July 19, 1976
"AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books, Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio Books, Inc.
1: The Soviet Missile Crisis Of 1976
2: Hitler's Pattern For America's Bicentennial Era
3: The Plans For America's Future Under Occupation
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Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is July 19, 1976,
and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 14.
What I am forced to tell you about today is grave and urgent
beyond description. I believe you have a right and a need to
know about it, and yet I already know that in all likelihood you
will not believe me when I tell you because it is something no
one wants to believe. I've wrestled with this thing wondering
how best to tell you what you must be told, but all I can say is
that it is absolutely true beyond any shadow of a doubt. I stake
my entire life and my reputation on this fact. If there were any
doubt at all about what I am about to reveal, I would not reveal
At this very moment the United States of America is teetering
on the precipice of a devastating nuclear surprise attack the
likes of which the world has never seen. If the detailed plans
for war that I have already told you about are carried out as
discussed especially in my monthly AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 6, 12, and
13, this attack might not come for as much as another year or
even more; but that is a very big IF because the capability for
this attack is now in place, and it includes provisions for a
Soviet double-cross of their allies--the four Rockefeller
Brothers, who now rule America behind the scenes.
Today I want to alert you to the terrible threat we face by
means of these topics:
Topic #1--It was a sleepy Sunday morning in Hawaii nearly 35
years ago when WORLD WAR II came to America. Much of the Pacific
fleet of the United States Navy was peacefully at anchor
suspecting nothing, while President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his
closest advisors far away in Washington, D.C. waited anxiously
for the attack to occur as planned. At 7:55 A.M. on that
peaceful Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, more than 100 Japanese
aircraft suddenly appeared in the skies over the Island of Oahu,
Hawaii. All attempts to warn the Navy of the impending attack
had been thwarted or delayed, and the bottled up American fleet
was torn to shreds as a result of the complete surprise that
resulted. F.D.R. and his closest advisors had made sure that no
aircraft carriers were caught in the raid because these would be
indispensable in the retaliation to come against Japan. Instead,
the sacrifice was limited to battleships, destroyers, cruisers,
and several thousand American Servicemen's lives.
Soon the news of the crushing disaster that had befallen the
United States Navy flashed across a stunned and unbelieving
America, and the words "Pearl Harbor" from that day have been a
synonym for surprise attack of the most catastrophic variety. It
should also bring to mind high treason and intrigue, because
while most Americans were trying to recover from the shock and
horror of the Pearl Harbor attack, F.D.R. and his Rockefeller
bosses were congratulating themselves on the success of the
operation. The United States would now be drawn into the war
against Hitler, enabling a Rockefeller take-over of the formerly
British oil concessions in Saudi Arabia; yet President Roosevelt
would be making good on his campaign promises not to send
American boys away to die in a foreign war. Instead, he had
arranged to get us into war by allowing several thousand American
boys to die in a rigged attack on American territory--Pearl
Harbor! His renowned "Day of Infamy" speech then galvanized the
nation overnight into a fighting mood. The obstacle of American
isolationist sentiment had been flattened, and the United States
was AT WAR.
Today we are once again at the mercy of an imminent Pearl
Harbor-type attack. As before, we are being given no warning
whatever that this is the case aside from the general level of
tensions here and abroad. But this time it has been planned to
be far worse because this time the plan is not for America to win
the war but to lose it.
Two months ago in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 12 I first revealed
the existence of the supersecret "Nuclear Safe Zone"--a swath
across roughly the upper half of the continental United States
between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees north. According to
secret agreements between the Rockefeller Brothers and their
Soviet allies, this Zone is supposed to be spared from the
all-out thermonuclear war that is planned to engulf the southern
half of the United States in NUCLEAR WAR ONE.
This arrangement has three (3) purposes:
First, as I revealed two months ago, it provides a zone within
which the Rockefeller Brothers and their closest collaborators
expect to ride out the coming NUCLEAR WAR ONE in safety and
Second, much of the industrial base and agricultural breadbasket
of America will be preserved for exploitation after the war.
A third factor, which I did not mention before, has to do with
the high altitude jet stream which goes clear around the earth.
Should the Soviets find it necessary to back up their so-called
"clean bombs", which I revealed last month, with the older dirty
bombs, they don't want radioactive fallout from America to drift
around the earth and land on the Soviet Union. More than 95% of
the Soviet Union lies north of the 40th parallel of latitude; so
by agreeing with the Rockefeller Brothers to strike America only
below that latitude except for a small strike against Alaska, the
Soviets have avoided the danger of having much radioactive dust
from America circle the globe to land on their own country. But
the Soviets are very eager to break free of the Rockefeller
control under which they have functioned for so long, and they
are preparing a double-cross.
As I reported last month in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 13, the
Safe Zone agreement has been violated by the placement of an
atomic bomb at Seal Harbor, Maine, to blast the summer homes of
Nelson and David Rockefeller off the map. But that, I am sorry
to report, is only the beginning of the "Pearl Harbor" the
Soviets have prepared for us. The Soviet double-cross of the
Rockefeller Brothers is to be thorough and complete, and it will
include several more violations of the Nuclear Safe Zone--an
acceptable price in Soviet eyes for breaking free of the
Rockefellers and into the position of absolute world supremacy
While the United States has focused its missile development on
long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Soviet Union
has never forgotten the potentialities of shorter range missiles,
which are easier to design and build. That's what the Cuban
Missile Crisis of October 1962 was all about. The Soviets, not
wishing to depend on their long-range missiles, had installed
much shorter-range missiles in Cuba able to reach many American
cities from the vulnerable south; and when President John F.
Kennedy spoiled the Rockefeller-Soviet plans by forcing Nikita
Khrushchev to remove them, they did not abandon this idea.
Instead, J.F.K. was removed from the scene himself; and his
replacement, Rockefeller puppet President Lyndon B. Johnson,
handed the Soviets a new site for the implacement of medium-range
missiles to threaten the United States from the south. This was
done by turning over the huge United States-built MacKenzie
Airfield to the newly independent Marxist republic of Guyana.
The Americans pulled out, MacKenzie Airfield was re-named the
Temehri Airfield, and this new air base, the largest in Central
and South America, was then fortified by ringing it with nuclear
missiles aimed at the Panama Canal and cities in the southern
half of the United States. And as l have been reporting for over
two years--without any Government investigation of my charges
whatsoever--the missiles in Guyana are at operational readiness
today, threatening the United States and the Panama Canal.
But that's not all, my friends. Five years ago, in 1971,
there was another Soviet missile crisis, this time involving both
Canada and the United States; and I am here revealing it for the
very first time. The Soviet Missile Crisis of 1971 began with an
accidental discovery by some divers off Vancouver Island, Canada.
A Vancouver fishing trawler had sunk in the area and divers were
sent down to locate it. While they were looking, they came
across something unbelievable--a missile anchored to the bottom.
It was attached by heavy chains to four concrete blocks, each
estimated to weigh five tons. The blocks in turn were anchored
to the bottom by extra heavy anchors of Soviet design. The
divers reported their unexpected find immediately, and the North
American Air Defense Command (NORAD) went into action. The
Canadian ship H.C.M.S. Resogoushe plus two mine-layers and a
torpedo boat were dispatched and immediately covered the area.
By coincidence, this chance discovery occurred just as the
Soviet Navy was launching its own operation to recover that very
missile. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko had just arrived
to visit Vancouver for a hush-hush Foreign Ministers Conference
ostensibly. Strangely, he arrived aboard the Soviet ship SUROV,
a heavy cruiser of the Cresta class. But Gromyko explained that
away by saying that he had just been inspecting the Soviet fleet
which was on maneuvers--but that was just a cover story.
A Soviet oceanographic research ship doing underwater
experiments on guided missiles near Sakhalin had reached the
conclusion that six guided missiles, which had been placed
strategically on the seabed around the North American continent
years before would now have to be recovered and removed at once.
These had been planted on the orders of Khrushchev after his
defeat by President Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and for
years they had been lurking undetected. But now they would have
to be removed because the Soviet experiments at Sakhalin had
revealed that the metals used in the missiles were proving
unstable and had started disintegrating rapidly in the salt
water. The situation was very serious, not only because the
missiles were no longer dependable as weapons but also because
corrosion of the warheads could have led to leakage of
radioactive materials or even under certain conditions,
uncontrolled explosions. This was the real reason for Gromyko's
strange visit to Vancouver aboard the heavy cruiser SUROV in
The Soviet Navy in reality was invading the territorial waters
of Canada to recover a malfunctioning weapon, the Underwater
Missile; but due to the accidental discovery of the missile by
the Canadian divers, Gromyko's mission was foiled. He stayed
there for three days aboard the ship and then was aghast to see
the Soviet missile go past him on a barge on the way to dockside.
Gromyko immediately canceled his appearance in Vancouver and
sailed for home without delay. The missile itself was rushed by
special airplane immediately to a secret location in the United
States for study and analysis.
The Vancouver discovery also triggered an intensive search of
all the American and Canadian coasts by specially equipped
surface and underwater vessels. This search turned up three more
such missiles--one off the coast of California and Oregon;
another just south of San Rosario, Baja, California; and the
third one off the coast of Maine just east of a rocky island
there. Two additional underwater missiles were known to exist as
well. One was believed to be somewhere in the arc from Cuba to
Pensacola, Florida; the other was thought to be in the Caribbean
Islands aimed at the Panama Canal. These last two were never
found by the United States Navy, but the pattern of activity of
the Soviet Navy indicated that they were successfully recovered
by the Soviets. The Soviets had been poised to mount a recovery
operation for all six missiles, but were prevented from making
any such attempt because of the intensive United States Navy
Each of the four missiles which were recovered by the joint
Canadian-American effort was examined and its targets determined.
It turned out that each missile was fitted with multiple
warheads. The one discovered by the divers off Vancouver had six
targets--the Royal Canadian Naval Base on Vancouver Island, the
Port of Vancouver, the Port of Seattle, and three Boeing aircraft
plants in Seattle, Everett, and Blaine. The missile found off
the coast of Oregon and California had its multiple warheads
targeted on five centers in the San Francisco Bay area. The San
Rosario missile was targeted on the United States Naval Base at
San Diego and on the City of Los Angeles. As for the missile
found in the waters off the coast of Maine, its targets were
Boston, the Submarine Base in Connecticut, the Brooklyn Navy
Yard, and the New York Harbor. The missile which was apparently
retrieved by the Soviets in the Cuba-Pensacola area was assumed
to have been aimed at strategic coastal targets in the Southeast.
And so ended the Soviet Missile Crisis of 1971. In some
respects it was even more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis
nine years earlier because the underwater missiles off our shores
were already operational, whereas those in Cuba were stopped just
short of operational status. But you've never heard a word about
the Soviet Missile Crisis of 1971. This is because that would
not have squared well with our official policy of so-called
detente with the Soviet Union. The Rockefeller agents in our
government knew all about the missiles, and had a ticklish job
keeping the lid on after the accidental discovery by the
Vancouver divers brought NORAD and the United States Navy into
the picture.
All's well that ends well, or so it seems; but this just
wasn't the end of the Soviet Missile Crisis. On February 11,
1971, the same year in which the Soviet Missile Crisis occurred,
63 nations signed a treaty prohibiting installation of nuclear
weapons on the seabed beyond any nation's 12-mile Coastal Zone.
On top of that, the United States over the past dozen years has
laid down a grid of electronic sensing wires and cables on the
ocean floor all along both our Pacific and Atlantic coasts making
the seabed look like a giant spider web. These detection nets
called "Sosus" for the Atlantic and "Caesar" for the Pacific are
tied into computers which enable any submarine passing over them,
American or foreign, to be detected, located, and even identified
in a very short time. So, what could happen?
My friends, the Maginot line did not protect the French from
invasion in World War II--the Germans went right over it. In the
same way, the Rockefeller Brothers have enabled the Soviets to go
over our underwater detection nets as if they did not exist!
When President Richard M. Nixon arrived in Moscow on May 22, 1972
for summer talks with the Kremlin, he had more to discuss than
the highly publicized SALT talks. A key agreement arrived at
then established joint oceanographic projects with the Soviets,
and since that time Soviet oceanographic vessels have been in and
out of our territorial waters continuously! For approximately
two years these vessels operate in a totally innocent-appearing
fashion while actually gathering information on optimum placement
sites for a new fleet of underwater missiles along our shores.
By the time the joint Army-Navy teams monitoring the underwater
nets had become accustomed to the Soviet oceanographic ships as a
routine non-threatening presence in our waters, the Soviets were
ready to act. Under cover of oceanographic operations, the
Soviets began planting underwater missiles along our shores once
again, plus several strategically located atomic bombs. And as
if they needed it, the Soviets have also slipped in through a
loophole in the 1971 treaty, which superficially seems to ban
such weaponry in our coastal waters. Most if not all of these
weapons have been planted inside our 12-mile territorial limit,
whereas the treaty only forbids such things beyond that limit.
This is a chilling echo of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
promises to avoid a foreign war before World War II, only to help
rig an attack on our own territory. But the Soviets, having been
given the oceanographic cover they needed in order to get the
bombs and missiles into our coastal waters, have already
double-crossed their Rockefeller allies. Not only have the
Rockefeller Brothers themselves been marked for destruction, as
signaled by the bomb at Seal Harbor, Maine, but their precious
Nuclear Safe Zone has already been breached by the Soviets in at
least three other places where missiles have been placed contrary
to their agreement with the Rockefellers. The Soviets, like the
Rockefeller Brothers themselves, are now going "for broke"--they
are trying to arrange in every way they can to break the back of
any conceivable retaliational resistance by the United States in
the coming war. It is still in the Soviet interest to minimize
warfare within the Nuclear Safe Zone, but specific targets will
be attacked within this Zone whenever the Soviets consider it
necessary to achieve their goal of total victory and total world
domination over the United States.
I can now reveal that the coastal waters of the United
States--including Alaska, Hawaii, and the Panama Canal Zone--now
contain at least ten (10) multiple warhead, short-range,
underwater-launch missiles of a new advanced design. In
addition, at least four (4) atomic bombs have been strategically
placed in harbor areas. Here is the situation as it now stands
according to my own latest Intelligence sources:
First, the four bombs. One is the bomb I was able to reveal last
month which is placed at Seal Harbor, Maine, to destroy the
summer homes of David and Nelson Rockefeller. The second is
planted in the Potomac River near the United States Naval
Ordnance Station at Indian Head, Maryland. The third is in the
Mississippi River upstream from New Orleans in the vicinity of
Bonnet Carre Spillway and Floodway. And the fourth atomic bomb
has been planted in the Port of Valdez, Alaska, which is the
southern terminus of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. By rendering
the port of Valdez useless, of course, the Pipeline will be put
out of action, since oil tankers are supposed to carry the oil
from the Pipeline delivery point at Valdez to destinations in the
lower United States.
As for the short-range multiple warhead Soviet missiles which
once again infest our coastal waters, three violate the Nuclear
Safe Zone. One is in Boston Harbor; the second is in Long Island
Sound about midway between New York City and the Submarine Base
at New London, Connecticut; and the third is in the
Seattle-Vancouver area situated between Victoria, British
Columbia, on the north and the Port Angeles or Sequim,
Washington, area on the south.
Outside the Nuclear Safe Zone, missile No. 4 is in Chesapeake Bay
east of Washington, D.C. No. 5 is located just off shore from
Pensacola, Florida. A 6th missile has been planted in Galveston
Bay, Texas. A 7th lies just off shore of San Diego, California;
while missile No. 8 is deep inside San Pablo Bay near San
Francisco. The 9th missile is located in the Atlantic Ocean near
the north entrance to the Panama Canal. And finally, missile No.
10 with tragic irony is poised in the Pacific Ocean near the
entrance to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The exact location of the
Pearl Harbor missile is: Longitude 157 degrees, 58 minutes, 58
seconds; latitude 21 degrees, 18 minutes, 28 seconds. All the
Navy needs to do is to look and do it now before the Soviets have
time to sneak in and move it, and they'll find this missile.
I respectfully urge--no, I demand--that the Joint Chiefs of
Staff immediately take such actions as are required to remove the
deadly missiles which now menace the United States and Vancouver,
Canada from our own territorial waters. The things I have just
revealed are true, my friends, and I urge you to add your
challenge to mine. I stand ready to cooperate fully with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff in the new larger Soviet missile crisis we
are now in.
Will the Joint Chiefs act? If they do not do so and soon,
then they themselves will have violated their oath to protect and
safeguard our Constitution, our Nation, our lives, and the lives
of generations to come.
Topic #2--I comment often about the covert alliance that exists
between the Corporate Socialists headed by the four Rockefeller
Brothers in America, and the Communist bosses of the Soviet
Union. It is essential that this relationship be understood even
though the day is fast approaching when the Soviets plan to end
it by means of a double-cross. But it is also important to grasp
the fact that the Rockefellers are not themselves Communists. To
them, Communism is just a very convenient and powerful tool, a
stepping stone to power. They don't themselves subscribe to any
rigid ideology, Communist or otherwise. Their only real doctrine
is that of domination and control along with destruction of
everything and anyone they cannot control. In this they bear a
striking resemblance to just one man, Adolf Hitler.
What we have today is a blend of emerging fascism, which is a
combination of State Control with Monopolistic Capitalism and
Socialism of the Marxist variety all wrapped up in American
packaging and sold to us by means of Rockefeller public relations
propaganda. Our would-be Dictators realize full well that if
they were to dress up in combat fatigues, get up on a high
balcony and rant and rave about the need for the state to control
our lives totally, we would all recognize them right away for
what they are--and their schemes would fail. Instead, they wear
nice business suits, use cleverly worded phrases that seem to say
exactly what we want to hear, and make sure that they smile a
great deal. And instead of swaying great crowds in a public
square from a high balcony, they can now cajole and mislead whole
nations from the matchless high balcony of television.
In monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 1, June 1975, I mentioned the role
played by the Rockefeller empire in providing the support Adolf
Hitler needed in order to rise to power in Germany. They
supported him, watched him, and learned from him. In the late
1920's the Rockefellers had succeeded in wrestling control of the
German dye and drug cartel, I. G. Farben Industry, AG, away from
the British. This, plus an ongoing rivalry between Britain and
the Rockefellers over oil, led the British to institute boycott
tactics preventing the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests from
exploiting the vast Saudi Arabian oil concessions which the
Rockefellers had pried loose from the British during World War I.
The Rockefeller solution: Confront Britain with a threat great
enough to break Britain's Saudi Arabian oil boycott.
When 22-year-old Nelson Rockefeller returned from his
around-the-world honeymoon trip in 1930, he convinced his father,
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., that the solution to their problems lay
in one Adolf Hitler. Not many Germans really took Hitler
seriously in 1930, but the Rockefellers did. Having observed
Hitler at close range, they were convinced that Hitler could
serve the Rockefeller purpose well. Hitler was obviously bent on
conquest and war; so providing the support he needed to achieve
power would produce a very real menace to Britain in due
course--just the right medicine to cure Britain of her Saudi
Arabian boycott against the Rockefeller oil interests.
Hitler was especially attractive for Rockefeller purposes for
one additional reason beyond his sheer aggressiveness. His
earlier failure and imprisonment had taught Hitler a very
important lesson which the Rockefellers themselves had also
learned decades before; namely, that successful revolutions are
best carried out with, and not against, the full power of a
nation's government. In other words, Hitler had concluded that
the best way to achieve his goals would be to first acquire
control of the government through means which were legal, at
least in appearance, and then to carry out the revolutionary
changes he desired. Therefore, by supporting Hitler and watching
to see how he went about the details of his take-over and
revolution, the Rockefellers stood to learn valuable lessons for
their own use later on. This was a very nice bonus for the
Rockefellers, so support for Hitler through covert channels began
immediately; and from 1930 onward, Hitler's star rose rapidly.
The same time, the Rockefellers had to make sure that they
would be in a position to check Hitler's advance when he had
served his purpose--which was to frighten the British government
into surrendering control over Saudi Arabia. In other words, a
balance of power had to be maintained so that Hitler would not
get out of control. For this reason and as well as others,
Rockefeller support for Hitler was counterbalanced by support
also for the man who, as president, would have the job of getting
America into the war to stop Hitler--Franklin Delano Roosevelt!
FDR had staged a political comeback from his crippling attack of
polio several years before, but it was about from 1930 onward
that FDR's political star rose rapidly on the national scene
paralleling the rise of Hitler in Germany. Throughout their
period on the world stage, the careers of Hitler and FDR
paralleled one another. Both came to power early in 1933, and
both proposed sweeping changes in rapid fashion that differed
widely from their campaign pledges. Both exercised unprecedented
power during their terms in office, and both died in April 1945
less than three weeks apart as the war in Europe was ending.
The dual role of the Rockefellers throughout can be
illustrated, for example, by the actions of Nelson Rockefeller.
In 1935 he became a Director of the Creole Petroleum Company in
Venezuela, a subsidiary of Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil of New
Jersey. Creole was the principal avenue through which the Nazi
war machine was provided with the essential fuel without which
war could not have been waged; and for seven years, 1937 through
1943, Creole Petroleum shipped 90% of its Venezuelan oil
production to Germany in Nazi tankers, only a token 10% going to
the United States. In this way the Rockefeller
empire--increasingly dominated by Nelson, David, Laurance, and
John D. III--provided Hitler with over 65-million barrels of oil
each year from the Venezuelan oil fields alone well into the
World War II.
In 1940, Nelson resigned his directorship of Creole Petroleum
to become Coordinator of InterAmerican affairs by appointment of
Rockefeller puppet president FDR. As Coordinator, Nelson was
supposedly feverishly at work to combat the Nazi menace in this
hemisphere, the very menace that was being sustained by oil
provided by his Creole Petroleum Company! Through Hitler, the
Rockefellers did at last bring Great Britain to her knees, and a
great deal was learned from the plan Hitler followed that is
being followed again today by the four Rockefeller Brothers.
Hitler had two very important rules for exercising power. One
was to use the masses by means of effective propaganda, leading
them to accept and do things which they normally would not. The
other rule was to make sure that any lies were big lies, so big
that no one could believe they were lies, coming from their
Those same principles are being used today in updated and very
smooth ways by the Rockefeller Brothers and their agents.
Hitler's rise to power was made possible by an era of inflation,
shortages, and then depression. The same conditions are being
brought about deliberately here in America in order to help
achieve the same end result--revolution and dictatorship!
While Hitler was in prison, he began writing "Mein Kampf",
which means "my struggle." In it and in his speeches, Hitler
made it clear what he would do if he ever acquired the power to
do it. In a similar vein, we can read "The American Rich"
published in 1930 by Rockefeller advisor Hoffman Nickerson; "The
New Federalism" by Nelson Rockefeller; "The Emerging
Constitution" published in 1974 by Rexford Tugwell quietly
revealing a dictatorial new Constitution, which was written to
match a secret outline provided by Nelson Rockefeller himself; or
the Bicentennial Declaration advertisements published nation-wide
in 1975 by John D. Rockefeller III's National Committee for the
Bicentennial Era. The last item could have been titled: A
Bicentennial Manifesto, since a manifesto is nothing more than a
public declaration of intentions, motives, or views; but everyone
now knows that the Communist Manifesto of a century ago was no
joke, so that word was avoided.
But keep in mind what Hitler said in January 1941, quote:
"It is nonsense for the rest of the world to pretend today that
I did not reveal this program until 1933, or 1935, or 1937.
Instead of listening to foolish chatter, these gentlemen would
have been wiser to read what I have written and re-written
thousands of times. No human being has declared or recorded what
he wanted more often than I."
If the four Rockefeller Brothers are allowed to succeed in their
diabolical plans, they, too, will be in a position to indict us
in practically the same words.
Hitler directed much of his appeal to the new generation.
Young people had grown up in an abnormal time, lacking normal
roots and values, and who were therefore more vulnerable to being
misled and used. Introduction of the 18-year old vote,
regardless of its actual effect, was intended for a similar
purpose here in America. Hitler pursued a 'policy of legality'
strictly as a tactic in his campaign to take control of the
German government. In every respect Hitler was challenging the
authority of the State under the Weimar Constitution, yet he
camouflaged this challenge by using fair-sounding words.
The same thing is happening once again here today. The words
we hear in the presidential campaign--for example, such as: "A
new world framework for peace", "governmental reorganization",
"interdependence." But the meaning of these words involve World
government, surrender of United States sovereignty, and
suspension or replacement of the United States CONSTITUTION!
"But why", you may ask, "do they bother to leave any clues at all
like this if they're trying to be devious? Why don't they just
lie outright?" The answer is simply that it is harder to lie
convincingly than to tell the truth; and if one starts telling
actual lies, it becomes harder and harder over a period of time
to keep track of what has been said before, and eventually one
makes mistakes which can be detected. So instead they tell a
little bit of truth but always in such a way that you won't
understand it unless you are very alert.
Hitler realized that his 'policy of legality' could only lead
to success in one way; that was to gain access to the position of
Chancellor and use the emergency powers of the president under
the Weimar Constitution. This was true because try as he might,
Hitler was never able to achieve majority popular support for
himself or his Nazi Party. And today, our would-be Dictator,
Nelson Rockefeller, who has also been frustrated in his attempts
to gain majority popular support nationally, is also trying to
position himself to seize control by means of emergency
presidential powers. David Rockefeller's agent Jimmy Carter
meanwhile, whose build-up has been used to impress Ford with
Rockefeller power, also stands ready in case Nelson's illness
should overcome him.
In 1936 Hitler said, quote:
"It is not enough to overthrow the old State, but that the new
State must previously have been built up and be practically ready
to one's hand. In 1933 it was no longer a question of
overthrowing a state by an act of violence; meanwhile the new
state had been built up, and all that there remained to do was to
destroy the last remnants of the old state--and that took but a
few hours."
So it is that the Rockefeller Brothers are rapidly getting the
governmental machinery into place which is to go into full
operation under their dictatorial new Constitution for the,
Shortly before Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he said to
then Chancellor Bruning, quote: "Herr Chancellor, if the German
nation once empowers the National Socialist movement to introduce
a constitution other than that which we have today, then you
cannot stop it." On September 12, 1975, Nelson Rockefeller
displayed exactly the same thinking, during a news conference in
Dallas, Texas, in response to criticisms leveled at him as our
appointed Vice-President by a columnist; Rockefeller's answer
was, quote: "Well, he's got one, so there's nothing he can do
about it." On August 9, 1974, our last elected president,
Richard Nixon, became the first in American history to resign,
hounded out of office by means of the Watergate scandal.
Listen now to the following words taken from a conspirator's
diary, and I quote:
"For him alone, winter seems to have arrived. He is being
secretly undermined and is already completely isolated. He is
anxiously looking for collaborators. Our mice are busily at work
gnawing through the last supports of his position."
Those words could have been written about Watergate with complete
accuracy, but they were not. They were written by Hitler's
propaganda chief, Paul Joseph Goebbels, 12 days before Chancellor
Bruning was forced to resign on May 30, 1932. Bruning was
succeeded by an interim chancellor more to Hitler's liking, Franz
von Papen; and Hitler himself replaced von Papen on January 30,
1933, when Hitler was appointed Chancellor by aging President von
Hindenburg under the provisions of the Weimar Constitution. It
was this weakness in the Weimar Constitution--the fact that the
Chancellor was appointed, not elected, that enabled Hitler to
succeed in his plan to take control of Germany by 'legal' means
despite his lack of majority popular support!
This lesson was not lost on Nelson Rockefeller, who introduced
exactly the same weakness into the United States Constitution for
his own benefit by means of the 25th Amendment! The 25th
Amendment was proposed a scant three weeks after the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Nelson
Rockefeller's water boy, Birch Bayh, almost as if it had been
ready and waiting!
Immediately after becoming Chancellor, Hitler forced new
elections. His election campaign promised nothing at all, but
instead simply ran down the failures of the past. Hitler said
simply, "Give us four years." Meanwhile he assured his
supporters that these would actually be the last elections to be
expected for 10, perhaps even a hundred years.
Terrorism and lawlessness mushroomed during the campaign,
culminating in the Reichstag fire just a few days before the
elections. This pretext was used to suspend individual liberties
as guaranteed by the Weimar Constitution, enabling the Nazis to
take any actions they pleased against their political opponents.
Following the election and the suppression of all effective
opposition, Hitler forced the passage of the infamous enabling
law, the foundation of Hitler's dictatorship. This gave the
Chancellor the right to make laws without the cooperation of the
Reichstag for a period of four years. Now, after it was too
late, it became clear what Hitler had meant in his campaign
theme, "Just give us four years."
Hitler's enabling law gave him the power to rule by fiat,
which is the power of dictatorship. To enact a law as Dictator
without the concurrence of the Reichstag, the Chancellor had only
to write a law and publish it, and in exactly the same way the
President of the United States can, and does, make law without
any action by Congress in the form of "EXECUTIVE ORDERS." These
'laws' signed by the President himself, become law simply by
being published in the "FEDERAL REGISTER."
Since March 1933, we have been technically in a continuous
condition of 'National Emergency', and many governmental powers
have been usurped by American presidents under this condition
over the past 43 years. But every time a major new phase is
entered, there is a fresh declaration of National Emergency.
In monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 10 four months ago, I alerted you
to the fact that plans are now progressing rapidly toward
implementing Executive Order 11490 signed by President Nixon
nearly seven years ago to provide in detail for a total
government take-over of all activities in a 'declared Emergency'.
And on June 11, 1976, just last month, President Ford signed a
new Executive Order 11921 very quietly, which updates the older
Executive Order and shifts the emphasis heavily in the direction
of post-attack conditions as we near the outbreak of war! It
places heavy emphasis on procedures relating to nuclear,
biological, and chemical hazards of the sort introduced into our
environment by the planned war. It provides for the
establishment, not the preservation, of an economy for the
nation. It provides for sweeping controls on that all important
resource, WATER, which is to be controlled and allocated by the
federal government. This is the outcome of the little noticed
"National Commission on Water Quality" which was started by
Nelson Rockefeller at the same time as his better known
"Commission on Critical Choices."
My friends, write to your Congressman and demand that he send
you a copy of the FEDERAL REGISTER for June 15, 1976, and read
for yourself the 44 pages of detailed provisions for the
"National Emergency" which is planned for all of us. If
possible, this will be brought into play in the wake of oil
shortages and other disruptions generated in the wake of a Mid
East war! But the thrust of Executive Order 11921 just signed by
Ford has to do with the aftermath of nuclear attack.
The pattern, my friends, is unmistakable. After Hitler
achieved power, he progressively consolidated it by eliminating
opposition political parties, ending independent local government
and replacing it with agents of his federal government, enforcing
his will by means of a Secret Police and spies, disposing of
troublesome elements by means of Concentration Camps, and using
Germany as a springboard for war to conquer other nations as
If the Rockefeller Brothers succeed in their plans, the United
States of America will soon witness a replay of Hitlerism,
brought up to date and made more repressive and horrible than
ever by those who used Hitler for their own purposes.
Topic #3--If NUCLEAR WAR ONE is permitted to take place as
planned on American soil, perhaps you will survive it. Many will
not, but some will; but if you do survive, what sort of future do
you and your trusting children have to look forward to?
My friends, whether or not the Rockefellers are double-crossed
by their Soviet allies, the aftermath of NUCLEAR WAR ONE promises
to be slavery for you and all your loved ones. If the
Rockefeller Brothers somehow find a way to prevent a double-cross
by the Soviets, then the war will proceed as planned for the
benefit of the Rockefellers. Half of America's population will
be consumed in nuclear blasts a thousand times hotter than the
ovens of Hitler. Those who are left will be given the task of
rebuilding America along the patterns dictated by the Rockefeller
Brothers--a once free people reduced to slave labor, shipped like
cattle to one area to rebuild a bombed-out power dam, to another
area to work in uranium mines, to still another area to work the
agricultural lands owned by the huge agri-businesses owned by the
Rockefellers and their collaborators.
If the Rockefellers are double-crossed, the death toll during
the war itself may be even higher but the results afterward will
be no different. Instead of living under a Rockefeller
dictatorship, we will exist under Soviet occupation whose
characteristics will be practically the same. And so, my
friends, the choice between the Rockefeller Brothers and their
Soviet allies is no choice at all.
If these things are allowed to come to pass and the final link
in the chain reaction that is to begin with general war in the
Middle East, then the life that will be left to us and our little
ones will not be worth living. That is why for my part I would
rather speak the truth now in the hope that we may yet turn to a
third choice, the saving of our free country from war and
dictatorship while it can still be done. The lesson of history
is that this cannot be done; that like countless peoples before
us, we will refuse to see the truth, believe it, and act on it in
time to save ourselves. That is how most Germans reacted to
Adolf Hitler in the early 1930's, and that is how most Americans
are still behaving today.
But 200 years ago a small band of very wise men defied the
rules of history and created a government that freed men as no
government had done in 5000 years, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And you and I can redeem this priceless heritage. We, too, can
and must defy history in the same way by saving the unique
heritage that is ours.
Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,
and may God bless each and every one of you.
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