement procedures."

There was never another peep out of Senator William Proxmire
about the strange goings-on at the New York Assay Office.
Apparently he was well satisfied by the self-serving Treasury
investigation of itself, so much so that now he is passing the
buck to exactly the same office of the Treasury in the matter of
the 1965 missing shipment of gold from Fort Knox.

My friends, I never told you that what we are trying to do
would be easy. I do believe that it can be done if we will stick
with it no matter what; but now you have a small taste of what we
are up against. In the case of the missing gold at the New York
Assay Office, Senator Proxmire acted as if he just did not want
to know, so he relied on the Treasury to investigate itself
through its office of Inspector General. Now in the case of the
missing gold shipment from Fort Knox, his initial response
reflected in his computer letters to you was the same.

My friends, from what I have said so far you may be thinking
that I'm about to say, "Forget Senator Proxmire. We have to try
something else." But that is not what I'm saying at all. There
is more to the story, and a glimmer of hope that Senator Proxmire
can be persuaded to take meaningful action; but I do believe that
you must have a realistic understanding of the situation if we
are to succeed. To that end, I think a few words are in order
about Senator Proxmire's public background.

E. William Proxmire got his start in politics long ago after
he married into the Rockefeller family. He ran as a Democrat for
Governor of Wisconsin in 1952, '54, and '56 and lost each time.
But his big chance came in a Special Senatorial Election on
August 27, 1957. It was Proxmire, my friends, who filled the
Senate vacancy of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy. Proxmire was
re-elected in 1958 and has been in the Senate ever since.

Throughout his Senate career, Proxmire has been deeply
involved in the most powerful committees of Congress dealing with
banking, currency, housing--in other words, our economy.
Whatever has happened during those years, Proxmire was there.

In 1961 the so-called "London Gold Pool Agreement" was set up.
It was an informal agreement that was never authorized by
Congress--I repeat, NEVER AUTHORIZED BY CONGRESS; and under that
agreement, our gold started flowing out of the United States in a
hemorrhage that lasted nearly 7 years. One courageous
Congressman, Frank Chelf of Kentucky, spoke repeatedly on the
floor of Congress about what was happening to our gold. In AUDIO
LETTER No. 2 for July 1975, I read to you his sworn statement
about the secret shipments of gold out of Fort Knox during those
years. But throughout the halls of Congress the warning words of
Congressman Frank Chelf were totally ignored, and Senator William
Proxmire was among those who were there--but paid no attention!
And so we should not be surprised if we encounter resistance by
Senator Proxmire to leading a public investigation of our gold

Long ago he became entangled with the special interests of the
Rockefeller group, who in turn spirited away our gold; and
Proxmire was there, in Congress, when our gold was taken, so he
could be accused of malfeasance for neglecting to take any action
up to now to protect our gold. Under the circumstances, Proxmire
may well look upon a public investigation of our missing gold as
a "can of worms" for him. But, my friends, we do not want
Proxmire's hide, WE WANT HIS HELP. He is in the best possible
position to do it--if he will; and there is an inkling that
perhaps he can be persuaded to take action.

On September 5 my friend Mr. Edward Durell wrote to Senator
Proxmire urging him to take up the investigation of our nation's
gold supplies. Mr. Durell has done this many times before, and
has been met with a stone wall!! But this time, this time, Mr.
Durell wrote in the wake of your barrage of letters; and on
September 11 Proxmire sent this reply, and I now quote:

"Dear Mr. Durell:
I have your letter regarding an unreported shipment of gold
which occurred at Fort Knox in 1965 and the possibility that
there may have been similar unreported incidents. While, as you
know, the United States is no longer on the Gold Standard, I can
appreciate your concern in this issue. I have already asked the
Treasury Department's Inspector General to look into the matter
and give me a complete report. In view of your correspondence,
however, I am also asking the Justice Department and the General
Accounting Office to also investigate the situation you outline.
The General Accounting Office is an investigative arm of the
United States Congress. Once I have this information I will be
in a better position to determine whether any future action is

Sincerely, William Proxmire, Chairman"

My friends, this is still a long way short of agreeing to what
we have requested--that is, a PUBLIC INVESTIGATION by Proxmire's
Committee--but it is a step in the right direction, so it's up to
us to redouble our efforts.

We have to make it clear that there are many of us, that we
are not going to go away, that we will not be satisfied with
anything less than a public investigation by his Committee, and
that he will have our complete support. To do that, I urge that
you again contact Senator Proxmire and get everyone else to do so
that you possibly can. And if you are willing to spend a few
dollars, I urge you to use a MAILGRAM this time for greater
impact. All you have to do is to call Western Union and they
will charge it to your telephone bill. A long message is not
necessary, but I suggest that you tell Senator Proxmire you want
action--not just comforting form letters. Tell him that you want
a public, Congressional investigation of our gold supplies by his
Committee, which has jurisdiction--not more cover-ups by the
Executive Branch; and repeat your pledge of firm support if he
will open the investigation which you request.

I also have a second suggestion this month which I think would
mean more to you after I tell you the following:

The secret gold shipment from Fort Knox on January 20, 1965, took
place the very day Lyndon Johnson was inaugurated President, as I
reported last month; and I can now reveal, my friends, that this
shipment did not end up at the New York Assay Office. It wound
up, instead, in a ranch in Mexico owned jointly by President and
Mrs. Johnson!! And President Johnson arranged for the Treasury
Department to give Mrs. Johnson a Special License to deal in gold
bullion as a private citizen. Yet, at that time, you and I could
not even own gold except in jewelry.

The Fort Knox Gold Scandal of today was predictable long ago
for those with eyes to see. The famous prophet of the 1929 Stock
Market Crash, Roger Ward Babson, gave a clear warning of things
to come while the Fort Knox Bullion Depository was still being
built. There was an article about his warnings in the Literary
Digest for August 29, 1936. The article described Babson's
objections in the words, quote:

"By dumping most of America's gold hoard into a steel and
concrete strong box in the mountain fortress at Fort Knox,
Kentucky, Uncle Sam is putting too many of his eggs in one

Two very relevant questions posed by Babson were also mentioned:

(1) Is not the United States as liable to have internal
revolution as to be attacked by foreign nations? And

(2) Are not gold and commodities much safer distributed among
millions of people than stored in Russian fashion under the
control of politicians?

The article quoted Babson as he thundered, quote:

"To secure control of nearly one-half the world's total gold
supply requires only securing control of the White House. The
key to these great vaults is hanging on the wall of the
President's private office."

With those prophetic words of 44 years ago in mind, I now
offer you my second suggestion for this month: We need to use
every avenue available to begin to make others aware that there
is a question about our gold reserves, and so I suggest that you
write a brief letter to the Editor to every newspaper, large and
small, in your area. Don't try to say a lot, just open up the
thought that we ought to think about our gold reserves as we
prepare to elect a president. Here is a sample of what I mean,
to get you started:

All the presidential candidates this year are talking about our
troubled economy in the old conventional terms, but conventional
economic cures don't seem to be working. Could it be that the
illness is not conventional??

Congressional legislation HR-7874 is now pending to look into
persistent rumors that our monetary gold to back up the dollar is
depleted or gone. If so, no wonder the dollar is shrinking and
gold prices mushrooming. When we go to the polls maybe we ought
to keep in mind that whoever we vote for will have the keys to
all our gold--that is, if there is any left."

You may succeed in getting only one letter published, or none at
all; but all of us working together have to think of ourselves as
scattering seed. A lot of our letters to editors, just like
seed, will fall on barren land; but if even one letter does get
published, it can begin to alert thousands of newspaper readers.
So please do it now, my friends. There is no time to be wasted.

Now it's time to give you my Last Minute Summary. In this
AUDIO LETTER I've tried to show you a little more clearly the
connection between gold and war. Our own gold, which has been
stolen from us, is being used to drag you and me into war! So we
must seize the gold weapon ourselves and turn it around. By
breaking open the GOLD SCANDAL, we must wage preventive war--a
WAR OF TRUTH--in order to prevent a war of missiles, bombs,
particle beam weapons, and clashing armies.

What happened to the Titan-2 Missile which exploded in its
silo earlier this month serves to illustrate the stakes in our
preventive war. The secret Bolshevik government of the United
States has transformed the Titan-2 into a first-strike doomsday
weapon against Russia; but the Titan-2 at Damascus, Arkansas, was
itself the victim of a Russian first strike! For the first time
the Russians have now demonstrated the ability of their
Cosmospheres to destroy our ICBMs in their silos. Day by day we
come closer and closer to the outbreak of all-out thermonuclear

The Secret Rulers of the United States and the rulers of
Russia are both embarked on their own separate and very different
first-strike strategies. The Bolsheviks here want to achieve a
first strike against Russia that will set off all-out war. The
Russians, on the other hand, want to achieve the opposite. They
want to make all-out war impossible by destroying America's
ability to fight. And so, my friends, the Bolsheviks here keep
struggling to prepare for a single massive blow at Russia, even
though America will be destroyed. And to prevent the massive
American first strike, the Russians are conducting a campaign of
localized first strikes. One day a Mount St. Helens explodes,
another day a Titan Missile explodes, and on another day soon a
major city may seem to explode in a seemingly impossible

No matter who wins the first-strike tug of war, the Russians
or the Bolsheviks here, America loses. And, my friends, you and
I are America, so it is up to you and me to defend our great land
and ourselves. No one else is going to do it for us, but our
forefathers left us a CONSTITUTION which grants us the freedom,
the power, and the responsibility to do the job; and if our Lord
Jesus Christ wills it, we will succeed.

Two months ago I began giving you my answers to the question
many of you had started asking me: "What can I do?" Many of the
things we need to do require little money but time, dedication,
and perseverance. Even so we must not deceive ourselves.
Freedom does not always come for "free." The challenge we face
today is no less than what our forefathers faced 200 years ago;
so if we want to prevail in this struggle, we can do no less than
they did. As they expressed it in concluding the Declaration of

"...with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our
sacred Honor."

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you, and
may God bless each and every one of you.

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